

family drama aita brother sibling rivalry siblings family feud family sister - 25862405

Sister evicts brother's family from their family home, wonders if she's wrong: 'Last week him and his family were officially evicted'

Family dynamics are tough, and when it comes to siblings and cousins—as close as you might be—there's a very good chance that as you grow up you'll grow apart as you find your own path's in life. It's one of the hardest things to experience and leaves a lasting impression on you, but maybe you were better off without them. After all, they're all crazy, but you're not… right? Statistics aren't on your side but surely your apple must have fallen a little further from the tree than the rest of the…
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'We are not going to be sending her there': Problematic parents refuse to send younger daughter to same private school as her sister because she isn't into STEM

'We are not going to be sending her there': Problematic parents refuse to send younger daughter to same private school as her sister because she isn't into STEM

Rarely has favoritism been so blatantly obvious. This father can try to rationalize his logic as much as he wants, but the truth of the matter is that he does not value his artistic daughter's talents and sensibilities as much as he values his more STEM-leaning daughter's gifts. In the case of the latter, he and his wife made sure to invest in their eldest's academic prospects by sending her to a private school. Meanwhile, their younger daughter had been secretly hoping that she could attend th…
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'He agreed to buy me replacements... then backtracked': Brother refuses to cancel sibling's debt after his kids ruin expensive art supplies

'He agreed to buy me replacements... then backtracked': Brother refuses to cancel sibling's debt after his kids ruin expensive art supplies

These siblings were trying not to argue in front of the kids, but they just can't agree on who needs to repay who . Children will get into everything that they can. They don't always understand the concept of valuable items. They have no problem throwing food on the floor, breaking plates or vases, or keying your car, just to name a few examples. Their brains simply aren't developed enough to know why some things are more important to grown-ups than others. That's why it's usually the responsib…
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family drama aita hospital family secrets dad family sister reddit thread Reddit - 25576197

Woman discovers long lost sister, sister blocks her on social media, woman shows up at her work: 'She had no interest in forging a relationship'

This lady needs to take a hint. When she first discovered her long-lost sister, she somehow missed what seemed like obvious clues that her sister, Esty, was uncomfortable about the whole thing given that she fell out of touch with their father. Then, this lady did not get the message when Esty blocked her on social media after the lady started following Esty and messaging her constantly. Finally, Esty took things way too far when she showed up at Esty's place of work completely unannounced. Tha…
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'By all means, keep it up and get fired': Customer service rep refuses to stop CC'ing their CEO in emails

'By all means, keep it up and get fired': Customer service rep refuses to stop CC'ing their CEO in emails

This person is completely blind to the consequences of their impatience. Luckily for the rest of us, their story is an unintentionally funny tale of workplace ignorance. There's always that one coworker that just doesn't pick up on the job. They could have all the training in the world, but they still don't understand basic tasks. They're the person who needs your help ten times per day when you're not even their supervisor. Other times, “that one coworker” will do their job so badly that every…
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aita reddit lunch break coworker coworkers employee employees boss manager supervisor working ceo job business company aita wife jealous husband reddit-thread

'Does she also send scathing texts to his hairdresser?': Successful side-hustle causes a stir in the workplace when a jealous wife finds out her husband eats lunch made by another woman

There's nothing more delicious than a home-cooked meal after a long morning at work. Not only does your lunch break provide a reprise from the laborious load of the day, but it also gives coworkers a chance to mingle, relax, and chow down on some decent grub. In the workplace in our next story, warehouse laborers live a spoiled life, enjoying home-cooked lunches from a fellow coworker...
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‘Not gonna happen’: Nosy resident attempts to stop neighbor from building a fence to keep them out of their business, leading to a property dispute

‘Not gonna happen’: Nosy resident attempts to stop neighbor from building a fence to keep them out of their business, leading to a property dispute

When you're a kid, and you are watching a Hallmark movie or just a show that displays the Perfect American Family, you end up assuming that your neighbors are going to become your best friends. In those movies, they always greet each other good morning, their kids end up becoming best friends (and then more often than not - end up getting married), and it always seems like having neighbors is the best experience ever. Is it actually like that in real life? Absolutely not. You are lucky if your…
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karens aita entitled parents kids karen-customer friends parenting karens in the wild entitled mom karen parents children entitled people - 25414149

Kid wants a doughnut that isn't his, entitled parents won't tell him no: 'I refused a doughnut to a kid and then called his mom out'

You know… kids are dumb; it's really an undeniable and certifiable fact. In fact, it's not even a programming error rather it's actually one of the features of being a kid; you don't have to know everything or be responsible and can romp around; it's up to your parents, other guardians, or mining foreman to manage that for you and teach it to you in constructive ways. “You can't always get what you want” is one of those first lessons that you're taught in life, and has been an essential part of…
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Entitled mother-in-law brings uninvited guests to bride's wedding, sabotages photographs: 'Husband taking [his] crazy family's side is a huge red flag':

