

I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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'[He said] he's going to evict us because of how ‘ungrateful’ we are': Guy exposes his scummy landlord's gaslighting tactics, rent-raising greed, and strategic naivety on video, goes viral

The 'World's Worst Landlord' Award goes to...
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karen karens neighbors neighbor bad-neighbors entitled thief stolen mail package boss police libel rampage deserves payback evidence video surveillance reddit

'She called the cops and is trying to convince my boss to fire me': Karen wrongly accuses her neighbor of stealing her mail, gets pwned when he scores surveillance footage to clear his name

Being stuck with a bad neighbor can make your living situation more like a hostage situation. Cornered by the prying eyes and rampant lies of a nosy neighbor, our next hero showcases the best way to deal with a resident Karen: Video evidence.
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'We have rules': Moped driver gets deported from Bali after refusing to pay small traffic fee

'We have rules': Moped driver gets deported from Bali after refusing to pay small traffic fee

Of all the reasons to get kicked out of a country , this might be the most embarrassing. No vacation goes 100% perfectly—there are always a few hiccups. There are the tiny things, like planning to visit a popular spot, only to find out when you arrive that it's closed for the day. Then there are bigger issues, like that one family member who forgets their passport at home, and remembers once they're at the airport. It's not every day you encounter problems like this, though. A traveler got depo…
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'A contractor's worst nightmare': Contractors smash customer's new patio after he claims they 'did it wrong' (Video)

'A contractor's worst nightmare': Contractors smash customer's new patio after he claims they 'did it wrong' (Video)

What an absolute nightmare for everyone involved in this project ! This customer claimed that his contractors built his patio all wrong. That's news to the contractors, though, who seemed to be nearly finished the customer's project! In a viral video , an altercation between the customer and the contractors caught all the action. When it comes to major projects like this, usually there are contracts and agreements signed before the project ever gets off the ground. Plus, lots of companies reque…
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Funny Videos viral videos vase viral tiktok stuck funny video viral funny Video - 4157190

'Worst New Year's Eve ever' happens to Alabama man who got stuck in a giant vase (Video)

This dude rang in 2024 with a hilarious mistake that quickly went viral. It's the new year once again, and people rang in 2024 with parties and gatherings. People love to get dressed to the nines for this holiday. Lots of people gather at fancy event spaces or at friends' homes to count down to the ball drop. Even if you watch the ball drop on TV from the comfort of your couch, it still feels like a big party since numerous celebs and musicians all join the festivities. This guy opted to dress…
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'I'm gonna bring the food back': Food delivery woman refuses to give customer his food because the drive took too long

'I'm gonna bring the food back': Food delivery woman refuses to give customer his food because the drive took too long

There is no question that customers should always be generous with tipping when they can, but this food delivery driver took things way too far. She started to shout at the customer to try to convince him to come out and talk to her because she had a bone to pick with the restaurant he chose to order from… One has to wonder what possessed this woman to feel like she had a say in where he chose to order his food. She claimed that the restaurant was simply too far and that it was a 40 minute driv…
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'I asked her five times to make a payment... oh well': Contractors smash clients new patio to pieces after client refuses to pay the crew

'I asked her five times to make a payment... oh well': Contractors smash clients' new patio to pieces after client refuses to pay the crew

No good deed goes unpunished, as these poor contractors now know all too well. A group of contractors from Cheshire filmed themselves destroying a client's brand new fence. That's the opposite tactic that companies usually try to display on social media. Many of them will show photos or videos of things they've created in order to entice new customers. But these folks had a different message to send: respect us, or you'll pay. In the video below, a contractor explains that he completed a woman'…
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'It's not the first time he's done this': Man throws temper tantrum at AAA after they cancel his 26-year membership

'It's not the first time he's done this': Man throws temper tantrum at AAA after they cancel his 26-year membership

This person came by to “forgive” some employees who made him mad, but then he started yelling at them instead. In an odd video posted by u/galaxystars1, a bystander is filming inside of a AAA as a (former) customer flips out. There are two sides to every story, and we only see a small segment of what happened here. But as the upset customer says, he had a 26-year-long membership with AAA, and the company cancelled it. Though they don't say why, someone mentions that this dude shows up often to…
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'You just stopped in the middle of the road!': Delivery driver honks at Karen and Kevin, they try to intimidate him, bystander intervenes

'You just stopped in the middle of the road!': Delivery driver honks at Karen and Kevin, they try to intimidate him, bystander intervenes

