

aita relationships coffee - 17111301

Controlling Fiancé Demands Woman Make Her Own Coffee to His Preference, She Returns a Year Later to Tell of the Fallout

We'll start this one off by saying that there's no problem with being particular about one's cup of coffee. But, according to the age-old rule of “staying in your lane”, let other people have theirs how they like it too. It's not up to you to determine what it is that makes someone else happy, even if you feel particularly knowledgeable on that particular subject, you're just going to come accross as a know-it-all douchebag. Screenshots of both threads are attached below the original thread and…
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aita marriage relationships - 17110789

Bride Has One Wedding Request, Husband Can't Follow It or Keep His Promise

This bride may have cake on her face, but her newly-wed husband has egg on his.
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aita marriage job interview interview - 17110533

Husband Attempts to Interrupt Wife's Interview, Sulks When Locked Out

This husband voiced his disapproval for his wife's line of work as it was not "up to his wealthy family's standards.” This drove the wife to look for other line's of work, she lined up multiple interviews each of which her husband proceeded to ruin by interrupting the interview and taking it over . This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) subreddit by the distressed wife, u/the54756. She finally reached the point where she needed to something about this behavior. So, for thi…
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aita malicious compliance revenge petty revenge - 17120005

Gym Influencer Demands Guy Stop Mid-Workout So She Can Record Video, He Stays as Long as Possible

This gym-goer was mid squat when he felt someone tapping on his shoulder. He had no idea what she wanted at first but after he managed to stop what he was doing and remove his headphones he began to put it together and realized that she was demanding that he move so that she could shoot a video. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by Redditor u/Striking-Stick-2355, who is the gentleman who was squatting. He is wondering whether he is in the wrong for his reacti…
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aita pregnancy family grandparents - 17109765

Grandmother Wants a Vote in Child's Name, Gets Outvoted Anyways

This persistent mother-in-law wanted a vote (the only vote) on what their grandchild's name was going to be. She was determined to find a way to get her name selected one way or another before the child was born. She had managed to turn her son (the husband) to her side before his wife came up with this clever way to give her a “vote” and stop this nonsense once and for all. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by the wife, u/Ok-Cranberry-9158, to share her gloriou…
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aita relationships parenting - 17100549

Daughter Hides Camera in Divorced Dad's Office to Spy For Her Mother

This wife discovered a camera hidden in her husband's office and immediately suspected her unruly stepdaughter, who had been turned against her father and his new wife by her mother. The daughter had previously lived with them until several incidents that resulted in damage, including setting an “accidental” fire in the kitchen. The wife explains that her husband's ex-wife. When the wife confronted her stepdaughter about the camera, it was revealed that she had placed it there on behalf of her…
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aita relationship relationships parenting - 17100805

Dad Disowns Son After He Discovers He's Not Actually His, Wonders Why Son is Upset

What is with the number of threads like this lately? In the last day alone we have seen two threads where fathers have discovered that they are not actually the biological parent of their children. Only discovering the affairs years later when the kids are teenagers or adults. The other thread, also posted this week was one where the father's children disowned him for their biological father after the truth was revealed. In this thread, rather than being posted by one of the children, it has be…
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aita Reddit - 17100293

Adult Children Disown Man Who Raised Them After They Discover Mother's Adultery, One Stands By Him

This family was torn asunder once it was revealed that the mother had participated in multiple long-standing affairs (with two brothers nonetheless) that had resulted in the pregnancies of each of her three children. No one in the family knew of the affairs or that the bio-fathers of the children were someone other than her husband. The truth was shocking and brought the family apart in a great schism. The thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the concerned daughte…
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aita marriage relationships - 17090565

Wife Fed Up With Husband's "Close" Friend Carl, Internet Suspicious of Their Relationship

Thumbnail Image: ‘Grace and Frankie’ - Variety
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aita family Reddit - 17091077

Karmic Justice Strikes Bad Sister-In-Law When She Needs a Place to Stay

When this family's house burned down from a freak lightning strike, they were thrown into the direst of positions. Insurance only covered one month of accommodation and took eleven months to pay out. The family was forced in with the husband's sister, who took them in with “open arms." Usually, this would be the kindest act you could bestow on somebody, giving them a roof over their head when they're at their darkest, but this extortionist of a sister-in-law wasn't in a giving mood. She set abs…
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aita marriage - 17081349

Wife Shows Up at Husband's Work, Berates Him to the Point She Has to Be Removed By Security

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HR Fires Girl Before She's Even Hired, Turns Out it's Because Her and Her Mom ‘Karened’ the Employees the Day Before

HR Fires Girl Before She's Even Hired, Turns Out it's Because Her and Her Mom ‘Karened’ the Employees the Day Before

You can't ‘Karen’ your way into a job…
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aita drama family Reddit - 17075717

Mother Steals Daughter's Inheritance, Uses it to Buy a Sweet New House, Gets Called Out

They're just mad that they got called out.
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aita marriage cheating - 17065733

Ex-Husband Angry His Ex-Wife Doesn't Treat His Lovechild Like Their Son, Everyone Else is Confused

When you cheat on your partner and produce offspring from said affair, don't expect them to accept them with open arms. That being said, it's not the kid's fault that their father is a morally-bankrupt swine, so maybe don't take it out on them either. II would hope that the most emotionally mature among us would manage to get through our mixed feelings and trauma and treat the child with the kindness they need. But pay to take them to Disney as if they were your own child? Oh, hell no. This thr…
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family drama aita marriage family Reddit - 17048581

Wife Roasted For Telling Husband to Deal With Her Mother's Backhanded Comments

This wife took to the internet to see if she was in the wrong for telling her husband to deal with her mother's comments towards him and “hash things out” with her. The wife notes that her mother “is the one who usually starts” but that her husband “also escalates (sic) and refuses to let it go." Essentially, her mother is bullying her husband while he is vulnerable and trying to maintain peace at family events, and this wife is doing nothing to stand up for him. Reddit users on Reddit's r/AITA…
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aita relationships family - 17048325

Dad Kicks Escort Sister Out After She Glorifies Her Profession to His Teen Daughter, Posts Heartwarming Update

Scroll on for screenshots of the full story and the reader’s reactions.
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