

Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Weirdest first dates in memoriam: ‘We ended up crashing her ex's wedding by mistake.’

‘He took me to a funeral as his plus-one’: 21 Weirdest ways first dates went downhill

What's worse than having an awkward first date at a restaurant? Having one at a funeral.
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Job candidate gets job offer that requires him to move states, only the employer refuses to send the contract before he moves: ‘Just come here and get started’

Job candidate gets job offer that requires him to move states, only the employer refuses to send the contract before he moves: ‘Just come here and get started’

You don't have to be a lawyer to know that a contract is one of the most important concepts humans have come up with. You also don't have to be a historian to know that it is one of the first social concepts humans have come up with. It is a massively important social construct that has allowed communities over the centuries to build and live in peace and so it should not be taken lightly. When one first starts a job, the very first thing they should be doing after accepting it is to sign a con…
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'The HOA doesn't apply to our property': Male Karen overwhelms new neighbor with HOA fines, neighbor proves his house was built before the HOA

'The HOA doesn't apply to our property': Male Karen overwhelms new neighbor with HOA fines, neighbor proves his house was built before the HOA

There are two kinds of neighbors: the sane ones and the ones who will take any opportunity to boss other neighbors around. That's where HOAs come in. This HOA president went out of his way to try to fine the new neighbor for the ways in which he set up his backyard despite numerous attempts on the neighbor's part to explain that his house was not technically within the HOA. However, it seems like the stubborn nature of this guy clouded his better judgment, so he wound up using the HOA resources…
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FAILS cringey marriage drama cringe Awkward askreddit proposal couples reddit thread Reddit funny dating - 35640837

'I proposed to my girlfriend at a family gathering and she said no': People share stories of what happened after their marriage proposals were rejected

When you propose to someone, it's a pretty big deal. There are some people who have dreamed their whole lives of having the perfect proposal in the perfect location with the perfect ring with the perfect person, and other people who could care less how they are proposed to, as long as it's with the right person. No matter what kind of proposal you hope to have, no one wants to be asked when they're not ready. So that's why if you're the one about to propose, you better make sure your fiance is…
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'I followed your instructions to the letter': Painter maliciously complies with boss's orders to use corrosive paint, costs boss a fortune to fix

'I followed your instructions to the letter': Painter maliciously complies with boss's orders to use corrosive paint, costs boss a fortune to fix

How many times do things need to go wrong in order for bosses to listen to their employees? This painter tried to warn his boss that using water-based paint on metal would cause the metal to rust. Of course, he was not only ignored, but his boss was insistent that he follow her orders. Well, the painter decided to comply but was smart enough to get it in writing that he was ordered by his boss to use this specific paint. Let's just say it was not the right time for his boss to flex her authorit…
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After getting fired from their job, employee leaves a bad review about management, then discovers their boss left a fake review in response: ‘He gave himself a glowing review’

After getting fired from their job, employee leaves a bad review about management, then discovers their boss left a fake review in response: ‘He gave himself a glowing review’

Being able to leave an honest review on anything is one of the most beneficial tools of the internet. Building a community that wants to share their experiences for the sake of other people is an advantage that we should appreciate much more than we do. Take your workplace for example. In many companies, there are hundreds of employees who go through their work day in the offices and have a working relationship with coworkers and management. When an employee leaves, they should have the opportu…
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Man is asked by overseas family members to donate money to his recently unemployed step-cousin because of a failed $2.8 million mortgage: ‘I warned them’

‘I warned them’: Man's step-family begs him to loan distant cousin money despite man's big spending warnings years earlier

Distant family members might not reach out to you for birthdays, but they will reach out when they need a big favor.
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Credit union employee pressured to follow unethical new policy, quits on principle, gets huge payout: 'I made it very clear that I would NOT be participating in that'

Credit union employee pressured to follow unethical new policy, quits on principle, gets huge payout: 'I made it very clear that I would NOT be participating in that'

