
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

funny fail video burglar caught on tape by homeowner

Kid Has Worst Excuse For Breaking In

getting a cheap haircut in the streets of belize

Guy Gets $2 Street Haircut In Belize

funny tv fail math blunder numbers mix up

Journalist Makes Huge Math Blunder

Video of officials telling people to not touch their face to prevent the spread of coronavirus, then touching their faces.

Officials Telling People Not to Touch Their Face, Then Touching Their Face

Scary video Nashville tornado stuck in crane.

Guy Shoots Terrifying Video While Stuck In Crane During Tornado

Security Footage Thief Stealing From Porches

Video Footage Of Brazen Thief Stealing Stuff With A U-Haul

woman jogs by fireman in tornado aftermath

Fireman Bewildered by Woman Jogging in Tornado Aftermath

guy asks for a every country's flag

Guy Asks Every Country For Copy Of Their Flag, Shenanigans Ensue

police officer demonstrates blind spots covers motorbike with pen

Canadian Officer Hides A Motorcycle Behind A Pen

fox news anchor doesn't believe in germs and doesn't wash hands

Guy Can't See Germs, Says They're Not Real, Doesn't Wash Hands

Harry Mack freestyle rap

Freestyle Rapper Absolutely Crushes It

suspect eating ham while being questioned by police

Police Question Man, He Won't Stop Eating Ham

cute good boy dog fails service dog training school

Doggo Fails Out Of Service Dog Training School

reporter on tv accidentally uses face filters funny fail

Reporter Unknowingly Hits Face Filter On Live TV

fashionable grandma at fashion week vogue photoshoot

Guys Get Grandma Featured In Vogue At Fashion Week

A Video of a guy grinding up pizza rolls and turning them into sausage.

Guy Makes Sausage out of Totino's Pizza Rolls