

Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

'Don't play with me': Employee almost gets fired because of coworker's sabotage, gets even by getting him fired instead

'Don't play with me': Employee almost gets fired because of coworker's sabotage, gets even by getting him fired instead

Have you ever had a coworker who seemingly will stop at nothing to get you fired? Before we get into this story of how an employee managed to save themselves from getting unfairly dismissed by instead getting their work nemesis fired first, let's unpack how these kinds of work rivalries happen. Most of the time, like most elements of a work environment, it all comes from the top down. If the system is built upon a foundation of unhealthy competition, that will almost never fare well for employe…
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‘Problem solved’: Employee reports entitled coworker to HR following a heated dispute between them, boss fires both of them in response

‘Problem solved’: Employee reports entitled coworker to HR following a heated dispute between them, boss fires both of them in response

The more an employee spends time in a company or a corporation, the more they find out just how little that place of work actually cares about employees. I used to think that HR is there to make sure employees are happy in the company and have someone to turn to when they need help. But the more I am exposed to this corporate life, the more I understand that HR is simply there to protect the company, and will do as little as possible to make their employees happy. This Reddit story is the perfe…
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‘You're not allowed to talk about the job’: Micromanager forces NDA to silence employees, employee ‘breaches’ contract and faces termination

‘You're not allowed to talk about the job’: Micromanager forces NDA to silence employees, employee ‘breaches’ contract and faces termination

Have you ever heard of a restaurant owner demanding their servers sign an NDA to keep them from discussing their jobs? Well, you are about to hear about it now. It can be understandable that some workplaces require employees to sign an NDA to protect information that needs to stay within the company. Many lines of work handle delicate matters, and it is not beyond reason to legally prevent employees from talking about it outside of work. But demanding employees sign an NDA simply to prevent the…
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Neighbor gets back at entitled Karen for tossing smelly, unbagged food in her trash: 'I literally dumped the entire can out'

Neighbor gets back at entitled Karen for tossing smelly, unbagged food in her trash: 'I literally dumped the entire can out'

Getting back at one's neighbor is always tricky. One's actions must be passive-aggressive enough for one's annoying nuisance of a neighbor to get the picture, but one's action must also not be so dire that it starts the kind of all-out conflict that could end grimly for all parties involved. Here, we have a neighbor who started to notice that the Karen next door was dumping trash into the Redditor's trash bin. Of course, the first offense could be interpreted as a one-time thing, but once it st…
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Trainer scolds new hire in front of entire office, causing the new employee to file their resignation, manager steps in: 'Give it another two weeks'

Trainer scolds new hire in front of entire office, causing the new employee to file their resignation, manager steps in: 'Give it another two weeks'

Training a new hire is an important job not only because you are in charge of getting them familiar with their new job and responsibilities, but also because you are their gateway to understanding everything about their new workplace. That means that the way trainers treat new employees, and the way they act around them is going to be all they know of the company at least at the beginning, so you'd think they would want to make a good impression. Not the trainers in this Reddit story, they coul…
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‘Don’t try to fool me…’: Entitled couple fakes lost ticket to steal man's prepaid plane seat

‘Don’t try to fool me…’: Entitled couple fakes lost ticket to steal man's prepaid plane seat

When traveling, whether it's for business purposes between states or a long-distance trip to the chilly alpine slopes of Switzerland, it's necessary to adhere to airline etiquette. The story below is an account of a frustrated traveler. The original poster (OP) had just returned home to Seattle from Florida. In the story that follows, OP describes his interaction with an entitled couple who attempted to steal his designated seat. They tried to claim the seats as their own at first, but when tha…
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work workplace worker workers employee employees boss manager supervisor pto pto-request vacation denied reddit thread

'My job denied me days off for my wedding': Bride-to-be gets PTO denied for her wedding, stoutly refuses their disapproval

Guess you're going to be short-staffed...
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Employee blamed for system outage out of his authority, resigns after being told to hand write why he messed up

