
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Kid Aces Test, Gets Hand Lotion

actor hugh jackman former teacher recognizes student during red carpet interview

Wholesome Moment Hugh Jackman Recognizes Student He Taught

entitled woman goes on rant after being denied petting a service dog

"Karen" Wants To Pet Service Dog, Gets Rejected, Rage Ensues

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Edmonton Police Service Porch Pirate Sting

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Rare Moment Math Whiz Accepts He's Wrong

10 year old chess master

Kid Beats International Master Of Chess

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Will Ferrel Attempts Hot Wings Challenge, Regrets Ensue

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Flashback Fail: Doctor Picks Patriots To Win Super Bowl, They're Not In It

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Doughnut Creation Process Is Delicious Eye Candy

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Flat Earther Explanation Video Interrupted By Wife

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George Carlin Describes Baby Boomers

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Woman Gets Arrested For Stealing Car, Denies Stealing Car, Then Steals Cop Car

Guy weightlifter pushing plates at gym makes a huge fart.

Weightlifter Rips a Mighty Beefer

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Cop Gets Stuck On Fence

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Emma Stone Gets Brutally Trolled On Live Television

Video of guy putting whole can of corn back on cob

Dude Figures Out How Many Cobs are in a Can of Corn