

Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Man in the midst of a divorce is exiled by his step daughter after supporting her full time: ‘My step daughter believed her... has blocked me on her phone’

‘My lawyer is giving me the green light to cut off my step daughter’: Soon-to-be divorced man is exiled by his stepdaughter after his ex-wife feeds her blatant lies

Even when you try to do right by your chosen family, they might drop you when things get complicated.
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'There is no such thing as business ethics': Top HR nightmare stories featuring entitled bosses and unprofessional coworkers

'There is no such thing as business ethics': Top HR nightmare stories featuring entitled bosses and unprofessional coworkers

Working in human resources requires keeping a lot of drama to yourself. This poses a problem for those of us on the internet who want all the juicy gossip about all the messed up workplace environments so that we can feel ever so slightly better about our own messed up workplace situations. Thankfully, these HR employees were bold enough to share their stories and spill the tea for the rest of us. It comes as no surprise to report that the vast majority of these anecdotes involve those at the t…
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Resident blocks neighbor's gate with waste, ensuring they can't leave their house, as payback for neighbor refusing to clean up when trimming his trees: ‘Ever heard of a dumpster?’

Resident blocks neighbor's gate with waste, ensuring they can't leave their house, as payback for neighbor refusing to clean up when trimming his trees: ‘Ever heard of a dumpster?’

People who tend to procrastinate know how hard it is to complete even the smallest of tasks. That is why many procrastinators will testify that they find different methods to get themselves to complete their tasks. One of the most popular methods that people follow is the 2-minute rule – If the task is going to take you less than two minutes to do, don't let yourself ignore it or add it to your to-do list, do it immediately. That is what the neighbor in this Reddit story should have done, becau…
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Student glues classroom door shut and locks teacher inside as payback for unfair treatment all semester: 'The fire department had to come to free him'

Student glues classroom door shut and locks teacher inside as payback for unfair treatment all semester: 'The fire department had to come to free him'

Everyone has that one teacher who gave them a hard time in high school. If life were a movie, there would be some sort of inspirational and emotional arc to that teacher where the two of you come to understand, appreciate, and respect one another. However, in reality, there usually isn't much of an arc at all. Most of the time, the two of you end the year still resenting one another. The only real ending is one of you leaving the school and no longer being a part of one another's lives. This th…
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‘I'm fired? We’ll see about that': Manager informs employee their PTO was denied two days into their vacation, then fires them for not arriving to work, employee reports company in response

‘I'm fired? We’ll see about that': Manager informs employee their PTO was denied two days into their vacation, then fires them for not arriving to work, employee reports company in response

For some reason, employers have serious issues with the fact that their employees cannot physically work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It seems like if an employee is unwilling to commit every single ounce of their time to their job, they are suddenly not good enough for their employers. Informing your employee that their paid time off was denied, two days into said paid time off, is simply disrespectful, and a perfect example of employers' inability to accept that even employ…
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 'Is this a prank?': Job seeker rejected for appearing ‘too desperate’ in job pursuit

'Is this a prank?': Job seeker rejected for appearing ‘too desperate’ in job pursuit

Finding a job is never an enjoyable or simple task. Some would even go so far as to suggest that it's physically demanding and brutal. But just like anything else in life, there are moments when you have to carry out tasks you may not particularly enjoy in order to further your career. A frustrated job seeker is described in the account below. The original poster (OP) had been struggling to find a job for a while. He is searching for that one person who will have faith in him, in his skills, in…
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Petty driver gets back at annoying teenagers for refusing to move from his parking space: 'Never seen teenagers run that fast before'

Petty driver gets back at entitled teenagers for refusing to move from his parking space: 'Never seen teenagers run that fast before'

Never underestimate bored teenagers with nothing to do except for causing trouble. There is an argument to be made that this age is perhaps the most excruciating age of humans. While we can attempt to avoid interacting with the “youth” as much as possible, sometimes we have no other choice but to confront them Here, we have a driver who was pulling into the one empty space in a busy parking lot by a popular pizza chain. The only thing stopping the driver from completing his parking job was a gr…
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Entitled hotel guest demands immediate service despite clerk having to leave desk to help another guest, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘What is your problem?’

Entitled hotel guest demands immediate service despite clerk having to leave desk to help another guest, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘What is your problem?’

