cooking tips from chefs | porkedpie1 10.5k points 1 day ago edited 20 hours ago Three or four times amount butter and salt is big part why food doesn't taste like restaurant food.

Chefs Share Basic Cooking Tips for The Masses

Become flavor..
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Koala gross sound video

Koala Sounds Just Awful

It's like a boat engine made out of pig parts.
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A collection of funny moments from legendary internet troll, Ken M | HAMBURGERS NO DELAY -N-OUT -N-Out Burger Company Ken M N-Out Burger Yesterday at 4:50am happen ketchup dippers Like Comment Share -N-Out Burger O Thanks post, Ken use standard ketchup packets at all our locations welcome give us call at (800) 786-1000 if have any questions. Thanks again! Colene Like Reply 22 hrs Ken M well on friday store out potatoe fries so had dunk our fingers into ketchup dip Like Reply 21 hrs -N-Out Burger

Comedy Gold From Legendary Comments Troll, Ken M

Ken M is such a rascal.
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A computer user calls tech support because they don't understand how tabs work | r/talesfromtechsupport u/Gsmith2885 User states can only open 1 program at time my browser Short work large multinational call center as level 1 tech support. At peak times have between 20 30 thousand employees connected our network. Our users use various applications many which run browser. Some programs require Chrome some require Internet Explorer been doing this long enough have pretty good

Computer User Calls Tech Support, Doesn't Understand How Tabs Work

Oh, to be in tech support.
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An AskReddit thread about various scams that are so normalized people don't notice | ChaChaRealSmoothe 5h games at fairs/carnivals. Reply 1.9k

Normalized Scams People Don't Notice

No more scams, come on.
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bad customer kicked out by employee who calls self manager | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/luridfox 16 hours ago 5 2 2 3 7 At closing time am still manager oc M So 19 at time and shift supervisor at local sub shop (Planet Sub This my first supervisory/managerial position and shy and generally insecure at time am amazed had gall do this be fair had been LONG day, and had second job would give more hours if wanted charge closing store and had had couple staff call leaving and two workers deal

Entitled Customer Comes In After Close, Kicked Out By "Manager"

And stay out.
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funny tumblr memes and moments | wodneswynn One characters our D&D party is an orc named Brick established orcs get their names through tests strength and his name is Brick because 's strongest thing he able break with his bare hands. By profession, Brick is therapist. His ultimate ambition is one day do therapy so good he can change his name Depression. naamahdarling went into this expecting beautiful himbo and came out love with Brick and crying over therapist orcs. Source: wodneswynn 26,010

Funny, Random and Shiny Tumblr Gems

Tumblr never stops.
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Man wants daughter's laptop to be fixed for free | Hey, can fix my daughters laptop free? Multiple times long didnt read at bottom feel this moral pro revenge but if mods and others dont agree please feel free remove bit back story/personal beliefs willing help my friends, but all know someone who has or have themselves friend who is group mooch kind person who knows getting together and just shows up nothing hand and expects be given free food/booze entire time. Yet sadly put up with them till

Man Expects Laptop To Be Fixed For Free

The laptop skins and icons were the icing on the cake.
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concrete worker defies corrupt boss with trucks | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/ExcelCrazy 21 hours ago 2 13 e14 3 20 8 12 2 25 Corrupt manager wants reject crucial supplies do as instructed oc L About couple decades ago used work at concrete production plant reputable construction company. Our company, like several other construction companies, were awarded portion larger project large portion land earmarked setting up temporary office buildings and concrete plants different construction

Concrete Worker Battles Corrupt Manager Following His Own Instructions

This employee is slick.
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dad embarrasses daughter by asking shirtless boys to wash her window

Dad Embarrasses Daughter At Car Wash

She was mortified.
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funny dad jokes | can't remember write 1, 1000, 51, 6 and 500 Roman numerals IM LIVID sweaterkittensahoy Everyone go home. Puns are done.

Stupid and Clever Dad Jokes to Love and Hate

That's dad jokes for you.
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Vehicles that were too tall and hit things. | trucks containers crushed falling apart after trying to pass under low passageways

Unfortunate Vehicles that Couldn't Make the Clearance

What was that sound?
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Pregnant sister expects sibling to change their cat's name | AITA not changing my cats name my sisters baby swear im going crazy with this have two cats, Tonks and Dio. Tonks named after HP character and Dio's name is little funny; named after digiorno pizza. Just liked Dio and my mom and thought funny. So now my sister has been saying shes gonna start trying baby. Im like cool okay congrats (not big fan kids myself but good luck her Fastforward three months and shes pregnant and starts talking

Pregnant Sister Wants Man To Change Cat's Name

Um, hard no.
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funny big versions of things | Imagine going hiking running into this. lon even know my next move would be dexter @DontAskDexter is opposite pspspsps @EXPLORIZE | huge screwdriver

Absolute Units from The Land of Giants

Make way for these big boys.
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Tumblr users shows three types of annoying unrealistic female characters | Nerdy Male Director She had many masculine traits, like eating 10 hamburgers at once and wrestling Russian mercenaries while never going over 112 pounds. She learned these skills her many fathers and brothers, never male partner or friend, as may suggest she has some autonomous sexual history. No, men were all too afraid her, except who has mistaken my fem-dom fetish respect. If met her real like l'd hate her rejecting

Tumblr Thread: Three Repetitive Types of Female Characters

Where's Ripley when you need her?
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A rude customer can't handle rejection, asks for manager, gets surprised. | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/luridfox At closing time am still manager M So 19 at time and shift supervisor at local sub shop (Planet Sub This my first supervisory/ managerial position and shy and generally insecure at time am amazed had gall do this be fair had been LONG day, and had second job would give more hours if wanted.

Entitled Customer Expects Restaurant To Stay Open Late, Can't Handle Rejection

Sounds like a real valuable customer.
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