

aita teacher parenting - 16914437

Irate Mother Stands Up For Daughter When Teacher Turns Her Harassment Into "Lesson"

I'm willing to believe that this teacher didn't understand the full context of the situation. When you're constantly handling and overseeing the disagreements of 30+ students it's easy for the antagonists and antagonized to all blur together into a milkshake of “He said, She said” statements. With that context and understanding in mind, it becomes fitting to apply the generalized “lessons” to the entire involved group. From the teacher's perspective, how do you even know that one particular stu…
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aita parenting - 16906501

Parents Disown Child, Contact Now-Adult Child Years Later Asking For Money

"You reap what you sow."
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aita friends relationships wedding - 16905989

Terrible Maid of Honor Drops Out of Friend's Wedding When Brother Reveals His Secret Love

This Maid of Honor decided to drop out of her best friend's wedding at the last minute after the Maid of Honor's brother revealed that he had been secretly in love with her friend for years. Her friend and her brother had had a fling six years prior, just before her friend had met her now-fiancé. The brother never got over being dumped by the friend and his revelation has caused his sister to betray her friend of twelve years. This thread was posted to r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) by the Maid of H…
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aita bride wedding - 16905733

Fiancé's Family is Forcing This Bride to Ignore Her Cultural Norms at Her Own Wedding

Good luck marrying into this family.
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aita relationships engagement - 16887813

Fiancé Embarrassed By His Short Partner, Won't Let Her Take Off Her Shoes For Fear of Someone Realizing

This short woman was forced to wear high heels by her tall boyfriend so that she could a If one thing is for certain it's that your partner is going to be thrilled when you tell them to “Just suck it up" when they're uncomfortable with something you forced them to do. That's definitely going to win you brownie points and is the foundation of a healthy relationship.
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aita cheating family - 16887301

Insane Family Thinks Being Gay is Worse Than Cheating With Married Man

When this brother found his partner on the other end of his sister's cruel and bigoted remarks he found himself forced to respond in kind. The sister approached her brother's partner when he was alone and told him that “You’re so sweet, I hope God forgives you.” Which was intended to be a thinly-veiled homophobic comment regarding her beliefs.
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aita parenting family drama FAIL family Parenting Fail - 16887557

Mother Steals Child's College Fund, Uses it to Remodel Kitchen

How's that new kitchen looking mom?
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aita brother family Reddit - 16886789

Story Update: Kleptomaniac Nephew Steals $4k Engagement Ring, Parents Refuse to Intervene, Ring Recovered Regardless

This guy saved up for a year for a $4k engagement ring for his girlfriend, hoping to take the next step with her. He could not have possibly anticipated what would happen to that ring when he accepted his brother's family into his home after his brother lost his job. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A--Hole) subreddit by the owner of the ring. He posted the subject to appeal to readers and gauge whether or not he was in the wrong for kicking his brother's family out after his…
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aita parenting family Reddit - 16879109

Parents Threaten to Kick Daughter Out to Exercise Control, So She Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands

Sometimes you have to make the hard choice in order to improve your future life.
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aita marriage - 16878853

Husband Tells Wife She Needs Boob Job, She Tells Him He Needs A Job, He Plays Victim

If you're going to dish it out, you'd better be ready to take it back.
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aita marriage Reddit - 16871173

Bride Gets Roasted When She Tries to Justify Telling Her Fiancé He Can't Honor His Dead Son at Their Wedding

Maybe it's time to call this wedding off.
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aita Reddit - 16855557

Brother's Unemployed Girlfriend Designates Herself Planner of Family Gatherings, Gets Uninvited

When you're attached to a family group through a romantic relationship, you should feel like part of the family. If the family you're joining is healthy and decent, they will welcome you with open eyes. But that is a two-way street; it is also up to you to read the room and not overstep your place. In case you were wondering… Designating your unemployed ass as the on-tap family planner and sending people lists of chores they need to complete at their own home is definitely overstepping. Well, t…
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aita mother in laws mother in law pregnant Reddit - 16854533

Mother-In-Law Announces Couple's Pregnancy On Facebook Before They're Ready, Plays Victim When Confronted

A woman discovered that she was pregnant with an unplanned pregnancy and confided in her husband. When that little mama's boy ran and told his mother the news anyways… She immediately took to the ol' Facebook to tell the world the good news, completely disregarding the couple's wishes. When her daughter-in-law confronted her, she went into full victim mode. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA subreddit by the daughter-in-law. She posted the story to appeal to readers and see whether or no…
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aita Reddit - 16855301

Delusional Gym Bro Gives Woman Unsolicited Advice, Gets Blasted

The first and most important rule of not being a jerk is to mind your own business. This gym bro and his buddies forgot to follow that rule and may have made this poor stranger feel uncomfortable returning to this gym again, making themselves look like total clowns. It's also essential to remember that, in life, you're presented with a two-dimensional perspective of another person's life. The small glimpse you gain when you see someone at the gym for an hour a week or even an hour a day is just…
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aita marriage relationships - 16845829

Husband Tired of Waiting, Ditches Wife at Mall

Everyone with a "chronically late" partner has wanted to do this.
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aita parenting Reddit - 16836101

Rude Nurse Repeatedly Insisting to a Mother That Her Adopted Child "Isn't Hers" Gets A Verbal Beatdown

A rude practice nurse who was repeatedly insisting to a mother that her adopted child “wasn't hers” received an absolute earful from the mother. However, when she got home, her husband told her that she should not have blown up on the nurse like that. This story was posted today to Reddit's “Am I the A-Hole” subreddit by Reddit user u/whattheactualf-ck13 , the mother in the story. She posted the story to the popular subreddit to get commenters' opinions on whether her response was warranted or…
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