

'Man cave converted into baby room #2': Husband fights with wife after losing man cave to upcoming baby

'Man cave converted into baby room #2': Husband fights with wife after losing man cave to upcoming baby

It's time to deconstruct the concept of the “man cave.”
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aita kids friends bad parenting parenting friend Parenting Fail children - 21945861

'She purposely dumped coffee on a kid': Wife teaches friend's kid a hard lesson when parents refuse to intervene, parents freak out

Some people simply refuse to maintain any control over their children in public, though the real problem comes from the fact that these same parents usually haven't bothered to teach their children how to behave in public either. Sure, if you want to do gentle parenting and all that newfangled jazz, be my guest, but just be sure you aren't just mistaking the word “gentle” for the word “lazy” and are actually putting in the hard yards to make sure you're kids learn the lessons they ought to and…
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boyfriend toxic relationships aita relationship relationship-drama relationships girlfriend fiancé dating - 21947909

'No effort to learn basic tasks': Dude calls out his fiancée's weaponized incompetence and refusal to correctly do certain tasks

The topic of “weaponized incompetence” has become a hot one in online discussions any time relationships are mentioned. With relationship "gurus" singling out the behaviors of partners who refuse to learn basic tasks or household chores—or otherwise pretend that they can't do the task so that their partner gives up on asking them to do it and goes back to doing it themself. There's a notable distinguishment in behavior between being unable to do something—or honestly failing to learn it—and pre…
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'He gave her a receipt for a donation of $3 million': Father withholds money from one of his twin daughters after she takes a stand about her wedding

'He gave her a receipt for a donation of $3 million': Father withholds money from one of his twin daughters after she takes a stand about her wedding

No one can agree if this father is doing the right thing with his vast fortune.
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'[I] threw it in a dumpster out back': Employee throws out coworker's smelly sweater, coworkers conducts formal investigation, gets fired

'[I] threw it in a dumpster out back': Employee throws out coworker's smelly sweater, coworkers conducts formal investigation, gets fired

There are various ways to deal with your coworker's annoying quirks and eccentricities. Taking their supplies and throwing them in the trash is certainly not the most adult way of handling things. That being said, this employee seems fully convinced that what they did was the only way. In short, this Redditor confirmed that the strange odor they were smelling was emanating from their coworker's sweater, which he always kept at the office and therefore never washed. When OP asked the coworker ab…
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gym class aita gym - 21932293

'She got angry': Dude gives woman unsolicited gym advice, wonders if he's wrong

There's an important rule when it comes to giving unsolicited advice or feedback to anyone at the gym… Don't. Just don't. This same rule applies when you might be considering making unsolicited comments about another person's appearance—just… don't. However, this post begs an interesting question. When it comes to matters of safety, not just that someone's form is slightly off, but actual immediate safety… Do you have the right to say something..? And, should you say something? When it comes to…
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family drama aita marriage wedding drama funny wedding photos parenting family married weddings - 21965061

'I feel like I'm justified': Dad gets roasted online for leaving son's wedding early, directly after the ceremony

Part of having kids and being a parent is showing up for your kids and continuing to show up for them through their lives. So, when you're absent from one of the most important events in your life, what are they supposed to think? Further—when their spouse calls to let you know how much you've let your now-adult child down and you have the audacity to call your child back and declare that their spouse has a temper , don't be surprised when you get completely cut out of their life. This post is…
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Dinner guest tells host she's not honoring tradition because she won't eat mayo

'I did not think I was the entitled one here': Dinner guest tells host she's being 'unappreciative of their traditions' because she won't eat mayo

A family friend had a huge overreaction to a potato salad. If someone is kind enough to invite you to their house for a meal, you often bring some nice drinks or a plate of brownies or a bouquet of flowers. What you don't do is insult the food that your hosts have made for you — no matter how much you dislike it. Most of us are taught that as toddlers. We're told, "If someone gives you a birthday present, and you don't like it, what do you do?" And then you learn to say "Thank you!" for what yo…
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customer service aita workplace-stories coworkers food service workplace coworker fast food service industry - 21885445

'I pulled up the fan-fiction on my phone and started to read it': Manager reads worker's erotic fan-fiction out loud to the team, embarrassing her, wonders if he's wrong

