

'Fine, do your job then': HR puts a stop to employee's office tradition of bringing in bagels from family-owned business due to ‘HR policy’

'Fine, do your job then': HR puts a stop to employee's office tradition of bringing in bagels from family-owned business due to ‘HR policy’

HR is infamous for its strange and often frustratingly rigid ways. Their job is to serve the company, which is fair, as that's what they're getting paid to do. On the other hand, they can overlook employee's complaints in the process, or enforce petty rules that nobody really cares about. For instance, what's wrong with an employee giving their coworkers bagels? Apparently, this HR lady did not appreciate being 'one-upped', although it's hard to understand how exactly she felt inferior in the s…
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salary boss employee coworkers toxic-boss Office financial burden supervisor entitled team player toxic-work-environment - 24390149

'I don't get paid enough to be a team player': Entitled supervisor criticizes employee for not being able to contribute financially to office parties

Many offices like to celebrate their employees, whether it be a birthday, a work anniversary, or even a major accomplishment in their role. But should the office be the one covering the costs of these celebrations, or is it the responsibility of the coworkers? In this particular office, the OP's coworkers are having frequent celebrations, but it's starting to become a financial burden on her. No one in the office seems to empathize with her financial situation as they have significantly...
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‘Nobody wants to work these days’: The Most Entertaining LinkedIn Posts of the Week

‘Nobody wants to work these days’: The Most Entertaining LinkedIn Posts of the Week

These posts are awkward, cringey, and weirdly motivating.
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'I never thought anyone could actually fall for that': 30+ Empty-headed employees who made the silliest mistakes on the job

'I never thought anyone could actually fall for that': 30+ Empty-headed employees who made the silliest mistakes on the job

Not everyone can be the employee of the month. Some employees are destined for mediocrity, while others are so dim-witted it makes you wonder how they ever got the job in the first place. These people have been shocked by their own especially goofy coworkers, which they told to the r/askreddit community. U/Colossus252 asked, “What's your story of the dumbest coworker you've ever had the privilege of working with?” and more than 1,100 Redditors revealed their funniest stories.
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Laugh Along to These Memes Instead of Your Boss’s Orders

Laugh Along to These Memes Instead of Your Boss’s Orders

Haha, boss, you're so funny!
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‘We're done with you': IT company shut down client's entire server after they denied technician access to equipment he needed in order to install hardware

‘We're done with you': IT company shut down client's entire server after they denied technician access to equipment he needed in order to install hardware

Some people have more confidence than they should, and this leads to lousy management, which in turn, leads to messes that can't always be cleaned up. One IT employee relayed the tale of the time his company shut down a client's entire server after they denied him access to the very equipment he needed in order to install the hardware for them… If you think that this is a counteractive move on their part, you would be right. The boss of the company that needed IT services was not the brightest…
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'You did this to yourself...': Client locks alarm company installer outside of building without notice to ensure they stop showing up unexpectedly

'You did this to yourself...': Client locks alarm company installer outside of building without notice to ensure they stop showing up unexpectedly

Depending on how long you have been impatiently awaiting support, customer service can truly seem like a never-ending nightmare. The person we are chatting with half the time has no idea who we are, why we are calling, or even if they have the authority to tackle the issue we are experiencing. The story that follows is an account of a clever customer who is tired of being inconvenienced by customer service representatives. To put things in perspective, OP is a business owner who decided to relo…
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'Your wish is my command': Bookkeeper ends up costing their company a fortune after demanding employees take 'cost effective' routes to work

'Your wish is my command': Bookkeeper ends up costing their company a fortune after demanding employees take 'cost effective' routes to work

An excellent example of the saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover' is the business world. Even while everything appears ideal from the outside, things aren't always bright and sunny on the inside. The story that follows is from a resentful employee who has to commute every single day between the main office and his secondary office. Everything was going great, and OP was doing rather well despite spending long hours on the road; however, when a new bookkeeper joined the company, everything to…
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reddit work workplace cowoerks worker creepy employee employees boss manager supervisor working job business company new-hire fired quit salesman first-day sales office

'You're going to fire him or I walk': Top salesman gets a worrisome trainee fired on his first day after the guy reveals he's a creepy degenerate