When you are a kid, you constantly get told by your parents that ‘patience is a virtue’. And even though you have no idea what that phrase means, you slowly learn what patience really is and how to use it. The problem is, that more often than not, the adults who constantly preach patience, have none of their own to show for. Like the hotel guest in this Reddit story, who could not patiently wait even 3 minutes for the clerk to return to their desk after assisting another guest. Why would you wa…
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Photographer sabotages wedding photos after harsh family criticism, ruining precious memories

Photographer sabotages wedding photos after harsh family criticism, ruining precious memories

Your priorities should always be centered around your family. You ought to go above and beyond to ensure the happiness of your loved ones. But what would you do if your family openly disregarded your field of employment and treated you like an unnecessary burden? Would you still treat them with the highest regard? The story below is an account of a frustrated cousin. The original poster (OP) volunteered to be the photographer for his cousin's wedding. He felt obligated to help the couple in any…
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'$15 in fees before tipping is absurd': Top 20 Mildly Infuriating Food Deliveries

'$15 in fees before tipping is absurd': Top 20 Mildly Infuriating Food Deliveries

Is anyone else just trying to make enough money to afford DoorDash again? Picture this: you're having a late-night craving for fast food. You probably got a targeted ad from Dominos that caught you in a vulnerable moment, so you couldn't help yourself. Against your better judgment, you order some pizza, cheesy bread, and even some of those chocolate lava cakes for you and your partner on a delivery service app, only to discover that the service fees before tipping make your entire order $20 mor…
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'Since there's nothing wrong with it you can buy it:' Customer's vehicle keeps malfunctioning, car dealership keeps saying it's fine, malicious compliance ensues

'Since there's nothing wrong with it you can buy it:' Customer's vehicle keeps malfunctioning, car dealership keeps saying it's fine, malicious compliance ensues

There is nothing more frustrating than being told something is fixed when you know in your soul that it is still not working. Most of the time, when this happens, the item that's malfunctioning is minor, such as a sink faucet. In this case, however, we're talking about someone's car. This customer kept trying to get his vehicle fixed because he was consistently receiving error messages. After dropping $2,000 to get it repaired, he retrieved his vehicle and was specifically told that everything…
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'You've got to be kidding me...': Micromanager demands employee clock out during downtime, yet demands on-site availability ‘just in case’

'You've got to be kidding me...': Micromanager demands employee clock out during downtime, yet demands on-site availability ‘just in case’

The workspace is equally, if not more, significant than the task at hand. It is essential that the people in charge of overseeing you truly want you to succeed. Still, how would you respond if, in an attempt to save a few bucks, your manager tried to clock you into and out of the shift every time there was an off-peak hour? The story below is an account of a confused employee. The original poster (OP) works at a kayak launch. He'd been employed by the same company for a considerable amount of t…
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After constantly being demanded by roommates to clean the apartment, woman complies by moving out with all their essentials: ‘I cleaned the apartment real good'

After constantly being demanded by roommates to clean the apartment, woman complies by moving out with all their essentials: ‘I cleaned the apartment real good'

When young adults first move out of their parents' homes, many are faced with the question of whether or not they should move in with roommates. Although most people don't really have a choice, because very few can actually manage financially to live alone when they are that young, even if you were given the choice, it can be a difficult decision. On one hand, living with roommates means you are never lonely, you can make great friends and create such fun experiences simply by sharing a living…
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'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

“You and your kid delivered a perfect revenge served a la hot potato. The ex got a rotten surprise that matched her insides.”
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‘Enough was enough’: Tired team fired by boss after complaining about unreasonable expectations regarding workload

‘Enough was enough’: Company employees confront management about overwhelming workload, boss fires entire team as a result

Entitled bosses can lose out on great talent as a result of their massive egos. “He is now down to 2 employees from the 9 he started with.”
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Woman replaces shampoo with vinegar to figure out which roommate is using her products: 'I called them out'

Woman replaces shampoo with vinegar to figure out which roommate is using her products: 'I called them out'

Sharing may be caring, but using without permission is cause for petty revenge… Sure, roommates share things all the time but those items are usually agreed upon by both parties. It's not even about being possessive of one's belongings; it's financial as well. If you and your roommate share groceries, then the cost for groceries should be split evenly amongst everyone in the household. Some of you are probably wondering why this needs to be addressed, but you'd be surprised how many entitled ro…
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