

dads aita parenting dad parents - 17300741

Guy Faces Wrath of Random Women When Forced to Go Into Women's Restroom to Change Infant Son

It's so confusing how a situation like this could occur in 2022. In a world where we pursue litigation for everything and equality for all… We still can't put changing stations on the wall of a men's restroom? This should be required so that fathers can change their children's dirty diapers without having to brave the horrors of a women's restroom. How is it not already? This dad posted this thread to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit. He posted the thread to see if he was in the wron…
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aita marriage parenting pregnant - 17322501

Husband Annoyed At Pregnant Wife's Pain, Internet Wants Him Gone

It certainly takes a special type of person to be annoyed by their partner's discomfort and health pains. It's tough to imagine judging someone who you (supposedly) love so deeply for something that is entirely out of their control and acting like they are being lazy. Even worse when the thing that is causing that discomfort and pain is the fact that they are growing your child inside of them. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the concerned wife who is won…
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aita relationships online dating dating - 17322245

Scamming Loser Demands New Girlfriend Drop Out of College to Pay For His Car Repairs, Internet Suspects a 'Tinder Swindler'

This girl and her new boyfriend's relationship had been developing nicely until he suddenly asked her to drop out of college and give him her tuition money to help him fix his car. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the girlfriend, Redditor u/Throwrapaul447, who is wondering if she is in the wrong for not agreeing to her boyfriend's demands. Commenters were appalled at the boyfriend's request and let the poster know that this kind of behavior is often used…
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internet aita marriage relationships - 17300229

Couple's Bizarre Argument Over Drinking Water Befuddles the Internet

People can develop obsessions over the strangest things, but how you prepare your drinking water has got to be one of the strangest of them all. This couple has an extremely complicated process for preparing their drinking water, ensuring it's just the right conditions and temperature. As this bizarre ritual has slowly devolved, the molehill of “water preparation” has grown into a volcano that is threatening to burst and tear this couple's relationship asunder.
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relationships dating aita controlling - 17312773

Boyfriend Claims Nepotism, Wants Girlfriend to Quit Job So He Can Control Her, Wonders if He's Wrong

Well, she's more of an ex-girlfriend at this point.
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aita marriage relationships dating - 17313797

This Guy Inexplicably Wakes His Wife Up to Ask Her the Time, People Are Perplexed

Life often presents us with great difficulties that seek to try out every measure of wit. Checking the time on a digital clock is not one of these things. The digital clock has removed all effort and skill required to tell the time, and even that was taught at a first-grade level. Inexplicably, this guy is absolutely unwilling and unable to lift his phone in the middle of the night, press the button to turn it on, and then scan his eyes across the screen to tell the time. He would rather wake h…
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aita marriage FAIL funny - 17279237

Wife Kicks Lazy Tool Husband Out of Pool When They Force Out Their Own Children

"There is no tool in this pool."
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aita antiwork workplace Horrible Bosses - 17252101

Worker Cries to CEO Husband Over Unfair Treatment, He Oversteps and Now Everything is a Mess

This worker was getting a pretty hard time from her supervisor. The post lends one to believe that there were discriminatory motivations behind the supervisor's actions. However, as some commenters have pointed out, if the poster got her position in the first place because of nepotism then it wouldn't be completely unlikely that she has been getting a hard time because she is unqualified for her position. Whatever the reason there's a lesson here somewhere… And it's probably that companies have…
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aita marriage relationships wedding family dating - 17245957

Brother-In-Law Starts Wedding Drama Over His Friendship With Groom's Ex-Girlfriend

Maybe he shouldn't be at the wedding.
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aita drama siblings family stepsister - 17245189

Wicked Stepsister Threatens to Wear White to Wedding, Surprised When Not Invited

That's one way to ensure you aren't invited.
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aita in laws family - 17237509

Awesome Aunt Gets Revenge on Family Who Disowned Her By Being Awesome

Imagine being so good at your familial role that other family are angry they disowned you.
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aita puppy relationships dating - 17229061

Pathetically Sad Puppy Makes Boyfriend Into a Liar, Breaks Promise to Girlfriend

He wouldn't make it long as a secret agent.
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aita marriage drama relationships family - 17228805

Husband Volunteers Wife to Bake Mother's Cake in Presumptuous Birthday Mistake

We're just going to come right out and say it. This one is a definite “ESH” (Everybody Sucks Here.) The husband sucks for volunteering his wife to bake his mother's cake in front of the said mother without checking with his wife first. She also sucks for her reaction, being outwardly rude and instigating further conflict by bringing his relationship with her mother into it. The guy might have been an idiot for volunteering her in the first place but, to his credit, his wife even admits that he…
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aita relationships dating - 17216517

Insecure Boyfriend Flees His Own Birthday Getaway Weekend When His Babe of a Girlfriend Calls Him "Safe"

He needs to boost his self confidence.
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aita university frat college sorority college student - 17202181

Frat Bros Enraged When Girls Organize Group to Keep Each Other Safe, University Steps in to Try and Stop Them

This girl started a group to protect herself and the other girls at her school from the predatory behavior they were facing at parties at their university. Of course, this drew the ire of the predators they were seeking to stop. But, more surprisingly, it also attracted the attention of the school administration who sought to put a stop to it. Shouldn't a university be trying to do the opposite of what they're doing in this post? The college should be trying to fund these programs, not tear the…
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aita relationships family dating - 17207557

Ancient Soup Stock Tradition Using Ancient Soup Stock Sparks Conflict, Horrifies Girlfriend

Ahhhh. Just like Grandma made it 50 years ago... because grandma did make it 50 years ago.
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