
AITA for keeping my website up after being asked to remove it?

'My friends think I'm being spiteful': Guy's crafty revenge on the officials that ruined his life

AITA For Refusing To Venmo My Friend For Pizza & Possibly Ending The Entire Friendship Over It?

'I’m poor and you're rich': Moocher refuses to let BFF have slice of pizza she 'didn't pay for'

family drama aita marriage pregnancy family stories drama sister-in-law siblings in laws birth ahole family pregnant sister stories couple - 19542533

'YTA. Holy moly': Woman roasted online for 'cruel' remark about SIL's miscarriages, husband attempts to redeem her and receives the same treatment.

AITA for kicking a girl out of my party for calling her boyfriend “daddy?”

'She would always refer to her boyfriend as daddy': Girl gets kicked out of party after calling her BF 'Daddy' all night, internet reacts

AITA for deleting my friend's wedding photos in front of them?

Double update! Nightmare groom ruins two separate wedding photo shoots, furious photographer deletes photos

AITA for telling cashier that wasn’t the girls credit card?

Snooping Karen makes teen cry after she alleges credit card 'fraud'

family drama aita bride allergic drama wedding drama Crazy Brides allergic reaction wedding family allergy bridezilla cousin - 19504133

Update!.. 'Suck it up': Bride accuses cousin of show-stealing for suffering an anaphylactic allergic reaction at their wedding

AITA for telling my brother’s wife that she is a stuck up b****?

'I refused to apologize': Guy unleashes wrath upon socially awkward sister-in-law, calls her stuck up

karens aita entitled airplanes karen airplane entitled people - 19483397

'He refused [to move]': Entitled couple steals Large Gal's second seat on flight that she paid for

Babies family drama amitheahole aita baby baby names brother siblings am-i-the-ahole family - 19364101

'UPDATE: My Parents went ballistic': Twin steals coveted baby name of dead friend, internet sides with them before things boil over

amitheahole aita marriage drama friends relationship-drama marriage-drama relationships am-i-the-ahole relationship-stories - 19483141

Wife gets fed up with her husband's relationship with his "close" friend Carl, the internet is suspicious of their relationship.

AITA for cancelling my wife’s TV subscriptions?

'My wife subscribed to over 15 TV services': Wife steals husband's credit card to pay for streaming, husband retaliates and now marriage is on the rocks

karens aita neighbors neighborhood am-i-the-ahole entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 19465989

Karen blocks Single Mother's driveway, Single Mother calls the cops, Karen demands an apology

AITA for not accommodating my niece?

'Your SIL is an entitled parent': Party host gets yelled at by her SIL over food choices

AITA for refusing to help my classmate after she accused me of mansplaining?

'She accused me of mansplaining': Teen refuses to work with study partner after she claims he's 'speaking to her [friend] like an idiot'

AITA: ‘She won’t attend the wedding and it’s all your fault’ : Entitled Lady Unfairly Demands Sister Pay For Her Daughter’s Wheelchair Rental Fee, Leading To Family Dispute

AITA: ‘She won’t attend the wedding and it’s all your fault’ : Entitled Lady Unfairly Demands Sister Pay For Her Daughter’s Wheelchair Rental Fee, Leading To Family Dispute