
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Technicians scolded by boss for inefficient machinery, they maliciously comply and cause corporate profits to plummet

Technicians scolded by micromanaging boss for using inefficient machinery, they maliciously comply and cause corporate profits to plummet

feud neighbors entitlement homeowner neighborhood-drama petty entitled Bad Neighbor Reddit entitled people - 36453637

Entitled man uses tractor to push fallen tree into neighbor’s yard, declares it's their problem: 'He refuses to remove it'

reddit thread entitled people karma karmic instant-karma kids parents parent parenting bad-parenting parenting-fail

'Karma? YES!!': Litterbug mom watches her three kids dump trash everywhere on a roadtrip, but bad parenting gets met with instant karma

'He's the biggest leech I ever met': Student keeps ordering pizzas to neighbor's apartment, neighbor gets even and messes with their internet

'He's the biggest leech I ever met': Student keeps ordering pizzas to neighbor's apartment, neighbor gets even and messes with their internet

'My boss then said it was something I had to attend': Employee turns down dinner with colleagues on the final night of their business trip, boss promises consequences

'My boss then said it was something I had to attend': Employee turns down dinner with colleagues on the final night of their business trip, boss promises consequences

Gym installs cameras in the men's locker rooms for ‘security reasons’, leading to enraged members uproar and membership cancellations

Gym installs cameras in the men's locker rooms for ‘security reasons’, leading to enraged members uproar and membership cancellations

Employee’s delight turns to outrage as higher-us revoke bonus and promotion, calling it a ‘typo’ after signing

Employee’s delight turns to outrage as higher-us revoke bonus and promotion, calling it a ‘typo’ after signing

'I was reprimanded for discussing pay at work': Hostess told by manager discussing pay is forbidden in the employee handbook, hostess considers legal action

'I was reprimanded for discussing pay at work': Hostess told by manager discussing pay is forbidden in the employee handbook, hostess considers legal action

‘Per our conversation... Your employment is terminated’: Employee receives immediate termination email in the middle of a meeting with boss, leading to a dispute on the job

‘Per our conversation... Your employment is terminated’: Employee receives immediate termination email in the middle of a meeting with boss, leading to a dispute on the job

'People were driving along the shoulder in order to get ahead of the traffic': Top Tales of Instant Karma

'People were driving along the shoulder in order to get ahead of the traffic': Top Tales of Instant Karma

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Petty Parent Purposefully Causes a ‘Feeding Frenzy of Seagulls’, Using Uneaten Chips to Set a Boobytrap for Inconsiderate Beachgoers Who Invaded Their Family's Vacation Space

New hire discovers mistake in contract that benefits hm, refuses to budge and adjust start time: 'My colleagues are all 8am until 5:30pm. My contract is for 9 to 5pm'

New hire discovers mistake in contract that benefits hm, refuses to budge and adjust start time: 'My colleagues are all 8am until 5:30pm. My contract is for 9 to 5pm'

Manager refuses to approve employee's time off despite them providing a replacement, employee informs manager he has a choice: ‘Accept either my vacation or my resignation’

Manager refuses to approve employee's time off despite them providing a replacement, employee informs manager he has a choice: ‘Accept either my vacation or my resignation’

Entitled woman ignites dramatic neighborly showdown by recklessly parking in neighbor’s reserved parking space

Entitled woman ignites dramatic neighborly showdown by recklessly parking in neighbor’s reserved parking space

Guy gets surgeon to write note requiring that he flies business class for all work trips for the next 18 months: 'Ended up costing them at least $20,000 extra'

Guy gets surgeon to write note requiring that he flies business class for all work trips for the next 18 months: 'Ended up costing them at least $20,000 extra'

'I'm moving out': Parents adopt daughter's high school bully behind her back, leading to the 16-year-old cutting off contact with entire family

'I'm moving out': Parents adopt daughter's high school bully behind her back, leading to the 16-year-old cutting off contact with entire family