

'She thinks I forced her to break into my home': Vacationing homeowner ignores security alert

'She thinks I forced her to break into my home': Vacationing homeowner ignores security alert

Be careful who you lend your house keys to… This person found out firsthand what can happen when you entrust the wrong person with something so important. While on vacation, this person caught someone snooping around in their belongings . They never would've caught this woman except that they were alerted by their security system. The OP, u/No-Coat-7393, caught this person red-handed. In the old days, it was much easier to snoop around, especially if you knew someone was out of town. It's fun t…
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‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

Even though most people would go back to being kids in a heartbeat, becoming adults also has a lot of benefits. Especially being able to call your own shots, and do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it, without having to answer to anyone. When I was a kid, the one thing I was so excited about adulthood was owning a car and not having to take the bus anymore. Now as an adult, even though I do have a car, I still find myself taking the bus to work, and I completely understand why yo…
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aita neighbors rebuild house neighborhood-drama entitled loud Reddit construction workers - 24359685

'The girlfriend cried the entire time': Couple asks neighbors to delay their rebuild for 4 months because of pregnancy

If you've ever lived near a construction site, you know that the noise can be unbearable at times. Unfortunately, there isn't anything you can do about it. The world cannot come to a halt because of your inconvenience . But with that being said, living wall-to-wall with construction noises all day long while pregnant does sound like an absolute train wreck. But life has a funny way of driving us nuts. You have to accommodate. In this story, the OP notified his neighbors about a month before the…
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college student students professor Professors student teacher teaching university college student problems aita - 24245765

'I am, in fact, a customer': University student calls out their professor for providing "bad service" after receiving an unfair grade

While it's probably a controversial take, the argument stands with strong reason: If you're a landlord or a professor or in any other position where someone is paying you for something you're providing them… you're providing a service, and the person paying you is entitled to good service. Far too many of these "service providers" not only regard this as unnecessary but also regard themselves as above the person paying them and use this to placate their nagging conscience. Who hasn't had a land…
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‘It’s not my fault you spent all your money': Woman refuses to lend brother money after he blew through his entire inheritance

‘It’s not my fault you spent all your money': Woman refuses to lend brother money after he blew through his entire inheritance

Should money and family go hand in hand? The reality is, there isn't really a way around it. From the moment you are born, your parents have to financially support you, and as you grow up, money is always an issue that needs to be addressed. Even once you become a financially independent adult, somehow money always is a conversation at some point in family meetings. So as much as I would love to say you shouldn't mix family with money, I know it is not the most realistic advice, and the woman w…
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reddit aita college college-fund pay money tuition loans loan student students university single-mom mom parent parents parenting spoiled aita reddit

Single Mom Gives $2,000/per Semester to Her Spoiled Daughter's College Tuition, Girl Complains ‘[Mom] Should Be Paying More’

College is expensive, yet it's widely believed that to be a successful (employed) adult, you need a degree. As if a little piece of paper with fancy script and the name of the overpriced university you attended is going to prove that you're responsible. In our next story, one college girl proves that there are a lot of life lessons and privileges that are completely ignored during your college years– especially if you're an entitled brat.
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neighbor neighbors neighborhood house living home heating heater cold winter blizzard arctic cold snow frozen freezing upstairs downstairs stubborn passive-aggressive aita reddit

Man living in freezing apartment puts his foot down against a hot-headed upstairs neighbor: 'And do NOT put any more notes on our door!'

Things can get a little heated with the upstairs neighbor...
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'I asked all the guests to contribute a "meal fee"': Newlywed won't feed their family members at their reception

'I asked all the guests to contribute a "meal fee"': Internet scolds newlywed who refuses to feed their family members at their reception

When this newlywed told the internet they “could use some judgement” about their wedding, the internet did not hold back. They told the OP exactly what they thought about some pretty strange wedding plans. It's no secret that weddings are expensive. It's basically the first thing you learn when you start researching: the prices are outrageous for everything from the venue to the food to the DJ. Unless you're planning to throw on a tee shirt and elope from the local court house, you're probably…
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reddit thread family drama aita childfree children child kids having-kids parent parents parenting in-laws wife husband married marriage babies baby pressure couple

'Back off and wait for us to be ready': Childfree couple snaps when tenacious parents pressure them to have kids immediately

