

HR demands employee take PTO instead of working remotely, sparking client outcry

HR demands employee take PTO instead of working remotely, sparking client outcry

As a participant in the industry, you are expected to follow the guidelines set forth by the business community. The story below is an account of a clever employee. The original poster (OP) is employed by a company that offers services to oil and gas corporations. According to company rules, he is required to work from the office for three consecutive days per week. But after becoming ill approximately a month ago, OP decided that it would be best to remain in his hometown till he recovered. He…
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hilarious haha employee job relatable memes work memes email work coworkers funny memes Office lol workplace funny - 35917573

28 Memes That Perfectly Describe Your Email Inbox

We're constantly spammed with emails. Our work emails, our personal emails, and those inboxes we still have from the early 2000s with the embarrassing email address names that we can't seem to delete are all constantly filled with spam. When you buy something from a company nowadays, you have to be prepared to receive email promotions from them for the rest of your life, no matter how many times you try to unsubscribe. Even when you just do a quick search of a product, it's like you're sudden...
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CTO calls CEO out after pushing for an RTO mandate, doesn't show up when everyone else goes into the office

‘Guess who wasn't there?’: Hypocritical CEO tries to revoke WFH system, is a no-show when whole company goes into office

Don't push for a return-to-office mandate if you can't follow it yourself.
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Redditors spill the beans on the most hilarious hasty transitions from employment to unemployment

Redditors spill the beans on the most hilarious hasty transitions from employment to unemployment

Getting hired is one thing, but holding onto the position is quite another. Essentially, the hiring manager uses the data you supply and references from reputable companies to showcase your qualifications and elevate you during the interview process. But now that you have the job you've been wanting, it is up to you to demonstrate your suitability and back up your application. Having said that, I came across a captivating post on Reddit while scrolling through the feed that drew my attention ri…
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‘They would clock in and then go home’: HR managers share the wildest reasons why they had to fire an employee

‘They would clock in and then go home’: HR managers share the wildest reasons why they had to fire an employee

Working in HR must be a challenging experience, as they have to deal with a lot of office drama, both from the managers and the employees. But with all that drama, there must be hilarious moments and stories that those HR people will remember for their entire careers. Plus, having the opportunity to fire someone when they actually deserve it, can actually be an extremely interesting and yes, even funny, experience. This is what brought on the topic of this AskReddit prompt, in which HR workers…
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boss employee manager job work coworkers life hacks Office PTO employment vacation - 35367429

Employees discuss hacks for getting the most out of vacation days at work: 'If you have a 9-5 job and don't plan on going on a vacation, schedule a three-day weekend for yourself every month'

If you're fortunate enough to get paid time off, you should be using it. Maybe you don't have enough time off to take a whole vacation, or maybe you can't afford to. Whatever your reason for keeping your days is, there are some clever ways to incorporate time off throughout the year. Below, these employees break down different ways they like to take a day off here and there. Whether it's by taking a Wednesday off to break up the week or taking a Friday and Monday off to get that extra-long we...
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34 Memes to Hand in to Your Boss With Your Two Week Notice

34 Memes to Hand in With Your Two Weeks Notice

Make your boss laugh one last time
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employment job jobs work workplace malicious compliance workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace workplace malicious compliance ceo open plan office Office Horrible Bosses hot desking - 35219717

CEO pushes junior staff member for more productivity, they start working their scheduled hours: 'I worked exactly the hours I was paid to, instead of coming in 30 minutes early and staying 30 minutes longer as well'

It's ironic how the cubicle was the symbol of working-class oppression in the 80s, 90s, and 00s, with countless references in popular culture using it to establish the character's insignificant overlooked place in society. The cheap grey carpet and the temporariness of the fabrication reflected how the organizations viewed their lowest productive workers—too expendable to bother placing in an ordinary office.
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'HR didn't want to have an awkward conversation: One employee's bad habit causes human resources to create brand new rule

'HR didn't want to have an awkward conversation': One employee's bad habit causes human resources to create brand new rule