First impressions are important in the workplace. If you come off as a quirky weirdo on your first day, it's a tough trope to live down, but innocent awkwardness is to be expected. But sometimes coworkers can sense when someone is more than just a little 'quirky'. In fact, for some new hires, it's pretty clear right off the bat that you're never going to get along… fundamentally. Especially if that dicey, new hire acts like a total creep from the moment they first shake your hand.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace coworkers Office - 23231749

'My boss has their OWN climate controlled office': Boss forces rest of office to sit their preference of freezing cold temperatures

The great thermostat debate in office workplaces is extremely common and practically without a solution. It's almost like a real-life sort of “Trolley Problem” in that whichever side you take, there's going to be someone losing out. Some people run extremely cold and have poor circulation, preferring to live in literal infernos like some kind of demon lizard person. On the other hand, you have folk like myself who are the literal inferno and generate far too much heat as if we're a human nuclea…
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appointment doctor doctors doc doctors-office waiting-room schedule appointment cancel cancellation fee fees appointments scammy reddit

'Send them a bill for $150': Patient gets threatened with $150 appointment cancelation fee for attempting to reschedule within 48 hours; doctor bails on him 20 minutes before they are supposed to meet

There are surprise fees for just about everything these days, but the last proprietor you would expect to be dubious is your doctor. At least… you'd hope that your doctor isn't a sleazy fee-mongerer,.
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'He walks away with $150 out of the register': 25+ Employees who got fired during their first shift at work

'He walks away with $150 out of the register': 25+ Employees who didn't make it through their first shift at work because they were fired on the spot

If you can't even make it through the first shift at a job, maybe you just weren't cut out for that role in the first place. Or maybe you were right for that career, but you actually dodged a bullet by avoiding a bad place to work. Either way, these kinds of circumstances happen once in a blue moon--- but the people below were there to witness it and share the story. Everyone makes mistakes at work, but usually, they're pretty minor. Maybe only your boss knows about it, or maybe you botched som…
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‘You don't have any authority here': Military officer's wife tries to use her husband's rank to boss one of the soldiers around; it backfires

‘You don't have any authority here': Military officer's wife tries to use her husband's rank to boss one of the soldiers around; it backfires

Serving in the military often gains you a lot of respect in the form of ogling eyes, desperately whispered ‘Thank you's, and the occasional ‘No man is a man until he has been a soldier’ speech, usually given by people who never served a day in their life. Many of the soldier's spouses take a lot of pride in the fact their partner is in the military, and I get it, I do, but I don't get when they take pride in themselves , as if they did the country a favor by marrying a person in the army. It's…
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money pay paycheck paid getting-paid salary hourly work work-story job company business manager hr payroll worker employee boss bosses

'Don't play games with my paycheck': After getting 20 hours docked from their paycheck, employee reports their bumbling payroll manager to the big boss

The minute that your company starts having ‘issues' with payroll it's time to run. Dust off that resume and practice your interview voice because the second that an accounting department starts fumbling your only reason to clock in every day, it may be time to throw up a peace sign and walk out the front door.
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office kitchen Office Party potluck food partying boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work coworkers workplace entitled entitled people christmas holidays - 23432197

'She got her comeuppance... at the office Christmas potluck': "Susan the Snack Stealer" tries to hoarde food at the office holiday potluck, gets confronted by the entire office

This woman was a notorious food thief… until the office potluck, that is. When someone gains a nickname like “Susan the Snack Stealer,” you can quickly figure out what type of person they are. Clearly, this woman had a reputation around her office. Due to her entitled attitude, she was completely fine with pilfering her coworker's sodas, granola bars, and chocolate. When you're hungry, you don't always make the best decisions. I wonder if Susan felt any remorse after stealing those morsels. It'…
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'He went through the automatic car wash in an office chair': 30+ Workplace mishaps

'He went through the automatic car wash in an office chair': 30+ Workplace mishaps that were unforgettably hilarious

Every workplace has a day or two that goes down in infamy. Someone at the office will do something so outrageous or unexpected that it catches everyone off guard. Whatever the hilarious incident may be, it becomes the inside joke that people bring up at the holiday party for years afterward. These people wrote in to share the funniest moments they ever experienced while on the job, and there are some incredible anecdotes. One of the most shocking stories involved a higher-up being so incredibly…
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