
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

cool coin mechanisms hidden artwork

Artist Crafts Coins With Hidden Mechanisms In Them

math lesson in half life virtual reality coronavirus quarantine

Math Teacher Delivers Remote Video Lesson In Half-Life: Alyx

opening a can of soda underwater on ocean floor

Guy Opens Can Of Soda On The Ocean Floor

Patrick Stewart reciting Shakespeare quarantine coronavirus

Patrick Stewart Calmly Reciting A Shakespearean Love Sonnet

A video of a man displaying his new fence to keep his dog in, then the dog jumps over the fence.

Guy Proudly Displays New Fence To Keep Dog In

macro zoom in closeup objects

Satisfying Watch: Everyday Objects In Macro

video of fish in a tank eating a slice of carrots

Guy's Tank Of Marine Life Eats A Carrot

voice actor recites disney's peter pan dialogues

Voice Actor Can Recite Any Scene From Peter Pan, By Memory

astronaut Chris Hadfield explaining how to self isolate social distancing coronavirus

An Astronaut's Guide To Self Isolation

conan o'brien making hand sanitizer at home coronavirus

Conan O'Brien's Guide To Making Hand Sanitizer At Home

Rodney Dangerfield doing the Triple Lindy Shooting Stars Meme video

The Rodney Dangerfield Shooting Stars Mashup We Didn't Know We Needed

coronavirus pandemic quarantine empty malls and public spaces

Normally Packed Mall In Vegas Empty Due To Coronavirus

Arnold Schwarzenegger urging people to stay indoors coronavirus

Arnold Schwarzenegger Advises People To Take COVID-19 Seriously

Tony Hawk yelling at skateboarders to do a kick flip

Tony Hawk Yelling "Do A Kickflip" At Skateboarders

speaking spanish with a southener redneck accent

Guy Speaks Spanish With A USA Southerner Accent

Video of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost doing a version of "The Plan" from Sean of the Dead for coronavirus.

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost Recreate "The Plan" for Coronavirus