

AITA for kicking a server out of my wedding? | "The server(19-ish f) had on clearly too much eyeliner. she also had diamond studs in her ears a flashy ring, and one of those ugly nose studs. The staff's uniform was a black long-sleeved shirt but on her, it was too low cut and her pants were far too tight."

Bridezilla Kicks Server Out of Her Wedding For Outshining Her

No one's going to fault you for being a little on edge on your wedding day… but nothing is an excuse to be rude to wait staff; this bride's apparent insecurities led her to act in a way that jumps clear over the line of acceptable behavior. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) subreddit by the bride, Reddit user u/Present-Ad-3934, who shared her story to the popular sub in order to see whether or not she was in the wrong for how she reacted towards the server at her wedd…
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AITA for not making my son remove a social media post disparaging my wife?

Son Disparages Mom in Social Media Post, Dad Undermines Wife and Refuses to Make Him Take it Down

What this family needs is therapy. And a lot of it at that!
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WIBTA if I cancelled my vacation ticket because my family wants me to share a room with my nieces? | I (F23) have been planning a family vacation with my older brother (M30) and his wife, my two nieces (F4 and F2) and my parents. Everyone is paying for their own tickets.

'My brother said I'm a whiny a**hole': Aunt backs out of family vacation after family makes her the de facto babysitter

This aunt chose to back out of a family vacation after her parents and brother revealed their plans to make her into a babysitter for nieces, forcing her to share a room with the two toddlers.
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AITA for reporting my professor

Entitled Student Reports Professor for Drawing Boundaries at Work

I swear teachers are the most disrespected people...
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AITA for asking questions about my co worker's daughter

Employee Asks Cringy Questions to Coworker About His Famous Daughter

Where is HR when you need it?
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AITA for walking out of my Birthday dinner after my sister and her boyfriend announced they were getting married ?

'She said it was the perfect time to announce their engagement': Future bridezilla upstages sister on her birthday

You know that feeling when you realize your sister is going to be a bridezilla?
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AITA for using a spray bottle to train my nephew

'I grabbed the spray bottle I use to keep the cat off the counter': Woman sprays water at nightmare nephew as punishment

Hey, if it works, it works...
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AITA for refusing to change my Halloween costume after already buying it?

'He told me that I looked like I was trying too hard': Woman gets body shamed by her own fiancé after trying on her Halloween costume

Could a Halloween costume actually break up an engagement?
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AITA for calling the police on my fiance?

Man Calls Police on Fiancé For Not Returning Home, We Suspect Cheating

How does a half-hour drive turn into a whole night gone? Hmm...
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AITA for exposing a friend's lie to his parents

'He saw my score and asked if we could swap tests': Bad friend exposes lie after student fails a test

This is not the cheating scandal this Redditor clearly thinks it is!
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AITA I yelled at a student's dad and told him to eff off.

'I tell him that it's not really his business but we are sisters': Horrible dad mistakes waitress for his son's teacher and shames her

This is definitely not the kind of thing you want to deal with on your break.
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AITA For walking out in the middle of my shift?

'I didn't receive a paycheck and my boss cut my pay': College student walks out of shift after bosses try to manipulate her

This college student's close relationship with her bosses backfired when they crossed a line.
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AITA for reporting my son's therapist for sharing private information with his stepdad?

'He showed me texts between him and my son's therapist': 14-year-old's therapist sends private info to evil stepdad

Imagine your own therapist texting private info to your stepdad behind your back...
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AITA for calling my stepmother delusional for thinking I would change my mind on her adopting me?

Stepmom Refuses To Admit That Her Stepson Does Not Want Her To Adopt Him

You would think at a certain point this woman would get the picture!
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AITA for not wanting to be involved in my brother's divorce?

'She said a lot of stuff...but I, well, just don't care?': Woman asked to financially support her brother's ex-wife despite barely knowing her

They're only kind to you when they need something...
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AITA For begging my boyfriend not to being Heinz Ketchup to Omakase?

'He's only going if he can bring a bottle of Heinz ketchup': Immature boyfriend insists on bringing ketchup to fancy sushi dinner

Ketchup and sushi go together about as well as this couple does!
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