

landlord aita roommate tenant reddit thread Reddit roommates - 17502725

Roommate Books Hotel Room Due to Lack of Hot Water, Live-In Landlord Refuses to Pay

This tenant took matters into their own hands, and when their live-in landlord let them know that the hot water would be out for the weekend, they booked a hotel room for themselves without saying a word. After pulling a vanishing act for the entire weekend, they returned and hit the landlord with the bill expecting them to pay it. The landlord, Redditor u/SheHadaStaycation, posted this topic to Reddit's r/ AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit, wondering if they were wrong for refusing to pay for t…
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aita justice relationships arrested Reddit dating - 17482501

Boyfriend Steals $14K Cash, Gets Arrested

This gal was keeping a box full of cash, representing her literal and metaphorical aspirations to attend medical school. She's in her last semester and has worked for 5 ½ years to get to this point.
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family drama aita parenting family daughter Father reddit thread Reddit - 17476869

Daughter Disregards Dad's Discount Demands

A daughter refused her father's requests to purchase an HDMI cable with her discount for usage in the family household. The employee purchasing policy expressly forbids receiving compensation for any purchases and the daughter was determined to honor the strictest interpretation of the policy. It certainly comes across in the post as if she is just trying to spite her father and taking any excuse possible not to purchase him the cable he is after. Why can't she just buy it for him as a gift… It…
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bride marriage Crazy Brides wedding divorce aita reddit thread Reddit - 17465605

Bridal Shower Bikini Brings Bristling Tensions to Family Affair

Reddit might have been wrong on this one.
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aita marriage relationships reddit thread Reddit - 17412101

Husband Roasted By Internet For Expecting His Wife to Clean Their House Alone So That He Can Bring Friends Over Unannounced

This husband insisted that his wife keep their house clean at all times so that he could drop in unannounced with friends and coworkers without feeling embarrassed, a position that has painted him as a villain in the internet's eyes. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the husband, u/Throwawaynes767 who used a throwaway account to shield their identity. The thread was posted with the title “AITA for telling my wife that it was embarrassing that the house was…
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aita bride Crazy Brides wedding musicians - 17429253

Bride Refuses to Pay Harpist Because of Her Dress Color

Commenters reassured the harpist that she had done nothing wrong and had even gone above and beyond any expectation. They felt that the bridal party just wanted to find a reason not to pay her. “Girl no, they just wanted to stiff you." said Creepy_Meringue3014 "You did everything you were supposed to. In future, invoice clients and keep electronic records in case things escalate in ways you cannot mitigate via fatherly intervention. Nta.”
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aita disney Disney-adult reddit thread Reddit disneyland - 17427973

"Disney Adult" Bride Kicks Her Friend Out of Wedding Party Because She Can't Afford a Trip to Disneyland

The majority of commenters felt that the poster was in the wrong for their expectations and ensuing actions that led to the fallout. “YTA For thinking your friends should pay to go on a trip to Disneyland because you're getting married.” replied penguin_squeak. AidCookKnow offered an alternative take “NTA - I feel like all the Y T A people are glossing over the fact that the friend wasn't REQUIRED to go to Disney. OP told her it was fine if she didn't go. I feel like both parties overreacted th…
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aita relationship ex relationships tifu reddit thread Reddit dating - 17420549

Entitled Pregnant Princess Poaches Pricey Pastries, Boyfriend Breaks Up With Her, Kicks Her Out

This pastry chef's entitled pregnant ex-girlfriend is carrying his child and her rampage through his shop with her friends has left him out thousands of dollars of product. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/TIFU subreddit by Redditor u/098765439, who shared their story with the title “TIFU by leaving a massive order alone with my now ex and her 14 friends.” You can already see right away where this is going and, in a post where you can feel their seething rage in every word, they dug into th…
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aita relationships family Reddit dating - 17411845

Brother Informs Brother's Girlfriend That He is Married to Their Mother, Results in Their Breakup

This brother issued a warning to his brother's girlfriend to let her know what she was getting herself into. He laid out, in a brutally honest way, that his brother was essentially married to their mother. This led to the couple breaking up and the brother blaming his brother. This thread was posted to Reddit' s r/ AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the brother, u/AITApreciousmom, who is wondering if he was in the wrong for the comments he made to his brother's girlfriend. Readers seemed to th…
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aita gym etiquette Reddit kevin woman - 17410309

Non-Threatening Guy Gets Upset and Displays How Non-Threatening He is by Freaking Out on Woman at Gym

A girl was working out in an empty gym on the elliptical when a guy came in and got on the elliptical right next to her, despite rows and rows of empty machines. She was a little uncomfortable about this and decided to cut her workout early. That's when the guy took offense to her being threatened by her presence and decided to display how non-threatening he was by losing it on her and accusing her of thinking he was a predator. Uh, dude. Are you calling yourself out? This thread was posted to…
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aita drama in laws mother in law family - 17378309

In-Laws Mock Daughter's Burn Scar, Mad That Their Comments Didn't Go Overlooked

These in-laws ' unkind comments about a girl's burn scars have caused a rift in the family . The poster of the thread explains that he has been dating his fiancée for two years and had spent very little time with her family during that period. He also explains that his daughter has a burn mark on her face that she is very insecure about. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/ AITA (Am I the A** Hole) subreddit by Redditor u/aintnoworries0 who pulled his daughter out of the situation with his fut…
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family drama aita baby breastfeeding mother wedding family Reddit weddings - 17367301

Bad Brother Reprimands Sister For Breastfeeding at His Wedding, Internet Roasts Him Alive

A brother reprimanded his sister for breastfeeding her newborn at his wedding, an action that has drawn the ire of his mother and new bride. This story was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the brother, Reddit user u/Swimming-Exchange448. He posted the thread to see if he was in the wrong for “calling out” his sister during his wedding for breastfeeding without removing herself from the room. He was admonished by his new wife and mother for his actions. Redditors generall…
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aita revenge friends - 17192197

Guy Gives Friend a Bad Job Referral After Friend Ghosts Him

If you want to use someone as a job reference, it's probably best not to treat them like used garbage beforehand. Or is that just us? This guy was “best” friends with his partner in crime before uncomfortable vulnerability drove a wedge in their relationship. The poster of the topic describes that he felt as if the two had grown close enough that he could open up to his friend more. He tried his “absolute best not to trauma dump,” but something in what he said scared his friend away. What is it…
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aita workplace Horrible Bosses - 17340677

Boss Texts Vacationing Employee 15 Times to Cover A Shift, Employee Blocks Number

This employee is in a long-distance relationship with her boyfriend. After two months of being apart, they organized a vacation so that they could spend some quality time together. Surprise, surprise… Just as she was leaving, her new boss pulled her aside and asked if she could stay to cover a shift since they were short-staffed. The employee had to pick up her boyfriend from the airport and get her vacation underway, so she declined. An onslaught of messages from the boss soon followed, callin…
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aita neighbors revenge neighbor - 17322757

Weird Neighbor Records Guy On His Own Property, So He Gives Them A Show

What do you do when your strange neighbors are spying on you and recording your every move? Give them a show of course!
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aita marriage relationships dating - 17323013

Wife Won't Let Husband Use Her Car, Takes It Anyways, Internet Roasts Them Both

There are a few concerning dynamics to this relationship that are adding to its apparent disfunction. First of all, why the hell is this guy selling his only mode of private transportation to fund (what is essentially) a glorified party. Then he somehow sees fit to complain about the fact that he has to take public transportation? Secondly, why is his wife completely banning him from driving her vehicle? If his driving is really that bad then perhaps she has a point, otherwise, she needs to be…
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