

Entitled Karen Mom throws her own 40th birthday, then has an outburst at her husband and kids in front of guests: 'My plans put theirs to shame'

Entitled Karen Mom throws her own 40th birthday, then has an outburst at her husband and kids in front of guests: 'My plans put theirs to shame'

Imagine being a teenager and having your Mom shame you for not planning an adequate 40th birthday for her… This kid was 16 years old! What exactly did she expect? We understand that this lady wanted something special after always planning birthday extravaganzas for her spouse and kids. That being said, as she herself acknowledged, not everyone is good at planning parties. Therefore, if she felt that she was more capable of throwing her own 40th birthday celebration rather than handing the dutie…
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'I have every right': resident refuses to remove security camera from front door after demanding neighbors complain it overlooks their property

'I have every right': resident refuses to remove security camera from front door after demanding neighbors complain it overlooks their property

Have you ever heard the famous phrase 'Patience is a virtue'? Even if you haven't, it is not that hard of a sentence to understand–having patience is a good trait to have. You would think that it also would not be so hard to act accordingly and have patience in your day-to-day life. But that is often not the case. Especially when it comes to the neighbors in this Reddit story. OP (original poster), has a ring camera that records the front of their house, to make sure no one steals their package…
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'Did no one tell you this itinerary was way too much?': Bride-to-be dismayed over bachelorette party of "25 of my closest girlfriends" gone wrong

'Did no one tell you this itinerary was way too much?': Bride-to-be dismayed over bachelorette party of "25 of my closest girlfriends" gone wrong

Most of us can count our closest friends on one hand… meanwhile, this extroverted bride has 25 close friends ! If you have 25 friends or more, that's probably normal. If you're the extroverted type who befriends everyone you come across, you might have dozens of people you call your friends. When it comes to wedding planning, it's hard to narrow down that list of friends to include the ones you want to attend your big day. One bride who wrote in to r/AmItheA****** is going to have a lot of deci…
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tomatoes aita cook cooking sister-in-law banned husband chef house visit - 25120005

‘If you don’t keep an eye on her, she will get into the kitchen’: Woman spoils 40 pounds of tomatoes, gets banned from her SIL’s house

Tomatoes: what can’t they do? They’re the perfect food for making a BLT on a hot summer day. And for those cold winter nights, you can do what this chef did, and cook up a big pot of sauce . This person apparently also goes big or goes home, because she decided to cook up 40 pounds of tomatoes in one sitting. That’s well over 100 tomatoes—her recipe could’ve had 120 tomatoes or more, depending on their size. If you’re an experienced chef, making meals in huge batches is a great way to save time…
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'I know this sounds bad': Dude abandons GF at the top of a mountain to avoid missing Jets game

'I know this sounds bad': Dude abandons GF at the top of a mountain to avoid missing Jets game

“I could not miss this game,” admitted one guy who's probably about to get dumped. This guy decided to post to r/AmItheA****** with a question: “AITA for abandoning my girlfriend on top of a mountain?” In case commenters felt hasty to judge, u/moneytreesplease clarified that they know their summary sounded bad, but “it wasn't even a big mountain.” Well in that case, carry on. As a weekend hiker, this dude thought it'd be fun to get a quick hike in. Usually, they go alone, while their GF stays i…
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'She ruined a 4 year old D&D campaign': D&D players "stunned" when one player walks out of final session early

'She ruined a 4 year old D&D campaign': D&D players "stunned" when one player walks out of final session early

This isn't the way one D&D player imagined their campaign ending. It's all thanks to their inconsiderate roommate, who is seemingly focused more on her new BF than her current friend group. Falling in love is wonderful and crazy. Love makes people act in ridiculous ways. You've probably experienced this yourself. Maybe your high school best friend suddenly partnered up and stopped hanging out with you every day. Or maybe your friend starts canceling all of your dinner dates so that she can spen…
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'That is really not your business': Teacher lashes out at coworker in public for asking questions about her personal life

'That is really not your business': Teacher lashes out at coworker in public for asking questions about her personal life

Keeping life and work separate is, of course, a healthy separation to strive to achieve, but it is nearly impossible to achieve entirely. Balance is important, but the inability to achieve a total separation between life and work is not necessarily a bad thing. Just ask anyone who has seen the Severance ! The fact of the matter is that you spend the majority of your week as an adult with your coworkers. They are bound to get to know you in some small way, and that is necessary for healthy colla…
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'Over 2 dozen people [sent] quitting emails': Employee sees boss yell at intern for no reason, causes mass quitting

'Over 2 dozen people [sent] quitting emails': Employee sees boss yell at intern for no reason, causes mass quitting

