

Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

'Karen goes red': Entitled hotel guest throws tantrum about delayed breakfast start time, worker maliciously complies and turns other guests against her

'Karen goes red': Entitled hotel guest throws tantrum about delayed breakfast start time, worker maliciously complies and turns other guests against her

No one should expect much from a standard continental breakfast at a run-down hotel. Unfortunately, this Karen did not manage her expectations and decided to stir up a fuss, leaving an overworked hotel worker no choice but to enact some much-needed malicious compliance. This worker was often held responsible for preparing breakfast first thing in the morning so it was ready by 6:00 am when a group of construction workers and local hunters were typically among the first wave of diners. These gro…
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'It felt pretty sweet to put those downstairs neighbors through the wringer': Guy sabotages neighbor's condo sale, derails process by stalling approval

'It felt pretty sweet to put those downstairs neighbors through the wringer': Guy sabotages neighbor's condo sale, derails process by stalling approval

Everyone dreams of the day their annoying neighbor moves out, but not that many people get the opportunity to make that moving process a living nightmare. This resident of a two-condo home had a ton of friction with the downstairs neighbors, who tended to shirk their collective responsibilities. This naturally led to a ton of resentment from the resident upstairs, who recently learned they were planning to sell their condominium. The resident knew his neighbors would likely make life more diffi…
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truckie boomer meltdown ensues after gen x truck driver gets to a distributor first, boomer claims he was first and they switch spots in line and faces entitled people karma

Gen X truck driver faces off with ‘boomer truckie’ at a distributor claiming ‘[he] was [there] first’ in a true boomer meltdown, gets sweet karmic revenge

“Mate, during this whole interaction you not once said ‘please’, I guarantee if I give you this spot you will not even think of saying ‘thank you’.”
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Employees find themselves with no work for months after boss demands they submit all their tasks for approval, then refuses to approve any of them: '[We] get paid to do nothing’

Employees find themselves with no work for months after boss demands they submit all their tasks for approval, then refuses to approve any of them: '[We] get paid to do nothing’

Every person struggles with self-fulfillment when it comes to their jobs. We all want to feel fulfilled with our jobs, we all want to have a purpose in life, and to feel like we truly enjoy what we do on a daily basis. But more often than not, it is impossible to both feel fulfilled and get to have sufficient time off of work, when you enjoy your own privacy. So if you were given the choice to get paid for your job, but do no work whatsoever, would you accept? Would you be willing to give up on…
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CEO takes new hire out to business lunch, makes wildly out-of-touch comments: ''He basically asked me to make him a billionaire'

CEO takes new hire out to business lunch, makes wildly out-of-touch comments: ''He basically asked me to make him a billionaire'

When you start working at a new company, your first interaction with the head boss in charge is likely to leave a lasting impression. Whether or not that impressing is a good or bad one is likely up to how self-aware your new boss is. Here , we have a CEO who took his new hire out to lunch not long after he started in the new position. In theory, this is the sign of a kind and attentive CEO who wants to form an individualized relationship with the folks working under him. Unfortunately, that as…
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payback deserved deserves story karen karens reddit funny entitled contractor employee worker blue-collar job jobsite doorknobs funny lol revenge boomer

Entitled Karen demands free labor from her locksmith, gets ornery then left without doorknobs: 'Drove off and blocked her number'

Enjoy having saloon doors, lady
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'She told me she had no money and then ordered the most expensive beer on the list': 20+ immediate red flags people discovered midway through the date

'She told me she had no money and then ordered the most expensive beer on the list': 20+ immediate red flags people discovered midway through the date

Everyone has had an unfortunate first date experience where you realize midway through the date that this is not going to work. This discovery is unique to each person's personal list of red flags. That being said, what people do not discuss enough in these scenarios is what do you do for the rest of the evening after you've discovered that under no circumstances will there be another date. Do you try your best to end things then and there? Do you smile your way through the rest of the evening…
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'Your anonymous feedback surveys are 100% not anonymous': 20+ common lies bosses have told their employees in the workplace

'Your anonymous feedback surveys are 100% not anonymous': 20+ common lies bosses have told their employees in the workplace

Who among us hasn't made the mistake of trusting your employer? Look, it doesn't matter if you have the best job in the world. You have to take care of yourself first and foremost, which means that putting all your faith in the person who signs your checks is, to put it mildly, a liability. These employees shared the most common lies they have been told by their current and former bosses in the workplace. One of the many takeaways we have gathered here is that just like Mariah Carey's vocals, t…
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ask reddit feud neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories reddit story terrible neighbors uncomfortable entitled reddit thread Bad Neighbor r-entitled Reddit weird strange behavior entitled people neighbor conflict - 36346629

