

AITA for not caring that my coworker is allergic to dogs.

Annoying Coworker with Allergies Insists that Employee Give Away His Dog Entirely

This coworker is clearly trying to start drama!
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AITA for "overruling" my sister by approving my nephew's outfit for my wedding?

Aunt okays nephew's outrageous wedding outfit and overrules his mother's wishes

Can we still be an a-hole if our intent was well-meaning? Well, probably . That's the answer that Reddit gave this aunt after she approved her nephew's super-extra outfit for her wedding, which — it turns out, was a really bad idea. The big short of the situation is this: The super cool aunt and her fiancé are pretty artsy people; they wanted people to dress in whatever colors and manner they preferred, just as long as it was nice and a little bit “fancy." Her nephew really took to this idea an…
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AITA for not being in an HOA

'I've been getting HOA letters about fees': Guy refuses to join HOA and incurs their wrath

It's often said that you should never make a deal with the devil — and the same goes for HOAs. If an HOA ever comes knocking, asking if you want to participate in a duel for a golden fiddle, you would do well to politely decline… before closing — and locking — your front door.
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AITA for not letting my gf be removed from the lease?

'She's threatened to break up with me': Guy refuses to take girlfriend's name off lease after she moves in with her ailing grandmother

I smell the end of this relationship...
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AITA for telling my stepdaughter she’s lucky I treat her as my own?

"My stepdaughter has become a burden": Entitled stepmother wants to kick out "bonus daughter"

This stepmother is really earning the “Evil Stepmother” title…at least according to some commenters on this AITA post.
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AITA for giving my cousin's wife a Roomba?

Major Gift Fail: Woman visits cousin's dirty home and decides to buy his wife cleaning supplies for her birthday

There are bad gifts and then there are insulting ones. This was both.
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AITA for having my daughter first birthday the same day as my step sisters wedding?

Petty Mother Schedules Her Kid's First Birthday Party on the Day of Her Stepsister's Wedding, Fails to Get Anyone to Show Up

It's the audacity for me!
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My roommate noticed I'm not going into work anymore. I told her I left that job and am looking for a new one. She said "so now you're a professional homeowner, basically?" I disagreed with that assessment. She said I'm leeching off of her and the other girl because I don't want to work.

'She said I'm leeching off of her': Unemployed live-in landlord changes terms, draws ire from roommate who is subsidizing his existence

The dynamic of a homeowner bringing in roommates is interesting: on the one hand, they're a roommate; on the other, the landlord. This can create delicate situations and result in either party harboring ill sentiments for the other. Many people are pouring a significant amount of money (>30% of their income) into their rent, which is the equivalent of setting a pile of money on fire every week — in that it does nothing to help you invest and advance your life. It's no secret that many (most) of…
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AITA for putting mistakes in my shared google doc notes

College Student Puts Mistakes in Shared Study Guide So His Crush Will Fail and Need His Help

There is no way this evil plan will work...
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AITA For asking my roommate to cover up?

'AITA For asking my roommate to cover up?': Terrible roommate and boyfriend tell woman how to dress in her own home, call her a "tramp"

The beauty of living in your own space is that you can do whatever the hell you want. Well, within legal, ethical, and various social confines, that is. But, there is another obstacle that often presents itself to one's enjoyment in one's own living space: Roommates. The flatting/rooming life is a grab-bag of all kinds of terrible experiences. One is guaranteed to be exposed to all kinds of people from all walks of life and experience, and while that's a beautiful thing, you sure do run into a…
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AITA for refusing to take down a video of my kids father dancing at my brother's wedding?

'He demanded that I take it down but I declined': Guy demands ex-wife take down embarrassing video of him at a wedding

We're conflicted about this one...
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AITA for punishing my daughter for making us all worried?

'16 years ago [...] I slept with another woman which resulted in another child': Cheating husband punishes daughter for acting out after she felt excluded

This guy refuses to take any responsibility for his actions.
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AITA for telling bf’s best friend’s gf the truth?

'As soon as he unmutes I yell that he's a liar': Woman realizes her BF is covering for his cheating friend so she tells the truth

Would you cover for your friend if they were cheating?
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AITA for disconnecting the Internet and not paying my daughters phone bill?

Mom Finds Daughter's Rude TikToks About Her, Gets Revenge By Cutting Off Internet

Never make a TikTok about your Mom when you rely on her for everything
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AITA for canceling a wedding gift when the wedding was canceled?

Bride and Groom Break Up Before Wedding, She Gets Mad at Sister-in-Law for Canceling $700 Wedding Gift

You can't cancel your wedding and still collect your gifts, honey.
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AITA for beating my coworker's kid at super smash bros. | This is where I totally wipe the floor with the kid. Like no contest at all. He trys several different game modes and rules to try and get a win in and he takes the l every time.

'It was a little awkward': Guy dunks on 8-year-old in Super Smash Bros, wonders if he's wrong

This will be the kid's supervillain origin story. I had to share this one just because of the sheer hilarity of the picture it paints. Just some grown-ass man absolutely and mercilessly annihilating the kid and repeatedly three-stocking him —something along the lines of the Billy Madison dodgeball scene. Were the OP's actions kind of mean? Maybe— but I would argue there's a hidden benefit here: He's providing (free) valuable life lessons to the kid that now the parents won't have to teach. Lear…
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