
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

People fall for a viral video of a broom standing up by itself on Twitter | pic of a man in a vest balancing a broom while a woman in a green shirt watches tweet by Alexis Mozell @LexCoupBemaBenz Replying QuinnTietz and @mikaiylaaaaa think this is first time many have reached their brooms while. So, thank NASA

NASA Scientist Teaches Twitter Basic Physics

Viral video of a passenger punching another passenger's reclining seat divides people on Twitter | tweet by Nash Fung @nashfung Replying MarinaMarraco and @fox5dc frequent flyer, IMO seat reclines= end discussion. Whoever sits there has every right use any and every feature comes with seat s so controversial about. bald man in glasses punches seat in front of him while the woman in it films him.

Video Of Passenger Punching Woman's Reclining Seat Divides Internet

Video of guys experiencing a shockwave coming up a pipe they're in.

Shockwave Coming Up A Pipe Is Incredible

wholesome video knocking on strangers doors and paying their rent

Guy Knocks On Strangers Doors, Pays Their Rent

news segment about hidden pipe organ that takes up a third of a house

A $130K House With A $1 Million Pipe Organ Hidden In It

funny video excited contestant on the price is right

Absolute Mad Lad Sets New Plinko Record On "Price Is Right"

R2D2 in Italy video meme is hilarious | star wars androids robots Bruno Henrique Sequinel R2-D2 fix elevator R2-D2 cooks pizza robot with chef's hat and mustache holding a pizza and doing the italian chef's kiss hand gesture

R2-D2 In Italy Is Our New Favorite Meme

Bart Simpson voice actress orders coffee and fails to get recognized

Bart Simpson Voice Actor Tries To Get Recognized, Cringe Ensues

arizona cop police fail questioning cringe

Arizona Cop Gets Flustered When Questioned At Station

funny video jim carrey recreated his comedic moments as a serious actor

Jim Carrey Reimagines Greatest Comedic Moments

quebec man scares off approaching polar bear with sticks

Brave Man Scares Off Polar Bears With Sticks

Ryan Gosling And Harrison Ford funny interview for Blade Runner 2049

Ryan Gosling And Harrison Ford Can't Keep It Together

funny shrek 2 scene that parodies the movie cops criminal busted

Hilarious Cops Parody In "Shrek 2"

Video of bagpiper and steel drummers sound horrible.

Bag Piper Competing With Steel Drummers All Sounds Real Bad

gameshow funny video Bob Mortimer breaks apple in half with his hands

Bob Mortimer Claims He Can Break Apple In Half With Bare Hands

Funny video of toy train stunts.

Sick Toy Train Stunts