

Delivery guy refuses to move his van despite it blocking a resident's way out, resident decides to get payback while waiting by giving driver a taste of his own medicine: ‘I won't move’

Delivery guy refuses to move his van despite it blocking a resident's way out, resident decides to get payback while waiting by giving driver a taste of his own medicine: ‘I won't move’

When we were 16, and finally were old enough to get a driver's license, we always imagined being able to drive as the greatest thing in the world . Who didn't love the idea of no longer having to depend on our parents, public transportation, or Uber? Just getting in our car and driving wherever we want to, whenever we want to… Such a dream. Even though that is still (kind of) how it works, there are a lot of things our 16-year-old selves did not consider when we first managed to get our hands o…
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 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit aita family family drama Father Mother exes divorce money relationships

'He had 30 days to pay me $120k in full': Father refuses to make child support payments, ex-wife uses perfectly-kept records to make him pay

Many people are aware that roughly 40% of marriages end in divorce. But they always think, “That's what will happen to other people's marriages. My spouse and I will beat the odds, love each other forever, and figure out a way to make any disagreement work out.” As much as a couple tries to make their relationship work, sometimes people are just happier on their own.
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Babies family dynamics teens family drama stepmother aita AITAH infant kids teenagers blended family siblings stepchild moms family feud parenting family pregnant reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Family - 38734085

Pushy step-grandma insists that 14-year-old call her “grandma," despite teen not wanting to do so: 'I don't want to call her grandma'

14-year-old tells pushy step-grandma to : 'I don’t want to call her grandma'
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Stepmom accuses 17-year-old son of being a selfish brother after discovering he blocked his stepsiblings on his phone, son refuses to back down: ‘They are not my responsibility’

Stepmom accuses 17-year-old son of being a selfish brother after discovering he blocked his stepsiblings on his phone, son refuses to back down: ‘They are not my responsibility’

While most kids would be happy to discover they are getting a new sibling, these things don't always come under the best circumstances. Sure, it can be an exciting moment when both your parents sit you down and tell you that mom is pregnant and you are going to get a baby brother or sister. But there are other scenarios in which a new brother and sister is not as exciting as it may sound. If your parents are already divorced, and the new sibling is actually coming from someone one of your paren…
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 aita family family drama Father Mother son Family feud Wedding weddings Marriage bride Groom wedding ceremony girlfriend brother pregnant

Brother surprises family with pregnant girlfriend at his sibling's destination wedding: 'He admitted it's... not his baby'

Family dramas come in all shapes and sizes, but this dude chose the most explosive time to drop his relationship news to his extended family. Even the most peace-loving family will have their challenging moments. Disagreements will always happen, and the quickest way to solve them is through good communication. That's the exact opposite of what this person's brother did, though. He showed up with enough drama to cause an entire wedding to be about him! If your sibling stole the show at your spe…
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Entitled resident refuses to move her car after neighbor informs her landscaping work in the area might damage it, neighbor lets her deal with the consequences: ‘I chose the path of civility’

Entitled resident refuses to move her car after neighbor informs her landscaping work in the area might damage it, neighbor lets her deal with the consequences: ‘I chose the path of civility’

Sometimes, usually more often than we would like to, being nice to other people completely backfires and leaves us wishing we never left our house in the morning. You can have the purest intentions and still end up being the 'bad guy' in the story, at least from the perspective of the person you were trying to help. When it comes to neighborly disputes, these types of situations happen a lot more than you would think. As much as we want to be nice to our neighbors, that almost never works out.…
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Parent refuses to watch 6, 5, 4, and 1-year-old kids for entitled friend: 'I told her it's not my job'

Parents of multiple children , I don't know how you do it. Watching a singular child can take up all of your energy. Add two or three more to the mix, and all bets are off. You find yourself letting the kids watch TV just so you can chase the baby around. Or you'll have to take the kids outside so they can burn off their extra energy, but you have to put the toddler in a harness backpack because you can't watch all the kids at one time. Parenting is never an easy job, but the more kids you have…
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friendship drama Reddit Parenting aita pregnancy motherhood reddit story advice toxic relationship children - 38678533

'You don’t need to have a baby just to hold onto him': Woman's best friend claims she wants to have a baby with new boyfriend after three unsuccessful relationships, woman tells her it's a bad idea

Friendship is like a garden. You have to water it, and tend to it. And sometimes, what you think is best for the garden may not be the best solution. There are moments in life where we have to put aside our own opinions and morals to support our friends. It’s what unconditional love is all about! Friends can come for advice, take it or leave it, and what they decide for their life journey is out of our hands. We all know a friend who has made some questionable choices, and it’s our job to give…
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family drama aita AITAH married with children moms reddit story relationships influencer Reddit children Family - 38679301

'I seriously cannot imagine being filmed while going through a medical procedure': Woman tells dad's girlfriend she doesn't want to film her birth after girlfriend gets her a videographer as a gift

