

AITA for not clapping when my sister sang in her voice class?

'Everyone clapped for her, except for me': Older sister humiliates younger sibling in front of entire singing class

This story makes an argument for why siblings should never take a class together.
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AITA for asking my (25f) sister (20f) to fix her overgrown/two before my wedding?

'Her hair is an eye sore': Bridezilla wants sister to change her appearance so that she's more aesthetic for her wedding photos

Should someone have to change their appearance for your wedding? To what degree? These are important factors that come into play in this thread and are in need of consideration. This bride, Reddit user u/kjally76, posted her story to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) subreddit, wondering if she was in the wrong for the events that had taken place leading up to her wedding. She has been planning every last detail with careful thought but has met resistance in her carefully laid plans when it co…
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AITA for missing my FIL's funeral after my MIL booked my husband first class but me ecconomy?

Entitled Wife Skips Family Funeral After Petty Mother-in-Law Purchased First Class Seat for Her Husband and Economy Seat for Her

Sure, this mother-in-law was petty, but this woman made it a whole lot worse.
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AITA for calling my husband insane for missing work just to teach me a lesson because I didn't iron his uniform?

'He decided to miss his shift as a way to teach me a lesson': Wife forgets to iron husband's uniform, he lashes out

Whatever happened to doing your own chores?
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AITA for sunbathing nude in my backyard?

Man Sunbathes Nude in Backyard, Neighbor Does Not Like What He Sees and Starts Fight

This nosy neighbor can mind his own business!
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AITA for yelling at my husband when he ate some of my chocolate and making him drive across the city to replace them.

'He should know better than to eat my favorite flavor': Pregnant wife makes husband drive hours to get more of her favorite chocolate

Hopefully, they will laugh about this years later...
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AITA for calling out my husbands coworkers wife for trying to flush a maxi pad down our toilet

Coworker's Wife Floods Couple's Bathroom, Mad They're Upset

It's important to take ownership of your mistakes — even in the most embarrassing situations. The wife of a coworker failed to do so when she flooded this couple's bathroom when she tried to flush a feminine hygiene product, and the resulting altercation created a growing rift between the two parties. We've all been there: You're the guest at someone's house, and — after taking care of your business — you go to flush. Except, the contents of the bowl don't disappear like they're supposed to — i…
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AITA for only inviting some of my sister's children to my wedding?

'I'm sorry but ten kids is a big cost on our wedding budget': Drama ensues when bride invites only some of her religious sister's kids

Does it make you a bridezilla to not invite all 10 of your sister's children?
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Humorous AITA "written" by House of the Dragon's Aemond

Uncle Accidentally Unalives Nephew After Their Pets Fight, Wonders if He's Wrong

This uncle engaged in a bit of a disagreement with his nephew at their family friend's place, which resulted in the “accidental” un-aliving of the nephew when the pair lost control of their pets. Now he's wondering how to handle the situation and trying to figure out if he is the a-hole for how things played out. Now it's important to take a look at the ethical and moral considerations at work here. For instance, why chase after your nephew with your retired ex-military behemoth of a pet if you…
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AITA for not moving from my booked seat for an elderly person?

'I'd booked the seat and wasn't going to move': First class train passenger refuses to move for elderly woman

The failure here is the train system!
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AITA for telling my brother (I was his best man) that his toxic but "love of his life" ex was trying to get in touch with him the night before his wedding?

'Please let him know [...] she'd be his personal bachelor party if he was so inclined': Toxic ex reaches out to groom the night before his wedding

This marriage feels over before it started!
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AITA for spending my daughter’s tuition money?

Selfish Father Spends Daughter's Tuition Money on a New Kitchen

That kitchen better be worth it!
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AITA for telling an employee she can choose between demotion or termination? | I own a vape shop. We're a small business, only 12 employees. One of my employees, Peggy, was supposed to open yesterday.

Small Business Owner Wonders if They’re Wrong for Forcing Manager To Pick Between Demotion or Termination Following No-show

This small business owner gave their newly-promoted manager a choice of a demotion or termination after the manager failed to report for a shift that they were supposed to be running. The manager's failure to notify of their absence and subsequent lack of communication meant that the business was not opened on time and remained closed until after the owner was notified three hours later. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) subreddit by Reddit user and business owner, u/…
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AITA for sticking to the late policy in my class even though the student has ADHD?

Student With ADHD Keeps Turning Work in Late and Teacher Docks Grade, Causes Split Reactions

This one's a tough call...
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AITA for letting my 4 year old use all of his money to buy everybody else meals and gifts while we were at Disneyland? | I took my kids to Disneyland Paris for a week with two of my friends and their kids. My oldest is 4 but he gets a monthly allowance from his dad that he can, in theory, spend on whatever he wants.

Mother wonders if she's wrong for letting her 4-year-old son spend his entire life savings on her friends (and there's a lot to unpack here.)

Well… at least he hasn't been saving for very long! Plenty of time for him to recoup from this devastating loss. If his allowance (which appears to be larger than my paycheck) doesn't cut it, then the trust fund should certainly help out. There's a lot going on and a lot to unpack with this one.
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AITA for making my younger sisters fly home early after they followed my husband?

'I told them they had to leave immediately': Woman sends younger sisters home after they spied on her husband

Sure, teenagers will be teenagers, but all actions have consequences!
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