Just because something is technically allowed does not mean you should do it. Tell this to most toxic bosses in the workforce. That's exactly what this credit union employee did. Unsurprisingly, she was the only worker on her team who had enough of a moral backbone to refuse to trick customers and collect unnecessary lawsuit money. This new policy was pitched by a spineless Karen coworker, who found a loophole in state policy and exploited it to no end. When this employee refused to take part i…
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‘They want some poor stooge to risk arrest for trespassing’: Couple offers $50 for a quick 'errand' they need run, is just a sneaky way to get a cheap home inspection of a remote property they want to buy

‘They want some poor stooge to risk arrest for trespassing’: Couple offers $50 for a quick 'errand' they need run, is just a sneaky way to get a cheap home inspection of a remote property they want to buy

Surprise, surprise—nobody wants to do professional work for nickels and pennies.
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'[My] signed 20k contract is [...] nowhere to be found': HR informs employee that his signing bonus is $10K instead of promised $20K

'[My] signed 20k contract is [...] nowhere to be found': HR informs employee that his signing bonus is $10K instead of promised $20K

Always document everything!
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neighbors entitlement drama neighborhood-drama couples landscape scam entitled family property reddit thread Reddit - 35655173

'She paid insurance and taxes for years': Couple discovers after 40 years they were scammed, realizing they only own half their land and have been paying to maintain neighbor's property

At this point, the couple should legally be entitled to the land they've paid to maintain. When you purchase a large sum of property, you assume the legal documents are correct. Forty years ago, a husband and wife purchased five acres of farmland from the previous owners. They've lived on the land for the past four decades, paying insurance and taxes on the land, even paying thousands of dollars to repair old buildings that were part of the property, only to find out it didn't belong to them. 
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‘Silence is golden…’: Employee scolded by micromanager for disclosing high salary to underpaid coworkers

‘Silence is golden…’: Employee scolded by micromanager for disclosing high salary to underpaid coworkers

In certain situations, managing people might force you to diffuse awkward situations. The topics of discussion could include pay—or lack thereof—and dismissing competent workers due to the financial challenges facing the business. That being stated, how would you react if your manager reprimanded you for discussing your salary with a coworker? The story below is an account of a frustrated worker. The original poster (OP) spent a significant length of time working for the same company. OP is pai…
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Boss tells employee to re-apply for their own position because of district policies, employee walks out: 'I will not be re-applying'

Boss tells employee to re-apply for their own position because of district policies, employee walks out: 'I will not be re-applying'

Just because something seems standard does not make it justified. This employee was told that because of the school policies in their district (they work in the education sphere), they needed to re-apply for the positions they had been working in for the past year. But don't worry: it gets worse. They were also informed that this time around, they will likely have trouble because of “seniority.” So, this employee reacted like any sane person would in this situation; they thought, “What is the p…
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Overworked employee takes up more duties as coworker leaves without notice, only to discover that same coworker got promoted to the position they were both after: ‘I feel betrayed’

Overworked employee takes up more duties as coworker leaves without notice, only to discover that same coworker got promoted to the position they were both after: ‘I feel betrayed’

Every employee wants to prove themselves in their workplace, if not for their own sense of accomplishment, then so they can prove to their managers that they are hard workers and are worthy of future promotions and reinforcement. The problem is, that there is a very thin line between proving your worth and being exploited, and managers love to cross that line in order to get more out of their employees, without having to pay for it. It seems like the employee in this Reddit story has also been…
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Customer gets owned when an employee gives back $85 of change in $1 bills for a funny retaliation

‘Such a boss move in my opinion’: Entitled customer throws tantrum over cashier checking their $100 bill, so employee gives back $85 of change in $1 bills

Customer service can be really draining sometimes. This employee decides to “give back” to an entitled customer who has a lot to say.
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Stubborn couple argue over a bag of licorice, woman makes boyfriend eat the whole bag: 'Be grateful for my gift'

Stubborn couple argue over a bag of licorice, woman makes boyfriend eat the whole bag: 'Be grateful for my gift'

When couples fight about the little things, it's always really about something greater. No one is ever just mad about their partner leaving dishes in the sink. At the end of the day, they're ultimately upset because they feel like their boundaries, space, and rules have been ignored and therefore disrespected. Here , we have a couple who erupted into an argument over a bag of licorice, but really, both parties were just giving each other a hard time. Essentially, the boyfriend is known for dete…
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