Gifts from family members are always a toss-up. If they know you well, you run the risk of receiving a gift that they think would be perfect for you, while you have to sit there and be grateful for something you never wanted in the first place. If they don’t know you well at all, you might have to force a smile for a gift that doesn’t make any sense. It’s best if the family just sticks to money or gift cards or from a specific list you’ve provided so they aren’t led astray. The worst possible o…
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Babies family dynamics teens family drama stepmother aita AITAH infant kids teenagers blended family siblings stepchild moms family feud parenting family pregnant reddit thread parent raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Family - 38495749

17-year old tells her new stepmother that she doesn't want to be her "daughter": 'She has a photo frame in her home office that says mommy's girl and there's a photo of me in it'

Adapting to massive changes in our lives is never easy—never. It's really not something you get used to or comfortable with in life; you just learn to deal with the stress and uncertainty more effectively and in healthier ways. Even when you know it's just around the corner, you'll find yourself grappling with the overwhelming sensations of new experiences. Without a blueprint of methodology prepared to default back to your brain, it is constantly searching to make sense of it all and engage wi…
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'You will never be allowed near my family': 34-year-old parent goes no contact with relentless stepmother who won't stop getting involved

'You will never be allowed near my family': 34-year-old parent goes no contact with relentless stepmother who won't stop getting involved

Making the decision to go “no contact” with a family member as a fully grown adult is obviously not for the faint of heart. It takes guts to stand up for yourself to tell a so-called “authority figure” in your life that the way in which they are behaving is unfair and unacceptable. Most of the time, when family members get to this point of no return, they have already tried everything. Confrontations lead to failed progress. Failed progress leads to the same mistakes happening over and over aga…
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Brother and sister cut off contact with their dad after he demands they get adopted by his new wife, other siblings take father's side: 'You're being ungrateful’

Brother and sister cut off contact with their dad after he demands they get adopted by his new wife, other siblings take father's side: 'You're being ungrateful’

We all know those beautiful and moving videos of parents surprising their step-children with adoption papers, as they become their official parents for life. Creating this combined family should be a wonderful and exciting thing that every single member of the family wants. This means that you cannot force it to happen–it must happen naturally, with the approval of both the children and the parents. If you try to force the unification of two families, you should not be surprised if you are met…
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'Can you go now? I'm having company!!!': New residents feud with entitled neighbors over denying them access to their pool whenever they want

'Can you go now? I'm having company!!!': New residents feud with entitled neighbors over denying them access to their pool whenever they want

Clearly, these folks need to get their own pools and stop mooching off of one that doesn't belong to them. Whatever happened to people staying on their own property, respecting boundaries, and leaving one another alone? Typically, when we come across stories of neighborhood drama, the HOA board members are often at fault. In this instance, however, we're not even dealing with an HOA neighborhood, which only goes to show that entitled, annoying community members will always find a way to disturb…
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Office lunch thief eats birthday cake for employee's daughter, employee loses it: 'Your boss ate the cake'

Office lunch thief eats birthday cake meant for employee's daughter, employee loses it: 'Your boss ate the cake'

Office lunch thieves are a frequent occurrence that can make the drudgery of going into the office all the more frustrating. That being said, most lunch thieves would not go so far as to eat the personalized birthday cake a coworker was saving for his daughter's special day. Some mooching is forgivable, but this was just heartless. Of course, one of the biggest ways to combat this kind of occurrence is by labeling one's food in a communal fridge, but even that only goes so far. When people oper…
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33-year-old woman quits job to be tradwife without consulting her husband, he divorces her: 'There is no need for my wife to be at home 24/7'

33-year-old woman quits job to become tradwife without consulting her husband, he divorces her: 'There is no need for my wife to be at home 24/7'

The latest revival of the “tradwife” is clearly not going away any time soon. For those of you who are unaware (and we certainly do not blame you if you are), the so-called “tradwife movement” is its own subculture of various social media platforms, from TikTok to YouTube to Instagram, in which influencers are sharing and promoting more traditional ideologies surrounding men and women in the domestic space. Although the movement has sparked controversy , there seem to be no signs of it slowing…
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Resident blocks officer's car after he parks it in private parking spot, officer claims resident is breaking the law, leading to a dispute: ‘Obey or there will be consequences’

Resident blocks officer's car after he parks it in private parking spot, officer claims resident is breaking the law, leading to a dispute: ‘Obey or there will be consequences’

Nobody is above the law, not even people who work in law enforcement, especially not people who work for law enforcement . Not only are they not above it, but if they try to use their status to their favor, they should definitely not be getting away with those kinds of actions. The main problem is, that not many people would be willing to stand up to people like that . It is not easy to stand in front of an officer and tell them that they are wrong, or that they are using their power for “bad”.…
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