One employee's bad habit was starting to impact everyone at the company. There are two types of workplaces: the kind that punish you severely for being even a minute late , and the kind where people routinely stroll in 20 minutes late without a care in the world. Lots of places that are strict about tardiness are retail places or other places that do shift work. Meanwhile, lots of offices allow their salaried employees to come and go as they please, so long as they're getting their work done. W…
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boss hilarious commute employee overslept job relatable memes work memes work funny memes Office workplace running late late for work - 25999621

24 Memes for Chronically Late Employees Who Can't Risk Hitting Snooze Again

There's nothing worse than waking up late for work. It's never a pleasant experience. It's usually our own fault, too. You hit snooze one too many times, you accidentally set your alarm for PM instead of AM, or the worst culprit... you play the dangerous game of closing your eyes for 'just a few minutes' and then wake up 45 minutes later. Next thing you know, you're racing through your commute like you're immune to the laws of the road, hoping you don't get pulled over and make yourself even...
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management boss workplace-stories employee fired hr manager job work coworkers Office human resources workplace bad bosses - 25873669

Boss gets fired, blames employees and bombards coworkers' phones with accusatory messages: 'He called me 28 times in the span of an hour'

When a coworker gets fired, it can come as a complete shock, especially if that coworker is your boss who seems like they are untouchable. In this next story, one supervisor showed up to work only to find an unexpected HR employee in the meeting room. Most employees know that if HR is ever unexpectedly called into a meeting, it's never a good sign. Well, come to find out, the employee's boss was fired, effective immediately. This didn't come as much of a surprise since there was multiple inv...
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Hiring manager expects employee to beg for the job, employee refuses, manager promises to ensure the candidate never works in the industry again

Hiring manager expects employee to beg for the job, employee refuses, manager promises to ensure the candidate never works in the industry again

The business world is not always kind. In order to attract the attention of potential employers, you must not only stand out from the competition but also outperform every other application seeking the exact same position. In other words, your only options are to play and win the corporate game or to fail horribly. To put it plainly, the game is tedious and never-ending. An employee who was taken aback is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) has been actively participating in…
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customer service call center tech support employee job funny stories work client it Office workplace information technology - 25773573

'Mostly I just laugh and wave at the screen': Tech support employee shares ridiculous customer stories from the call center trenches

Working at a call center that deals with computer support can be pretty tough. You get calls from all sorts of people throughout the day, and this employee has the stories to prove it. Once a customer gets transferred from customer support to him, his job in tech support allows him to access a customer's computer remotely to provide assistance on whatever they need. The guy who does this job has seen it all - from older customers who took 40 minutes just to set up a Gmail account to entitled cu…
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commute employee overslept job relatable memes work memes work funny memes Office workplace late employment - 25762821

23 Work Memes for the Employees Clocking in Fashionably Late

We're only late due to unforeseen circumstances well within our control
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'Take it up with HR': Employee confronts coworker after she monitors their bathroom breaks and claims they are taking too long

'Take it up with HR': Employee confronts coworker after she monitors their bathroom breaks and claims they are taking too long

Anyone who ever took a class in Communication and talked about the concept of reality TV shows knows how much the need to know what is going on in other people's lives is set in human nature. In social studies, they call it ‘Peep Culture’, and the name is pretty self-explanatory. But even after sitting through those classes, the amount of energy and time people waste in being unnecessarily invested in other people's businesses can still boggle my mind, and even more so when they feel the need t…
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management boss employee manager job work Office workplace two week notice quitting resignation employment employer - 25672965

Entitled boss won't accept employee's two-week notice, instead demands he stay at least six weeks: 'He kept saying this is so unprofessional and I am handling this so inconsiderately'

When you decide to leave a job, it's the norm to give a two-week notice to your employer. This provides management with a heads-up and helps them prepare for your departure. Although two weeks is obviously not enough time for your employer to hire and fill your position, it is enough for you to wrap up any remaining work and prepare your role for someone else. There are tons of reasons for leaving a job, and it is not always personal. Sometimes, people want to take some time off to spend with t…
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