

terrible coworkers aita coworkers reddit story etiquette entitled reddit thread coworker entitled people - 22702597

'I got called into HR': Coworker accidentally reports themself to HR after stealing bait lunch from fridge

Your things are your own, and while it can be nice to share, you need to respect other people's stuff and not take things without asking. This is essentially the first lesson that we're ever taught in school, and yet, a frightful amount of people can't seem to get that one right. We're not saying that you should go around teaching people lessons; It's just not a good idea, you might actually be the one in the wrong, and there's far too much chance of you getting the facts wrong, but it's mighty…
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'I'm not going to become a vegan': Woman repeatedly preaches veganism to her roommates, they confront her, she loses it

'I'm not going to become a vegan': Woman repeatedly preaches veganism to her roommates, they confront her, she loses it

You can't expect everyone around you to do things your way! Look, there are many compromises people need to make as roommates. All parties need to agree to certain rules, like tidying up in shared spaces, doing your dishes, etc. These are all necessary conversations roommates need to have in order to coexist peacefully. Of course, roommates also need to acknowledge and recognize that people have different ways of doing things, and not everyone is going to align on everything all the time. You w…
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family drama aita flight wife petty husband entitled family trip tickets reddit thread daughter Reddit vacation - 22675973

'Without consulting anyone, I switched our tickets last minute': Dad abandons daughter on family vacation to take a 40th anniversary trip with his wife

Alright, so here's the deal. Our OP (aka the dad) did in fact change their family vacation plans the night before departure, leaving his daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids hanging. But tbh, he might be valid in this case. Our OP and his wife have been dreaming about a romantic getaway to celebrate their love for the 40th anniversary for a while. It might be the only trip they can manage for a while due to the costs. But when their daughter caught wind of it...
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relationship advice aita marriage relationship-drama reddit story married life marriage-drama relationships etiquette reddit thread dating - 22587397

'He's jealous of me': Boss wife bullies her own husband at work and tells their coworkers his secrets, wonders if she's the bad guy

Working closely together with your spouse in a workplace environment presents all sorts of opportunities for possible issues and abnormal workplace relationships. There's a reason why many organizations outright forbid known couples from remaining in the same workgroup, choosing to prevent the chance of these problems altogether by moving one of them to a different part of the company. Still, the last possible scenario you'd probably expect is one of the members of the couple to create problems…
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reddit thread bakery cake pregnant entitled entitled-people parents parenting toddler tantrum last aita

'I ordered first': Guy buys the last cake in the bakery for his pregnant wife; gets accosted by a mother behind him in line for 'stealing the last cake' from her child

After purchasing the last cake on the shelf for his pregnant wife, this guy swiftly served up a slice of real life– with a side of frosting.
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'I didn't mean to say it out loud, but COME ON': Teenager gets in trouble for honest reaction to news that her sister is pregnant again

'I didn't mean to say it out loud, but COME ON': Teenager gets in trouble for honest reaction to news that her sister is pregnant again

Sometimes, we say things we absolutely shouldn't but we are human, and we just can't help ourselves. In a few of these instances, you may be able to argue your way out of trouble, but if you've hurt someone's feelings (especially those of a close family member), good luck trying to talk yourself out of it. In this story , we have a teenager whose older sister has six children. Now, six is a lot, especially if you have to frequently rely on the help of your mother and sister because of all that…
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relationship advice aita marriage drama drama wife relationship-drama reddit story relationships husband etiquette reddit thread - 22587653

'[I called] my wife a nerf herder': Husband derided for insulting wife with obscure Star Wars reference

Relationships are an ongoing affair, with constant growth and change of the individuals necessitating growth and change of the relationship itself. Of course, with the tendency for couples to establish codependency and isolate themselves from any other social interaction, often this growth and change can lead the couple in strange new directions , causing them to morph into unrecognizable amorphous symbiotes vaguely representing their former selves. Part of this involves adopting pet names for…
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'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini fridge

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini-fridge

When we think about the difficult lives of teachers, we often draw our attention to the annoying students they are forced to educate, but we rarely acknowledge that teachers may also have to deal with annoying coworkers just like everyone else. Having an insufferable coworker at your school has to be infuriating after a full schedule of teaching neurotic and whiny students all day. These teachers rarely get a moment of peace at their desks, and when they do, they generally need to do some lesso…
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reddit reddit-thread reddit-story malicious-compliance aita petty revenge mother-in-law family family-matters husband pregnant wife daughter-in-law daughter reimbursed