Employers who throw random unnecessary temper tantrums are essentially asking to make enemies. It should not have been a surprise to this toxic boss that someone was going to witness his public outburst at a young intern and do something about it. Thankfully, there were enough employees at the company who were already over this guy that retaliation against him snowballed at an abnormally fast pace. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by the former employee who started t…
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'She called me spoiled and entitled': Rich kid doesn't get extravagant 18th birthday party, accuses parents of picking favorites

'She called me spoiled and entitled': Rich kid doesn't get extravagant 18th birthday party, accuses parents of picking favorites

For once, the ruthless folks of the internet sided with a potentially entitled rich kid. What backward universe are we living in? Well, it turns out the only thing worse than clueless, entitled kids are their clueless, entitled parents. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Odd_Emotion662 , a young man whose sister got to have an extravagant party for her 18th birthday. Clearly, the original poster got it in his head that when he turned 18, he would get similar treat…
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Boss tries to take her employee's first class seat upgrade: 'She wanted to talk to me about my lack of respect for protocol'

Boss tries to take her employee's first class seat upgrade: 'She wanted to talk to me about my lack of respect for protocol'

It's almost inevitable that traveling with your boss will lead to an uncomfortable situation. These unforeseen circumstances typically cannot be prevented, but at the end of the day, you're forced to navigate a cringeworthy dynamic with your employer that will make returning to the office after the work trip all the more bizarre and challenging. These cringe moments can include an odd quirk or eccentricity you learn about your boss or your boss learns about you. For instance, I once had a boss…
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Petty Aunt Karen forces fully grown nephew to sit with six year olds at their family reunion: 'This is the adult's table'

Petty Aunt Karen forces fully grown nephew to sit with six year olds at their family reunion: 'This is the adult's table'

Family get-togethers always bring an unnecessary amount of shade and entitlement. As you get older, you only notice it more and more and ti just becomes less and less bearable. That's what food and drink are for. However, this Redditor wasn't even allowed to partake in that because his petty Aunt Karen refused to let him sit at the “adult's table” despite him being a fully-grown man at this point. Instead, he had to six at a table of six years olds once again.
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'She trusted my word and denied her a position': Researcher questions if she made the right choice in denying a 'strong applicant' a job

'She trusted my word and denied her a position': Researcher questions if she made the right choice in denying a 'strong applicant' a job

Guilt was eating this researcher up, so she turned to the internet for some help. These students are still quite young—they're both just 19 years old. They still have a lot of learning to do about how the world works and office politics. It's the kinds of things you learn over time, like knowing to schmooze with the right people when you have the opportunity, or knowing about the “praise publicly, criticize privately” rule. When you're young and first starting off, all you know is that you want…
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'Streaming is his livelihood, but...I had to make a point': Dude cuts wifi during roommate's popular livestream

'Streaming is his livelihood, but...I had to make a point': Dude cuts wifi during roommate's popular livestream

If you're not good with your money , it doesn't matter how much you make. For those who make a regular or lowish salary, it seems impossible that someone making $100k+ could ever lose all that. But it happens all the time—just think of how many multi-millionaire celebs wind up broke and selling off their estates to make a quick buck. A lot of people find that money burns a hole in their pocket. They get their paycheck and immediately start thinking of all the cool products they could buy. Some…
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‘Don’t ever come back here': Man kicks his roommate out after finding out he has been purposely messing with his food

‘Don’t ever come back here': Man kicks his roommate out after finding out he has been purposely messing with his food

Even if you are the most friendly person in the world, even if you love people and constantly enjoy having company, one thing constantly remains a challenge, and that is having roommates. Having to live with someone you don't know so well is an experience that is hard to describe. Each of you has your own habits, house rules you grew up on, and pet peeves, and finding the middle ground usually seems impossible. Many succeed with that task, but some fail miserably. Like the person who wrote this…
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vacation ski skier skiing snow snowboard snowboarding snowboarder slopes mountains resort newbie novice helmet reddit aita

‘I don’t want to be responsible for a brain injury': Avid skier snubs his reckless cousin after they neglect basic safety measures

It's snow season again and you know what that means– city slickers wearing jeans on the lift, clogging up the bunny slopes, and tearing apart the moguls. For an avid skier or snowboarder, there's always a love-hate relationship with the newbies. While we're happy that others are interested in a snow sport, it can get a little dangerous on the mountain when the new kids on the block are trying to get Insta-famous and spiraling out of control.
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aita promise freeloading kids carpool motherhood moms driving reddit thread Reddit payback mom - 24416261

‘From now on, just pick up your own kid’: Freeloading mom gets shut down after taking advantage of the kindness of a fellow mother

"If she wants to call it a 'promise', then she already broke long ago."
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