Angry employee is blamed by boss for unavoidable system outage, resigns after being reprimanded: ‘I refuse to be treated like a child’

Front desk employees often have to deal with entitled customers, but sometimes they have to deal with equally entitled bosses.
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'I got quiet fired two days before my wedding': Employee notices backward pattern when VP threatens to fire her right before her wedding

'I got quiet fired two days before my wedding': Employee notices backward pattern when VP threatens to fire her right before her wedding

In this day and age, we don't expect toxic workplace environments to get away with wildly outdated behavior anymore, and yet as much as we'd like to think that progress has been made, unkind and unfair treatment still does happen all the time. Here, we have a young female employee who was on the brink of getting married when the VP of her company organized a disciplinary meeting threatening to fire her if she didn't pull it together at work. Of course, there was no concrete evidence that she wa…
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malicious compliance reddit work workplace intern internship interns supervisor signature waste time employee employees medical doctor working job

'Sure sir, I'll wait': Intern outwits a senior medical practitioner attempting to haze him, wasting 3 hours of his time for a simple signature

Chess not checkers
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karens front desk hotel lobby late checkout reddit karen hotel employee what goes around comes around entitled people karma pay back karens in the wild justice served entitled karen karma hotel pet fee r-entitled Reddit karen story hotel clerk karma karen entitled people - 35812869

‘If he’d been nice to me, I wouldn’t have charged him’: Entitled hotel guest treats front desk clerk like dirt, gets charged an extra $75 he could've avoided

If you're mean for no reason, then, quite literally, you're going to pay the price.
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Upset employee is faced with dilemma regarding toxic workplace's strict rules surrounding water breaks

Hypocritical managers of employee's workplace break their own rules regarding strict water breaks, employee is fed up: ‘I feel like this is completely unethical’

"No one is happy about it, but one of the people above me on the ‘front end’ always hides her own drink behind customer service, while also getting on everyone else if they have a drink."
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'You wanna drown in paperwork? Be my guess!': Truck driver maliciously complies with new scanning policy, gives payroll a major headache

'You wanna drown in paperwork? Be my guess!': Truck driver maliciously complies with new scanning policy, gives payroll a major headache

Some bosses care more about enforcing ridiculous policies than assessing whether or not said policies are efficient. How many times have you found yourself in a work situation when the easy solution is staring right in front of you but you can't say anything because of your temperamental and particular boss? This truck driver had to deal with a silly new rule about scanning tons of extra paperwork to corporate when all he really needed to do was scan a few signed pages. Of course, despite voici…
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aita reddit wife husband married new parents parenting parent story reddit revenge reddit-thread parenting-fail fail petty revenge story

New mom sabotages her husband's gaming tournament after he refuses to help care for their newborn: 'Step up and be a parent too'

Parenting is a two-person job. While there are excellent single parents out there, caring for a newborn often requires the waking attention of two fully attentive adults, which is why having children can make or break a relationship. When new parents reach a boiling point, things can go south very quickly.
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After accepting candidate for a full-time job, employer retracts offer and changes it to part-time, leaving candidate high and dry: ‘They pulled the rug out from under me’

After accepting candidate for a full-time job, employer retracts offer and changes it to part-time, leaving candidate high and dry: ‘They pulled the rug out from under me’

Hiring managers, this is a message for all of you, so please read it carefully – Employment is a two-way street . You have to treat candidates with the same respect you expect them to treat you. You need employees just as much as they need employers, and everything about the hiring process should be a good match for both sides. That means that just as you expect candidates to not lie in their resumes, you cannot lie in the job posting. It is as simple as that. The job should fit the right perso…
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Entitled honeymooner husband leaves his new wife in economy during a long-haul flight, expects man to give up his seat

‘He [took] the upgrade instead of sitting with his wife’: Man refuses to give up premium economy seat for entitled husband's new wife, offers to sell it to him instead

Excuse me, sir. I paid for this seat!
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