

AITA for losing my temper at a massage

'Babe, the most relaxing bit of this is definitely you two chatting loudly': Guy explodes at girlfriend and massage therapist for talking

This would have been hilarious to witness...
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AITA for 'selling out' on my Grandma's secret recipe? Update!

Update: 'I refused': Cousin demands Grandma's secret cake recipe after woman's success selling it, gets denied, ends wholesomely

All's well that ends well — right? This internet user returned over a year later to provide an update on the family conflict that they had asked for the internet for advice on. The user is a baker who inherited her grandmother's secret spice cake recipe. The grandmother had left an open invitation to any member of the family who wanted to learn the recipe; all they had to do was join grandma for a baking session. To the poor dying grandmother's dismay, the poster of the thread (OP) was the only…
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AITA for using flash cards to explain to my brother and his wife why they can't bring their rainbow baby to my wedding?

'They were both stunned': Entitled brother thinks his child is the exception to "child-free" wedding, gets hit with the hammer of obvious truth

There will always be people who consider themselves to be the exception — to rules, laws, or just plain old common etiquette. These entitled individuals think they're the main character but don't even stop to consider the fact that they're really just making themselves into one of many faceless, disposable goons in everyone else's day — like those hordes of aliens in the first Avengers who just mercilessly eradicated in the final act having received literally zero screen time. Anyways, this bro…
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AITA for not adding a third bathroom to our house?

'The girls were pissed': Parents add new gym to their home but make their four daughters share a bathroom

There's nothing like clueless, arrogant parents!
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AITA for wanting my son and DIL come stay with me for Christmas.

'I snapped on my son and told him it was unacceptable': Demanding mother guilts son and daughter-in-law for not coming to Christmas

All I want for Christmas is not you!
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AITA for wanting my sister to pay me back for the cans her kids stole from my shed?

Thieving delinquent nephews steal coveted can collection, guy threatens to call police when they won't pay him back

Isn't family wonderful? While some of us are busy brawling at the family Thanksgiving dinner, other families have resorted to stealing collections of cans valued at around $200. This uncle arrived home and noticed that his shed had been broken into, the only thing that was missing was hundreds of empty soda cans that he kept in massive bags in the shed. He had been collecting these with the intention of eventually turning them into the recycling plant to collect their bounty — just your regular…
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aita entitled parents mother parenting entitled entitled people celeb - 18502917

'Your entitlement is clouding your judgment': Mother calls celebrity rude for refusing to take a photo with her daughter, gets put in her place by the internet

It seems bizarre to think that you're entitled to a stranger's time — and that's exactly what's happening when you try to take a selfie with a celebrity. Whatever relationship you have with them is completely one-sided, they might be your “favorite,” but they — meanwhile — have no idea that you even exist. So when you rock up to them at their daughter's birthday party, demanding their attention, it's pretty safe to say that's going to go about as well — and be as well received — as it would wit…
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AITA for asking my fiancé to wear a different dress to a work event?

'I see her putting on the tight, less nice dress': Couple gets into argument over dress code for a work event

Now, all dress codes are dumb, but this guy may have actually been in the right.
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AITA for telling my niece her mother never wanted children?

Horrible Aunt Babysits 9-Year-Old Niece, Tells Her That Her Mom Never Wanted Kids

When it comes to babysitting, this is about as bad as it gets.
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AITA for taking back control of Thanksgiving meal planning and cooking from my husband?

'It's just bad holiday hosting': Husband says he can handle all the Thanksgiving dinner prep this year, it's not working out

Something tells me this family is going to be ordering takeout this Thursday...
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AITA for being upset for being unknowingly inclued in a memoir

Guy Discovers He Has Been Falsely Painted as a Villain in Shady Cousin’s Self-Help Book

Well, I wouldn't want to attend this family's Thanksgiving dinner.
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AITA “cheating” to get a promotion?

'People like this annoy me': Coworker accused of cheating by working crazy hours to get a promotion

Sure, it's not cheating but it's also not healthy!
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AITA for peeing in my BF car ?

'I held it for 40 minutes and it got really bad': Couple fights after girlfriend goes to the bathroom in his car

Desperate times call for desperate measures!
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AITA for telling my MIL that I regret marrying her daughter

'She said she is pretty sure that I’m not the father': Pregnant mom abandons husband and kids, her parents still try to defend her

This guy's in-laws need to face reality.
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aita marriage drama relationship-drama marriage-drama relationships dating - 18420997

Guy makes calculated purchase for wife's expensive smart watch, buys her a color she doesn't wear

There's something to be said for trying — but the last thing you want to do with a half-baked gesture is expose how little you listen to (or care) about your partner's wants and wishes. It doesn't take that much time or great observational skills to take note of the things that your partner enjoys; one might hope that, through general time spent together, it's something you'd just naturally and innately come to know. I say this despite myself having the observational skills of a deaf bat and th…
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AITA for asking my son to give me his boss's number?

'I found this reaction horrific': Entitled Karen Mom demands that her son give her his boss's phone number

These helicopter mommies need to stop.
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