

AITA for refusing to pay my husband for using a room in the house for my WFH job?

Woman's 'transaction nightmare' of a husband starts charging for the room she uses to work from home

Is this dude serious?
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AITA for leaving for a ski trip while my wife and kid were asleep?

'I packed up and left': Jerk husband ditches wife and sick daughter for a ski trip with his friends without telling them he's leaving, wonders if he's wrong

When you make the decision to get married (or make some other long-term commitment of trust and reciprocity to another person), you should probably consider that person's needs, thoughts, and advice. This goes double, if not triple, when you make the decision to (or otherwise) have children. These people come first and foremost in your life, before any fun you might want to have with your friends and, certainly, before a ski trip. Imagine the cruel audacity to straight up ditch your wife and si…
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AITA for telling my parents that my brother is facing the consequences of his actions and I'll never help him?

Pathological Liar Goes So Far That He Gets Cut Off By His Brother

Talk about not being your brother's keeper!
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AITA for going against my wifes wishes when purchasing our first home?

Insane guy purchases entire house without his real estate agent wife's knowledge, wonders if he's wrong

When you're in a committed long-term relationship, it's always advisable to make large, life-changing decisions as a team: This is something we would expect would go without needing to be said. Alas, wherever there are people making decisions, there is always going to be one person making one so utterly stupid you might not have even considered it to be an option in the first place. Take this idiot husband, for example; he thought it would be a clever idea to purchase a house without his real e…
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AITA for not telling my best friends girlfriend that I'm Bisexual?

'When Katie finds this out she kinda loses it': Bi woman accused by best friend's jealous girlfriend of trying to steal him away

You know what they say about when you assume...
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AITA for telling a 6'8 giant to upgrade his seating?

Extremely tall guy fights with another passenger on the plane over available leg room

We're inclined to say that everyone was awful here.
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AITAA for taking my niece to court over a coat?

Teenager Pranks Aunt by Throwing Paint at her $20K Coat, Aunt Takes Niece to Court

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would defend someone with a $20K coat.
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AITA for telling my parents I won't attend their christmas celebration until they send my husband a separate invitation?.

Update: 'Parents have disinvited me': Immature husband throws a fit when in-laws don't send him his own invitation to Christmas, gets couple disinvited

The proverbial phrase “Don't look a gift horse in the mouth” feels incredibly relevant when discussing invitations to Christmas celebrations — what with the whole gift-giving thing and all. Still, one might consider repurposing this into something that directly fits the occasion. I'm thinking something here along the lines of “Don't interpret an invitation on the recipient line.” — or something of that nature. Like, your name's already on the invitation dude. It's not normal to send couples mul…
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‘Don’t Be Petty’ : Man Tells Angry Wife After He Got Impulsive Tattoo of Best Friends Zodiac With Lyrics to a Love Song

‘Don’t Be Petty’ : Man Tells Angry Wife After He Got Impulsive Tattoo of Best Friends Zodiac With Lyrics to a Love Song

I spy with my little eye... a liar.
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AITA for how I fought my boyfriend's medical bill, going "too far"?

'He told me I went way too far': Mastermind fights to get boyfriend's medical bill reduced from $5K to $26

This woman really is a Christmas miracle.
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AITA for making a scene when my son refused to dance with me?

'The least Ben could have done was dance with his mother': Irate Karen makes a scene because her son won't dance with her at graduation

This mom clearly suffers from main character syndrome!
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AITA for leaving a fake postive pregnancy test in the bedroom to catch my husband's mom snooping?

'I got tons of calls and texts from my in-laws "congratulating" me for my "pregnancy"': Snooping MIL uncovers fake pregnancy test, announces it to entire family

Is it ever appropriate to blame a rat catcher for catching a rat?
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AITA for telling my parents that I make more than both my siblings when they told me to get a real job | I'm a nanny to 2 special needs kids. There's a very high demand for nannies for special needs kids because 3 special needs daycares in my county shut down, so I make approximately $120,000

'Childcare isn't a real job': Special needs childcare worker sets her parents straight, makes $120k a year

There's nothing like changing someone's mind by proving them wholly and completely to be out of touch. Being able to smack them over the head with an indisputable “I told you so.” works more wonders than any amount of arguing ever could have.
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AITA for Refusing to Give my Cousin-in-Law My Taylor Swift Ticket?

Bridezilla and Groom Guilt Teenage Cousin into Gifting Them Her Taylor Swift Ticket, Entire Wedding Gets Ruined

The things people will do for Taylor Swift...
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AITA for going to get ice cream instead of going home after my flight landed? | He promised he would pick me up from the airport and we would spend time together but he sent his brother instead. I was upset even though my brother-in-law told me something came up which is why he was there instead.

'He sent his brother instead. I was upset...' Wife drags BIL along on involuntary 2-hour ice-cream excursion, wonders if she's wrong

There are some things on the internet that remind you that people never really change — even when they reach adulthood. The sheer amount of immaturity and general inability to reach logical conclusions that one witnesses as they go about their day is a testament to this fact — as is the existence of 'Disney Adults.' Cheap shots at adult fanatics of Walt's work aside — this AmItheA**hole thread is rife with poor decision-making and reads like a horror B movie script: with every issue being able…
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AITA I don’t want to split the rebate I receive from being on the Board of Director’s of my HOA with my wife

'This has caused some of our worst fighting': Greedy husband refuses to split $400 rebate from HOA with his wife

This guy must hate his wife!
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