

trending-thread pollution trending reddit thread vegetarian Reddit social issues internet culture aita - 17742341

Vegetarian Presenter Forces All Attendees to Eat Vegetarian, Wondering if They’re Wrong

This Redditor posted to Reddit's “Am I the A-Hole” community this week to see if they were wrong for imposing their vegetarian diet on attendees of their presentations. Interestingly, this poster comments that their primary motivation for being a vegetarian (and forcing this diet upon others) is due to the pollution the meat industry generates. Yet, their profession is essentially just traveling around the place to talk at people. It's no secret that travel contributes a massive percentage of g…
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AITA for refusing to cook dinner?

New Mom Refuses To Cook Dinner for Her Ridiculous Husband

This mother of a five-week-old finally had it with her husband John, who kept scolding her for not having dinner cooked when he got home from work. No, this is not a story from the 1950s, this is still a thing in 2022.
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AITAH for locking up my "valuables" in my house

'I simply cannot afford to keep buying more skincare': Woman locks expensive products in a safe so her boyfriend will stop using them

This 21-year-old had to lock her skincare products in a safe to keep her boyfriend from using them.
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weight loss boyfriend aita weight relationships girlfriend reddit thread Reddit dating - 17731845

'I did everything to support her in losing weight.' Boyfriend frustrated by girlfriend's weight-loss struggles, wonders if he's crossing the line

This boyfriend has reached his wit's end with his girlfriend's dietary practices, now he's wondering if he is overstepping and the internet has given him a definitive answer.
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"AITA for kicking my wife out of the house?"

'My wife just went over the top': Man kicks wife out of the house for bullying their pregnant daughter

We love a father who defends his daughter
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AITA for cutting off support to my daughter?

Father of the bride books wedding venue only for daughter to have homewrecking stepdad walk her down the aisle

Wedding planning always brings drama, especially when there are complicated family dynamics involved.
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family gaming mother in law in laws parenting Reddit pc gaming relationships aita reddit thread - 17721349

MIL Suspects Self-Professed Pregnant 'Gaming Addict' of Cheating, Actually Gaming

This pregnant woman found herself in her mother-in-law's crosshairs and was accused of cheating when she was caught in a lie. The thing is, she was lying to avoid having to tell her mother-in-law that she was playing video games. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/ AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by Reddit user u/True_Tap_5721. She posted the thread to the poplar sub to see if she was in the wrong for sinking herself into a bed of lies, which led her mother-in-law to accuse her of infidelity…
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aita workplace reddit thread Reddit manager food service Horrible Bosses fast food service industry story-update - 17704453

Update: Boss Reads Employees Private Fan-Faction Erotica Out Loud to Entire Team as "Prank", Wonders if He's Wrong

This fast food manager read his subordinate's erotic fan-fiction to the team as a prank and has taken to Reddit's r/AITA community to see if he was wrong.
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aita marriage relationships reddit thread Reddit dating parenting police - 17688325

Woman Calls Police When Boyfriend's Ex Abandons Her Child With Them

This mother failed to show up to collect her child after leaving This couple agreed to watch the boyfriend's ex's kid on the grounds that she pick him up by 9am the next morning. “NTA," voted user Temporary Badger. "I’m very glad you called because this woman very much needs CPS to be keeping an eye on the health and safety of her child.” “I can’t even tell you the amount of times we were given him early in the morning and you could tell his diaper hadn’t been changed since he’d gone to sleep t…
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"AITA for kicking my MOH out of my wedding party because she was being a buzz kill?"

Bride Fires Maid of Honor for Being a Buzzkill

Planning a wedding can bring out the absolute worst in people. That's pretty much impossible to avoid and that seems to be what happened to u/Final_Cream6177 , who shared her story about her fractured relationship with her Maid of Honor on Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole thread . Here's the scoop. u/Final_cream6177 enlisted her best friend Kathy, a professional wedding planner, to be her MOH. Kathy had planned countless weddings before and everything seemed to be going smoothly. That is, until a coupl…
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AITA for avoiding an ex on vacation and for not following up about getting drinks?

Guy Avoids Running Into Ex While On Vacation, Only To Be Stuck Together On The Same Flight Home

A 20-year-old man got stuck on the same flight home from Paris with his ex-girlfriend after avoiding her while they were both in Paris.
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toxic-workplace coworkers human resources workplace coworker annoying coworkers annoying people aita reddit thread Reddit - 17660677

Clingy Coworker Reports Unwitting Mentor to HR For Standing Her Ground

This incompetent coworker reported her competent teammate to HR after she spent months hounding her for information and experience. The report was instigated by the teammate standing her ground after she finally reached a breaking point from all the questions. In a post on Reddit 's r/ AITA (Am I the A-Hole), this user shared her story , wanting to see if she was wrong for reporting her teammate. Readers were quick to point out how out of touch with reality the poster was. Some commenters, like…
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aita great resignation revenge petty revenge Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit - 17645061

Greatest Hits: Boss Yells At Intern For Taking Personal Call, Sparks Mass Resignation

This boss laid into an intern when she took a call from her mother telling her that she needed to hurry to the vet to see her dying cat.
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aita bride marriage vegans crazy groom wedding family vegan reddit thread Reddit - 17649669

Update: Meat-Loving Groom Secretly Cancels Vegan Meals, Bride Cancels Wedding and Leaves Him

This bride discovered that her fiancé had gone behind her back and canceled the vegan meals that she had ordered. This put the couple in a dicey situation and ultimately would lead to the bride calling the marriage off completely.
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coworkers workplace coworker aita reddit thread - 17598725

Dickbag Coworker Complains Woman's Shoulders Are Showing... Meanwhile, He's Not Even Wearing Shoes

This rude coworker saw fit to submit their two cents on what this woman was wearing to work while they were standing barefoot in the office. There's something insanely hypocritical about that entire sentence…
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aita marriage ron swanson relationships reddit thread vegetarian Reddit meat - 17585669

Wife Serves Fake Meat to Meat-Loving Husband and Son, They Freak Out, Sparks Voracious Online Debate

This wife and her daughters decided to play a trick on the male members of the household, who held a ridiculous disdain for any meat alternatives. (They clearly have been taking one too many pages out of Ron Swanson's book.)
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