Having good working relationships with coworkers is important and can contribute to a thriving team and business—but it's important to know where the line is—or else it can be incredibly easy to accidentally jump across it with a two-footed leap… especially when you have no common sense about how to communicate with other people respectfully. It's not uncommon for coworkers , especially in the service industry and retail, to be incredibly close, bonded through mutual suffering and long, unforgi…
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family drama aita wedding drama relationship-drama relationships wedding family weddings parents dating - 21870085

'My parents disapproved of him': Woman sets her judgemental parents straight by disclosing how much her fiancé's construction company earns, upsetting both parties

It's frustrating when someone can't keep a secret, especially when you've literally just finished telling them that secret, and the words are barely out of your mouth before they're sharing it with everyone. Of course, you learn to never disclose your secrets to that person after being burned once by their blabbermouth, but it's a little more complicated when that person is your spouse. It's also never easy living with a family who disapproves of your spouse due to their own haughty bias and pr…
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'While I appreciate the sentiment... I'm not doing that': Employee pushes back against coworkers' plan to buy boss a birthday gift

'While I appreciate the sentiment... I'm not doing that': Employee pushes back against coworkers' plan to buy boss a birthday gift

Congrats to this employee for standing up for what they think is the right thing, even when it makes them unpopular. Not everyone has the backbone to do such a thing. As the OP may soon realize, sometimes it helps to go with the flow instead of making a big deal out of something small. Perhaps the resolution will lead to change in their company, though. U/winterlilybell works on a small team with just three other coworkers and their manager . OP writes that their boss tends to give the employee…
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eyesore brush aita neighbors neighborhood pile city fence windows bad neighbors midwest tree Bad Neighbor sticks neighbor - 21793541

'He just tells me..."What can ya do?"': Guy reports neighbor to city officials over a pile of brush

These two neighbors completely disagree over who's responsible for keeping a yard clear of debris. Having friendly neighbors is a blessing, but this dude is more concerned with a giant woodpile. Instead of having someone next door they can count on, their neighbor has been flipping them off constantly. One of these neighbors, u/brushpileeyesore, came to r/AmItheA**hole to complain about their issue with the guy next door. OP writes that their neighbor had a tree removed, but even after several…
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terrible coworkers amitheahole aita in-the-workplace work coworkers workplace coworker - 21736709

'You should learn how to take "no" for an answer': Woman shuts down nosy coworker's questions about her husband's salary with controversial response

The workplace presents itself with many challenges... Chief among them being painful social interactions with the dreaded coworker . Take, for example, Trish, who brings her needlessly pungent soup every day for lunch. The soup smells as if it has been assembled with broth made by soaking the feet of aged retirement home inhabitants before distilling the soaking to carefully concentrate the very essence of foot odor. Trish heats her foot soup in the kitchen microwave daily, where its putrid sce…
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'I was hungry': Spouse eats wife's food before she photographs it

'I was hungry and unwilling to wait': Spouse eats wife's food before she photographs it, she says it 'ruined her cooking project'

This person is going to have to do a lot of grovelling to get their wife to forgive them. When your spouse has a hobby , you should support them however you can. What better way to keep your marriage happy than to have both parties doing things they love and being encouraged by their significant other? It means a lot when your loved ones care about your hobbies — you want them to be enthusiastic that you're doing something fun. For this woman, cooking has become not just a hobby but almost a fu…
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'The whole atmosphere in the room changed': Assistant gives wealthy coworkers a reality check

'The whole atmosphere in the room changed': Assistant stuns their oblivious, wealthy coworkers with reality check

This assistant isn't afraid to rock the boat. Every office place is different, and when you first begin working there, you start to learn the etiquette of the place. Some offices are very open and chatty, while others have unspoken rules that no one talks to higher ups. In some office spaces, people are expected to answer emails or phone calls immediately, whereas other places it's okay to take some time to respond. This might cause a few awkward moments for newcomers! This assistant writes tha…
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terrible coworkers aita work coworkers workplace coworker - 21719301

'I felt insulted': Woman shuts down shoeless coworker who complained that her shoulders were showing

"Thoust not wearing coverings on thy feet shalt not passeth judgment on thy neighbor's shoulders." While I'm not entirely sure that this was actually a commandment or part of any other religious-moral imperative, it probably should have been… Definitely a missed chance there somewhere—that's all I'm saying. Still, whether or not it was written in stone, it seems pretty obvious that you shouldn't be complaining about what your coworkers are wearing while your dogs are currently nestled and cozy…
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