

aita wedding family - 17202437

Lady Brings Her Baby to an Explicitly Child-Free Wedding, Wonders if She's Wrong

The baby did literally everything that makes people have child-free weddings in the first place.
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aita revenge petty - 17207301

Cheating Cousin Plans to Marry New Boyfriend, Family Plans Vacation on Her Wedding Day Instead

Is this guy an A-Hole for planning a vacation during his hot mess of a cousin's wedding? Yeah, most definitely. But for once in these AITA threads, he's the A-Hole but we aren't mad about it. This is a brilliant way to take a stand against your family member's poor behavior. This is especially important when you consider the fact that the family was closer to the cousin's husband than they ever were to the cousin herself. This would be sad if the cousin was being excluded for some kind of belie…
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aita marriage drama relationships parenting - 17184261

Mom Refuses to Help Around the House, Tells Husband Her Job is More Important Than His

Everyone has different priorities. Some people care about their hobbies, some about sport, and others still about their careers. When we join together and form relationships, these priorities can clash and cause conflict; without careful compromise, concession, and communication, these conflicts can grow and tear the relationship asunder. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the wife, u/workingmomaita, who feels that her husband should be picking up any extra…
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Friend has temper tantrum over her ride being a Lyft and not an Uber.

Friend Has Temper Tantrum Over Ride Being a Lyft Not an Uber

You've got to be kidding me.
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aita friends family pregnant - 17158149

Husband's Friend Accuses Wife of Cheating in Front of In-Laws at Their Pregnancy Announcement

With friends like these... Who needs enemies?
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aita antiwork job interview - 17206789

Interviewer Makes Inappropriate Moves on Candidate, Blames Her When He Gets Fired

"Well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions!"
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aita pride month - 17169669

Woman Invites Her Partner to 'Girl's Night', Refuses to Let Any Other Partners Come, Gets Mad When Internet Tells Her She's Wrong

"YTA. Either partners or no partners. You can’t have it both ways."
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aita parenting babysitting - 17179397

Parents Surprised Babysitter is Upset They Have Been Secretly Recording Her, Wonder if They're Wrong

It really should go without saying that you should never record someone without their knowledge, regardless of the location or circumstance. It doesn't matter if that person is in your home. No matter what, that person is going to feel violated and betrayed. (An obvious exception to this rule is if you or someone else is in a possibly dangerous or threatening situation.) So, yeah, if you're recording a guest in your home without their permission, don't be surprised if that person is upset when…
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aita pregnancy family - 17168901

Sister Gets Kicked Out After Cruel Comments About Lost Pregnancy

There are just some thoughts that should never leave your head. Some of these thoughts can be cruel intrusions, but others can be something that you might want to get sorted out. A commenter offered a really helpful strategy for gauging whether we should let a thought out of our head that I think all of us should stop and reflect on before we speak. "There is the suggestion to THINK before you say something. That is, is what you are going to say T rue, H elpful, I nspiring, N ecessary, & K ind.…
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stepmother aita drama family daughter Father - 17168645

Bad Dad Demands Son's Graduation Money Back to Give to His Step-Child

Imagine trading out your own children for the child of your new spouse. That's the kind of cruel reality that is hard to envision, but the reality is that there are those of us out there who have had to experience this very thing. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) subreddit by Redditor u/Cheap-Tour9949. She explains that her father has repeatedly let her down, and as a result, the two have a “rocky” relationship. After her parents split, he remained a good parent unti…
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aita neighbors malicious compliance neighbor - 17168389

Neighborhood Kid's Bake Sale Sparks Drama When Neighbor Demands Half the Earnings Despite Fronting Nothing

Conflict emerged when this neighbor's kid demanded that he receive “half the money” from a bake sale when he decided he was bored and wanted to go home early. He wasn't even willing to stay the full duration and put in the work in order to earn his part of the cash. The other kid responded that this wasn't fair and that they should split the money earned for the duration that the neighbor's kid had worked. This prompted the neighbor to march over to this family's house, complaining that it wasn…
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family drama aita family - 17157893

Family Feud Erupts, Comes to a Head Over False Cake-Pop Pretences

Secret agent incognito cake-pops.
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aita breastfeeding friends - 17149445

Friend Shames Woman For Breastfeeding in Her Own Home, Husband Tells Them to Leave

She might be her best friend... But she's not her breast friend.
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aita baby mother - 17142533

Distressed Mother Takes Baby Formula From Hoarder's Cart, Asks Internet If She Was Wrong

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) subreddit by a distressed mother, posting from a "throwaway" account u/throwawayformula893. u/throwawayformula893 wants to know if she was wrong for her actions during the incident that occurred while she was trying to find baby formula to feed her child. This isn't something that we would typically be able to voice support for. Typically snatching things out of other people's shopping carts would be highly antisocial. Even in this si…
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aita marriage coworkers workplace - 17142021

Internet Backs Husband Who Denied Coworkers' Demands to Stop His Wife From Putting Notes in His Lunch

This husband's coworkers approached him to ask that he ask his wife to cease a playful ritual that the pair had shared for the past year. When he had been having issues with employment, his wife had started putting notes in his lunch to brighten his day; even after he got through his rough patch, the tradition continued and continued to positively affect his life. His coworkers told him to ask his wife to stop after a new coworker joined the team. The coworker had recently lost his wife and was…
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aita bride marriage wedding - 17124357

Fiancé Returns Bride's Wedding Dress, Gets His Mother to Come to His Rescue

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--hole) subreddit by the wife, Redditor u/Sealine5033. She has posted this topic to the popular subreddit in order to appeal to readers and see whether or not she is in the wrong for being furious with her fiancé for returning her wedding dress. Right off the bat, it does seem like there could be some merit to the fiancé's financial concerns. So many people will blow their entire life's savings on their wedding ceremonies and put themselves i…
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