
AITA for refusing to stop cooking and eating in my kitchen because of my roommate's girlfriend's "condition."

'She's not paying rent but is making demands?': Guy told not to cook in his own apartment by his roommate's girlfriend

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'AITA for yelling at my girlfriend to stop f-ing eating?': Guy's outburst shuts down entitled indulgent girlfriend

AITA for buying my girlfriends sister a car?

'Afterwards I told my girlfriend about it and she got furious at me': BF contacts GF's estranged sister to buy her an extremely expensive present

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Woman wants to save her friend from an unideal proposal, internet intervenes

AITA for letting my roommate’s ex-girlfriend, who keeps showing up at our apartment, come inside because she was drunk?

Ex-Girlfriend Keeps Showing Up at Apartment Every Night, Roommate Lets Her In Causing Major Fight

AITA for calling my mom when my husband refused to listen to me?

'They need to leave': Pregnant wife returns from hospital to find her brother-in-law's entire family living in their home

AITA for not wanting to pay for my girlfriend's car maintenance after I used it with permission once while pet sitting for her

'No one tricked you. You screwed up': Guy takes girlfriend's Porsche out for a spin without her permission and won't pay for the damage

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Woman Steals Roommate's Cat, Wonders if He's Wrong

AITA because I make my wife dig through the trash.

Wife Doesn’t Like Husband Bringing Dirt Into the House but Refuses To Give Him Soap To Clean Himself, Soap Opera Ensues!

AITA for screwing up my boyfriends interview by not doing his laundry on purpose?

'He immediately asks me when I’m going to do laundry since he’s very nervous': Woman screws up BF's important interview on purpose

AITA for not getting up from a massage chair when someone wanted to use it?

'They asked me to get off the chair': Pregnant woman eats ice cream on massage chair in a mall, refuses to leave when customers request massages

'He is only worthy of love when he's fit and attractive': Narcissistic mean girl makes fun of her formerly overweight friend, jealously belittling him in public

'He is only worthy of love when he's fit and attractive': Narcissistic mean girl makes fun of her formerly overweight friend, jealously belittling him in public

AITA for doing an Irish exit at a restaurant so I wasn't stuck with the bill?

'You need to find new dinner companions': Dude questions if their friends should be angry at them for walking out on a meal

AITA for leaving my "friends" wedding when she told me I needed to cover up my psoriasis?

'Brides are going too far these days': Bridezilla asks friend to leave her wedding to cover up her psoriasis

AITA for giving my ex wife a large amount of money I won despite the anger of my gf?

'Next time you win the lottery, call your *current* girlfriend first': Lottery winner asks 'AITA?' for calling his ex-wife upon winning millions

AITA for not allowing BIL's family inside when they showed up unannounced?

'You sound like the only sane person in this entire narrative': Woman asks 'AITA?' for avoiding random late-night visit