
aita toxic-family toxic-mother ex wife ex husband Reddit step mom step-mama-drama - 20474117

‘[She] prioritizes jealousy over what’s best for the kids’: Toxic mom gets chewed out online for her immature actions after divorce

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'So many red flags': Boss insists salaried employee work on his house so that he 'doesn't have to pay'

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'Maybe I was a bit too harsh': Wife makes inedible home cooked meal for husband's birthday, husband calls her out, regrets his decision

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'She wants to use you': Estranged uncle has no interest in meeting his sister's kids after being guilted into providing free childcare for weeks

'Not much sleep was had': Husband defends wife from airline passenger

'Not much sleep was had': Husband defends wife from passenger over airplane etiquette

amitheahole aita neighbors neighborhood judgement neighborhood-drama bad neighbors verdict Bad Neighbor neighbor parking-drama parking - 20445189

'I called the cops': Neighbor repeatedly blocks new parents' driveway, gets towed, blames them

'She still looked upset': Bridesmaid insists on chocolate-free wedding

'She still looked upset': Bridesmaid insists on chocolate-free wedding

‘Your Job Is Just a Hobby’ Rude Wife Tells Husband to Quit the Job He Loves So She Can Spend Even Less Time With Her Daughter

‘Your Job Is Just a Hobby’: Wife Tells Husband to Quit Job So That She Can Spend Even Less Time With Her Daughter

'There is my wife recording': Man wants wife to stop videoing their family, but wife disagrees because she's 'big on social media'

'There is my wife recording': Man wants wife to stop videoing their family, but wife disagrees because she's 'big on social media'

AITA wasting grocery store employees time

'I scanned about $475 worth of stuff': Dad takes kids to grocery store and lets them snack on whatever they want, then leaves without paying

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'I [...] demanded that my boyfriend’s boss refunds me': Boss makes woman's boyfriend cancel vacation plans, she makes his boss pay her

AITA for charging someone more than usual for cupcakes and saying I'm not running a charity?

'She wanted them in a week': Cupcake baker takes order for a friend, suddenly raises the price of the order

'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

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'AITA for adjusting the thermostat at my in-law's house and not letting them adjust it at mine?': Family's thermostat battle heats up

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'AITA for not giving my coworker my day off?': Coworker demands guy's leave that he booked to play the new Zelda game

'She basically told you she didn't want the job': Employee tells boss about private DM's from a job candidate

'She basically told you she didn't want the job': Employee tells boss about private DM's from a job candidate