This older couple could not handle being called out for not driving properly. By not driving properly, we mean simply stopping in the middle of the street, an act that would make anyone honk at you. However, this delivery driver didn't realize when he honked that he would end up being confronted and intimidated by an older Karen and Kevin couple who refused to acknowledge that they were the problem. Despite their frustration at being captured on camera, the New Jersey delivery driver filmed eve…
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Million-dollar Florida beach house confuses the internet with its mysterious second-floor entry

Million-dollar Florida beach house confuses the internet with its mysterious second-floor entry

Would designers really build a house that no one could enter ? The internet was wondering that very question about one house in particular. This home is located in Florida, home of all things quirky and kooky. It's a beautiful home, and it's conveniently raised up on stilts (since, you know, Florida floods constantly). However, eagle-eyed viewers noticed that the listing doesn't seem to include a set of stairs into the home. The listing, posted by @ZillowGoneWild, notes that you have to climb t…
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'All she does is pitch fits': Karen Mom calls the cops on her 5-year-old daughter for crying, cops arrest Karen

'All she does is pitch fits': Karen Mom calls the cops on her 5-year-old daughter for crying, officer arrests Karen

Just because you don't know how to parent doesn't mean you can just dial 9-1-1 on your five-year-old! Seriously, what was this impatient Karen thinking when she thought the best way to discipline her child for stomping around the room was to call the police five times and have them deal with it? News flash: all five-year-olds have the occasional behavioral fit, and if you really need a second pair of hands, consider working with her teachers or a professional. Otherwise, you're wasting time and…
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'Turns out the admission was really important': Insurance lawyer refuses to download video software to help his client, realizes his mistake in the courtroom

'Turns out the admission was really important': Insurance lawyer refuses to download video software to help his client, realizes his mistake in the courtroom

This lawyer was all set to lose an open and shut case, until another attorney made a huge mistake . One of the first things your parents probably told you after you learned to drive was how to act if you ever get into a car accident. After making sure everyone is okay, you inspect your car and take photos, call the police, and phone up your insurance. And one major thing to know is that you shouldn't say sorry to the other person, because in a legal sense, it shows that you're admitting fault o…
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'Oh, okay. So you own the street?': Entitled Karen says woman's dog isn't allowed to bark on the street, woman films Karen

'Oh, okay. So you own the street?': Entitled Karen says woman's dog isn't allowed to bark on the street

A lot of things can set off Karens in the neighborhood, but a fellow neighbor's brief barking should not be one of them. We know the barking wasn't incessant, as the encounter was captured on video. We also believe that the dog's barking was just a means to an end for Karen, who clearly felt that the woman filming the video did not live in the neighborhood. Karen also did not approve of the fact that the woman parked her car where she did, claiming that if she really lived in the neighborhood s…
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'Get out!': Influencer gets owned after trying to prank video game store employee

'Get out!': Influencer gets owned after trying to prank video game store employee

This employee saw right through this so-called “influencer's” prank. The young man has posted several videos on social media in which he tries to prank unsuspecting employees at various stores, but this time, he met his match. The teenager tried to pass off a ridiculous-looking homemade device as a “virtual reality” gadget. The employee was not having any of this guy's pitch and knew that he was trying to sell him some nonsense. At first, the employee remained calm and politely asked the teenag…
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'She... ran straight through the building': 90-year-old drives car into hair salon while fleeing a hit and run

'She... ran straight through the building': 90-year-old drives car into hair salon while fleeing a hit and run

No one is going to have a better “bad haircut story” than this dude. Imagine: you go to get a haircut, and as you're sitting in the chair, a car races into the establishment, crashing just feet away from you! The dude in the video doesn't have to wonder, because it happened to him while this hairdresser was giving him a trim. As you can check out in this wild video below, a 90-year-old woman the driver behind the chaos. She reportedly hit a different car while leaving a fast food restaurant. Th…
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'Really? It's stuck at the bottom of the cup': Woman requests free drink after pouring hot cappucino out in front of employee

'Really? It's stuck at the bottom of the cup': Woman attempts to shame employee by pouring hot cappucino out in front of him

How bad would your drink have to taste before you start pouring it out on the ground ? This woman did just that, in a video she filmed herself, after getting a drink she disliked at a local coffee chain. Some coffee chains are woefully inept at making a drink. I stopped going to a local Dunkin because my order is just cold brew with cream, with light ice. Those are just three ingredients, and yet I never get quite what I've asked for. Sometimes they give me extra ice (are they spiteful of my li…
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