When you're in your late 20's or your early 30's, if you've been in a semi-stable relationship for more than 5 minutes, nosy relatives start coming out of the woodwork. You've heard the phrase ‘it takes a village’, but never thought it meant the village coming after your ever-fruitful loins, chasing you with baby-mongering pitchforks and flaming fertility torches.
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RPG aita gaming dnd dungeon master dungeons & dragons dungeons and dragons dating - 24128261

DnD player gets banned from sessions for trying to slide into DM's sister's DMs: 'I told him not to come to any more sessions'

One of the great things about playing role-playing games—apart from the suspense of disbelief—is taking massive, audacious risks and watching them pay off in real time. This is both thrilling and rewarding, as there's really no real-life risk involved. However, it would be foolish to think that just because there's no real-life risk in the game, you can translate your character's behavior into real life. Basically, just because you're roleplaying as a charismatic womanizing bard doesn't give yo…
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'I stood in blizzard conditions ': Guy abandons his girlfriend in a snowstorm, refuses to pick her up from work

'I stood in blizzard conditions': Guy abandons his girlfriend in a snowstorm, refuses to pick her up from work

Being someone's boyfriend does not necessarily mean picking them up from work during a snowstorm. There are certain times in life when it's every person for themselves, and this was clearly one of those times. The funniest part of the story here is that the girlfriend, who shared this post via Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit, showed her cards when she mentioned that there was near zero visibility during the storm. So honestly, was she really expecting him to drive in the middle of that? Sorr…
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‘I’m gonna give your dog away': Woman gifts her sister and boyfriend a puppy but they break up, now the sisters can't decide who is responsible for the dog

‘I’m gonna give your dog away': Woman gifts her sister and boyfriend a puppy but they break up, now the sisters can't decide who is responsible for the dog

You can divide the people of the world into two groups. The first group is people who see their pets as actual family members. People who think twice before they adopt an animal, and seriously consider all the factors of bringing in a pet inside their household. Once they do, that pet gets treated like any other family member, and is loved equally. The second group of people, and I'm sure you can see where I am going with this, are the people who see pets as just another piece of furniture in t…
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'I got fed up with her': Coworker keeps getting employee's name wrong on purpose, employee claps back

'I got fed up with her': Coworker keeps getting employee's name wrong on purpose, employee claps back

Pronouncing someone's name incorrectly can be an honest mistake unless it's someone you have been working with closely five days a week for the past year. In the beginning, it's totally excusable, but after a while, it becomes clear that this is no accident. This is someone who is actively seeking to get your name wrong under the guise of having “difficulty” with it. Furthermore, Saoirse is not that uncommon. Has this coworker even heard of Saoirse Ronan? Not only does she come across as unkind…
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guests aita hotel malicious compliance upcharge tales from the front desk petty hotel room entitled Reddit entitled people - 24004869

'I forcefully upsold them and made them pay double': Entitled guests demand refund from hotel manager for rooms booked at hotel next door

People who work at the hotel front desk see a lot of interesting stuff. On a subreddit, hotel receptionists and managers alike have shared stories about entitled customers making all sorts of weird requests. But one story might take the cake. This one guest not only booked more people than allowed for 'single rooms' but he actually booked at the hotel next door. When he couldn't check in at the right time (because check-in wasn't for another few hours), he got upset and went to the OP's hotel...
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'They made an offer to buy it. I refused': Guy purchases ex-fiancé's dream house, she finds out and loses it

'They made an offer to buy it. I refused': Guy purchases ex-fiancé's dream house, she finds out and loses it

Imagine finding out that your former fiancé is now living in the house you always hoped to buy one day. Well, that's what happens when you turn down the wrong guy. This woman cheated on her future husband at her bachelorette party, panicked, and called off the engagement right before the ceremony. She ended up marrying her high school boyfriend (who just happened to be at that bachelorette party… not suspicious at all). Unfortunately, this left her ex with an unrevealed wedding gift: the dream…
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‘I won that money fair and square': After woman wins grandpa's secret competition to see who visits him the most, rest of the family protests that she gives the prize money back

‘I won that money fair and square': After woman wins grandpa's secret competition to see who visits him the most, rest of the family protests that she gives the prize money back

How often do you think one should visit their grandparents? Of course, it depends on how far they live from them, but let us assume they live no more than an hour away. Should they visit once or twice a month, every week, or maybe even a few times a week? Regardless of your answer, this Reddit story might change your perspective on the subject at hand. The OP of the Reddit post wrote about a competition her grandfather decided to secretly hold between all the members of the family. Throughout t…
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