‘Not an opportunity to make a quick buck’: Mother-in-law tries to charge her pregnant daughter $400+ for cleaning the house, while she was at the hospital giving birth

Usually good Samaritan behavior is something people don't expect reimbursement for, but apparently for one woman, her mother-in-law expected to be paid in full for her good deeds.
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reddit reddit-thread thread petty revenge aita friend friendship friends boys-night tardy late fomo funny humor story deserved

'Tough luck, you were 2.5 hours late': Habitually tardy friend gets 'ditched' at boys night after being insanely late for their plans; friends have a great time without him

Always late and not worth the wait
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air travel aita airports airport airplanes airplane karens reddit story etiquette reddit thread karen kevin - 22460165

'Was I in the wrong?': Tall angry dude insists that he deserves woman's airline seat that she paid for

Air travel creates opportunities for some interesting social interactions that you wouldn't find elsewhere in life. Part of that is people tend to be pretty stressed out, even long before they actually manage to get seated on the flight. What with waking up early to get to the airport with ample time with ample anxiety owing to the uncertainty of queue times that can range from mere minutes to hours depending on the day… Following, you have to get undressed for security, parting your belongings…
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family drama aita marriage drama families wife reddit story marriage-drama husband etiquette marriage advice family reddit thread - 22422533

'She's deluded': Husband rudely refuses to leave the family boot dryer at home, turns out she was trying to surprise him with a new one

My major revelation from this thread is the fact that a “boot dryer” exists. I mean, it makes complete sense, but for some reason, I have never conceptualized its existence—and this is coming from a guy who wears boots and occasionally has wet boots… I could have used one of these years ago. But my ignorance regarding boot dryers is not the issue at hand here; rather, it's this family's disagreement regarding the priority of usage of theirs. This husband stood his ground when his wife began ins…
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aita school elementary school mother principal crazy things parents say teachers reddit story teacher parenting back to school etiquette dad elementary teacher-stories reddit thread mom parents Father - 22400773

'He thanked me for being a concerned "Daddy" as a backhanded insult': Tik-Tok Teacher dismisses parent's concern about his videos of their child

Recent developments in “mass content” social media have resulted in this strange divergence in the population. On one hand, there are those who share everything online and post every little detail of their day as if they're living their life on a stage. On the other hand, is the rest of the population who are horrified at the very thought of sharing a single image of themselves, let alone videos with entire monologues about intimate details of their lives. Now, you're free to live your own life…
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The internet weighs in on man who dumped his girlfriend in front of her family

'I told my girlfriend, right there at the table, that it wasn't going to work out': The internet weighs in on man who dumped his girlfriend in front of her family

In a shocking twist, a Reddit user recently found himself facing a challenging and unexpected situation in his relationship. After enjoying six months of happiness with his girlfriend, the couple decided to take their commitment to the next level by moving in together. He thought he had discovered the perfect match, but little did he know that she was about to drop a bombshell that would shatter the illusion of their seemingly picturesque relationship. Faced with this revelation, the boyfriend…
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vacation travel traveling solo-vacation solo solo-trvel wife husband married booking airline hotel flights trip reddit reddit-thread reddit-story planning aita

‘I’m still going': Wife departs on a solo trip after her husband fails to complete one simple task to help with planning

Planning a vacation with your significant other is the first big step in any romantic relationship because it sets up your vacation expectations for the rest of your life. So what are you supposed to do if you accidentally married a total dud who can't help plan your next dream vacation? Well, go solo of course.
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Update: 'All three of them ran straight into the pool': Uncle gets even with nieces and nephews, their parents charge him for broken phones, revealing financial woes

Update: 'All three of them ran straight into the pool': Uncle gets even with nieces and nephews, their parents charge him for broken phones, revealing financial woes

Who knew that a simple prank gone wrong would ignite a long-lasting family feud? Let's be real: the most annoying kind of child is the kid who likes to pull pranks. The original poster of this epic Reddit saga, which was initially shared on the r/AmITheA**hole subreddit, knew that his nieces and nephews all fell into that category. Perhaps because he didn't have children himself, he could see these kids for who they really are. In this scenario, at a family gathering, the kids banded together a…
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