‘I want petty revenge’: Woman's neighbor constantly trespasses on her property and installs security cameras pointing directly at her window, authorities get involved

When your neighbor complains to your mother about how you need to mow your grass, you might have a situation on your hands.
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'Saved probably... $300 per year?': Homeowners confess their sneakiest ways around their HOA's most useless rules

'Saved probably... $300 per year?': Homeowners confess their sneakiest ways around their HOA's most useless rules

Nothing is worse than living somewhere with arbitrary rules about your own property.
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‘She stamped her foot and left’: Karen throws a tantrum at grocery store after she is $10 short of her purchase, her husband calls her out in front of entire store

‘She stamped her foot and left’: Karen throws a tantrum at grocery store after she is $10 short of her purchase, her husband calls her out in front of entire store

Whenever one hears about a story that features a Karen, it often makes you wonder how these people go about their day, and who are the unfortunate souls that have to deal with them on a daily basis. Most Karens usually have husbands and kids, and they surely are aware of how she behaves in public. So how do they deal with her? Are they just as crazy, or do they know how to calm her down and make her see reason? This Reddit story answers these questions for at least one Karen, and boy were the a…
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Entitled Karen customer takes money out of tip jar to pay for ice cream: 'He still owes you money'

Entitled Karen customer takes money out of tip jar to pay for ice cream: 'He still owes you money'

No, sir, that is not what the tipping jar is for… This entitled male Karen insisted on paying in cash despite not having enough change to pay for his $5.05 ice cream order. So instead of switching to a larger bill, a credit card, or a cancellation of the order, he decided to reach into the tip jar and pull out a nickel. Sure, it was just a nickel and it happened so fast for the store employee that there wasn't much use in stirring up a fuss. Still, it's the principle of the matter. Shoutout to…
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‘There was never a job offer’: Server successfully completes a 3-hour trial shift at restaurant only to be rejected from the job and told they just wanted free labor

‘There was never a job offer’: Server successfully completes a 3-hour trial shift at restaurant only to be rejected from the job and told they just wanted free labor

Although there should definitely be a law against it, in some countries, an unpaid ‘trial shift’ is an accepted way for employers to examine their candidates' abilities. While it is understandable that this is a good way to test if a candidate has the required skills for the job, it is still unlawful to then not pay those who don't get the job. Besides, knowing that this type of action is legal, must mean that many workplaces take advantage of that and bring people in to work for free when they…
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Woman gets $1.25/gallon off fuel by mooching off of discount from husband's ex-wife: 'It took about two years for her to realize'

Woman gets $1.25/gallon off fuel by mooching off of discount from husband's ex-wife: 'It took about two years for her to realize'

Using an ex's discount for two entire years without their knowledge is perhaps the best kind of revenge. Firstly, it's quiet. Secondly, no one is getting hurt. Finally, not only are you getting the emotional fulfillment and satisfaction of achieving payback, but you're also spending less money in the process. If that's not a two-for-one situation, I don't know what is. Here , we have a lady who frequently drives her step-kids to and from her husband's ex-wife's town to take them to school. The…
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'His neighbor [...] started hosting loud parties into the night': Engineer rigs apparatus to sabotage neighbor's incessant pool parties

'His neighbor [...] started hosting loud parties into the night': Engineer rigs apparatus to sabotage neighbor's incessant pool parties

Never mess with an engineer! Having an engineer for a neighbor can be very useful in the right circumstances, but if you manage to frustrate them, things can backfire in unexpected ways. Here, we have a retired father who confessed to his kid about all the acts of petty revenge he has enacted on his difficult, noisy neighbors next door after they started hosting loud pool parties on weeknights regularly. Some of this pettiness ranges from launching debris over the property line to planting tree…
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‘I got cheated out of my raise’: Employee gets snubbed by boss who refuses to approve their raise, they go over boss's head and report him as payback

‘I got cheated out of my raise’: Employee gets snubbed by boss who refuses to approve their raise, they go over boss's head and report him as payback

Unless you work directly under the company's actual CEO, it is always helpful to remember that even your boss has someone to answer to. It is quite comforting to know that if something unlawful or even unfair happens with your boss, there is always someone you can turn to. The person who wrote this Reddit story definitely remembered this piece of information, and used it, when they felt like their boss was doing something they should not be doing. OP (original poster), got this performance revi…
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