Entitled mother-in-law brings uninvited guests to bride's wedding, sabotages photographs: 'Husband taking [his] crazy family's side is a huge red flag':

It's remarkable how common it is for the parents of the bride and groom to think the entire wedding is about them. Of course, if they contributed to the event financially or emotionally, of course, they deserve a voice. However, even parents who pay for an entire wedding should understand that they are not going to be the center of attention the entire time. This entitled mother-in-law didn't even contribute a dime, and yet she still felt the need to stir the pot and cause a scene. First, she r…
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Wife locks husband out of bedroom over petty mistake, gets upset when he golfs all weekend: 'She should not be doing this'

Wife locks husband out of bedroom over petty mistake, gets upset when he golfs all weekend: 'She should not be doing this'

In this marriage, only one person gets to sleep in the bedroom when the couple argues. I always thought that was a silly sitcom trope, or perhaps just a luxury for people who live in houses and not small apartments. In any case, it's that classic bit where a husband and wife argue, and the husband is forced to sleep on the couch to atone for his behavior. Only in this dude's case, he wasn't even in the wrong! This dude and his wife have a really strange relationship dynamic, which commenters we…
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'Pay her? Get outta here, I'm her dad': Woman sells husbands watch to pay for his birthday cake

'Pay her? Get outta here, I'm her dad': Woman sells husband's watch to pay for his birthday cake, infuriates entire family

The dynamics in this family are a big mess. U/F54tughi556 can tell you all about it, because they had an interesting question for r/AmItheA******. The tale revolves around a birthday cake . Some people don't care at all about their birthday cake, and just bring out a package of cupcakes from the grocery store. But to others, especially those who love to share their lives online, having a pretty cake is a major part of a birthday celebration . It's a nice way to remember your special day. This p…
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'She thinks [...] he has a right to park there': Roommates confront student's boyfriend who keeps hogging shared parking spot

'She thinks [...] he has a right to park there': Roommates confront student's boyfriend who keeps hogging shared parking spot

Fighting over limited parking spaces is one of those universal experiences that connects even the most different individuals. Here , we have a group of five college students whose off-campus apartment included just two parking spaces in their driveway, which unfortunately meant that three of the tenants needed to rely on street parking regularly. One of the students who claimed one of those two desired spots at the beginning of their lease had their car towed. However, instead of giving her spo…
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fruit guava guava-tree tree tree-net neighbor neighbors neighborhood petty aita reddit interesting debate

Dad turns salty when the ‘fruit fairy’ next door builds a net around their guava tree: ‘I said he could buy some [fruit] off me if he wanted’

Would you be unwilling to share the fruits of your labor with an ungrateful neighbor?
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'[You're] 30 years old and still acting like an entitled child': Only child flips out at mother for planning birthday celebration after their actual birthday

'[You're] 30 years old and still acting like an entitled child': Only child flips out at mother for planning birthday celebration after their actual birthday

Have you ever had a birthday celebration so bad that you threw a fit over it? Maybe if you're a toddler strapped into your high chair and given a cupcake to destroy while your family laughs at how messy you're getting. But in this story, it's a person who has just turned 30 who is throwing a tantrum, and the internet is telling them just how childish they really are. Everyone has different expectations for their birthdays . You learn this as soon as you meet the first person in your life who wa…
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Entitled Karen Mom throws her own 40th birthday, then has an outburst at her husband and kids in front of guests: 'My plans put theirs to shame'

Entitled Karen Mom throws her own 40th birthday, then has an outburst at her husband and kids in front of guests: 'My plans put theirs to shame'

Imagine being a teenager and having your Mom shame you for not planning an adequate 40th birthday for her… This kid was 16 years old! What exactly did she expect? We understand that this lady wanted something special after always planning birthday extravaganzas for her spouse and kids. That being said, as she herself acknowledged, not everyone is good at planning parties. Therefore, if she felt that she was more capable of throwing her own 40th birthday celebration rather than handing the dutie…
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'I have every right': resident refuses to remove security camera from front door after demanding neighbors complain it overlooks their property

'I have every right': resident refuses to remove security camera from front door after demanding neighbors complain it overlooks their property

Have you ever heard the famous phrase 'Patience is a virtue'? Even if you haven't, it is not that hard of a sentence to understand–having patience is a good trait to have. You would think that it also would not be so hard to act accordingly and have patience in your day-to-day life. But that is often not the case. Especially when it comes to the neighbors in this Reddit story. OP (original poster), has a ring camera that records the front of their house, to make sure no one steals their package…
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