
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

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Entitled sister moves into sibling's house and refuses to leave, so her brother-in-law locks up all kitchen items to force her out: 'The cops were called'

'I was kicked off the call when they were [firing] me': Employee gets access revoked so quickly they're booted off mid-call, rejoins to give them a piece of his mind

'I was kicked off the call when they were [firing] me': Employee gets access revoked so quickly they're booted off mid-call, rejoins to give them a piece of his mind

entitled boomer customer berates sales employee because his phone bill was too high, failed to understand he had a discount for a few months because of his wife

‘You just lost a customer’: Boomer customer tries to refute a phone bill that makes perfect sense, employee sets him off by keeping his composure

‘I was laughing so hard’: Clever resident gets back at entitled neighbors' kids by coming up with a series of pranks that made sure they kept their distance

‘I was laughing so hard’: Clever resident gets back at entitled neighbors' kids by coming up with a series of pranks that made sure they kept their distance

Entitled choosing beggar demands that she get a $400 jacket for free for her daughter: 'She NEEDS it to fit in at school'

Entitled choosing beggar demands that she get a $400 jacket for free for her daughter: 'She NEEDS it to fit in at school'

'My ex-boss refuses to send my last paycheck': Employee gets fired for calling out management on wage theft, considers class action lawsuit

'My ex-boss refuses to send my last paycheck': Employee gets fired for calling out management on wage theft, considers class-action lawsuit

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'Never overstay your welcome': Couple reverse guilt-trips their inconsiderate family when they refuse to host another messy family gathering

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'Petty becomes wholesome': Son hides 200 toy ducks in his packrat mom's house as payback, accidentally creating a wholesome family tradition in the process

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'HERE's [to] looking at YOU!': HOA member falsely accuses his 70-year-old neighbor of ‘watching’ him, so senior neighbor roasts HOA with a cardboard cutout of himself in the window

'Pay me less for exponentially more work': New hire negotiates salary based on "assistant" title, only to discover on day one that he is a department head

'Pay me less for exponentially more work': New hire negotiates salary based on "assistant" title, only to discover on day one that he is a department head

'Let this be a learning experience': New hire quits on the spot after they get their first paycheck and discover it's 50% lower than manager promised on the job posting

'Let this be a learning experience': New hire quits on the spot after they get their first paycheck and discover it's 50% lower than manager promised on the job posting

Entitled neighbor demands exclusive use of man’s gazebo and orders him off his own property, sparking a dramatic neighborhood feud

Entitled neighbor demands exclusive use of man’s gazebo and orders him off his own property, sparking a dramatic neighborhood feud

'This place is so unprofessional': Part-time employee quits store run by a group of incompetent 18-year-olds

'This place is so unprofessional': Part-time employee quits store run by a group of incompetent 18-year-olds

Guest demands discounted rate on last hotel room, only for the room to be booked while he attempts to bargain, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘You snooze you lose’

Guest demands discounted rate on last hotel room, only for the room to be booked while he attempts to bargain, leading to a dispute in the lobby: ‘You snooze you lose’

Enraged student eagerly complies with entitled professor’s misguided instruction, wiping out three years' worth of research

Enraged student eagerly complies with entitled professor’s misguided instruction, wiping out three years' worth of research

Pregnant woman left with huge bill after entitled family attempt to dine and dash, husband forces them to come back and settle the thousands in charge

Pregnant woman left with huge bill after entitled family attempt to dine and dash, husband forces them to come back and settle the thousands in charge