
aita destructive lego kids brother hobby - 19289093

'The set has over 7,000 pieces': Guy demands sister replace expensive toy, but she tells him he's 'overreacting'

aita bride traditional YTA bouquet wedding flowers bouquet toss - 19292933

'I thought I would get a chuckle from the crowd': Extreme cringe ensues as man embarrasses his new GF at family wedding

AITA for asking my girlfriend to leave the house for 6-7 hours a day?

'I don't like when she's sitting in the same room as me': Guy asks 'AITA?' for making his GF get out of the house while he works

family drama aita sisters wife husband wedding family engagement reddit thread Reddit - 19278085

'Do you support me marrying Derrick?': Young twentysomething gets engaged after 6 months, cuts off sister for voicing concerns

AITA for wanting to drop my friends after they turned me into a joke?

'Your friends are making a laughingstock of you': Teens play cruel prank on their 'friend' at restaurant

AITA for asking my BFs brother for a chance of a iob when I'm desperate?

'He said I had a work ethic and attitude problem and I didn't get fired for nothing': Entitled woman demands job from BF's brother, keeps getting rejected

AITA for pulling my daughter from a waterpark trip because her teacher made her stay with a kid she doesn't like?

'Teacher is a piece of work': Terrible teacher makes 9-year-old deal with difficult student on field trip, parents retaliate

AITA for telling a girl to stop wasting food?

'All of your friends told you not to say something': College student asks 'AITA?' for questioning woman's cafeteria habit

AITA for putting blue hair dye in my shampoo without letting my family know?

'The result isn't pretty': Teenager uses sister's shampoo without permission, discovers there was blue hair dye in it

AITA for sending my niece to go live with her other uncle?

'I told her to go pack a bag': Uncle kicks niece out of his house for a week to stay with her other uncle, gets roasted in the comments

AITA for telling my roommate that speaking a language is not a personality and she needs a new one?

'I told her she’s boring and has to fake her personality': Woman is jealous that her roommate speaks multiple languages, gets roasted online

'It's a good bonding opportunity, but you may have ruined it': Overprotective Mother Scorches Her New Boyfriend for Taking Her Teenaged Daughter on a Motorcycle

'That would be the last time they saw my kid': Overprotective Mother Scorches Her New Boyfriend for Taking Her Teenaged Daughter on a Motorcycle

AITA for saying my sister doesn't have to dictate what I do in my own home after she insisted on setting the table for dinner?

'That was insanely disrespectful of you': Woman gets annoyed at sister who made family dinner

AITA for cancelling my son's birthday party because my Mother-In-Law left poop on my toothbrush

'Your MIL is LITERALLY TOXIC': Guy's MIL gets defensive after major babysitting bathroom fail

AITA for telling my BIL to get over himself and to quit holding a 10 year old grudge?

'You and your family sound massively entitled': Guy tells BIL to 'get over' his 10-year grudge so their families can vacation together

AITA- Am I the asshole for making a coworker upset when I corrected her that we were just “coworkers” and not “friends”?

'You totally bombed that social interaction': Employee tells coworker on last day that they are not friends