A collection of cursed images that are painful to look at. | elongated bathroom with a toilet and a sink all the way across the room | couch made of black and white rat plushies

Cursed Images From The Rancid Pits Of The Underworld

Thanks, we hate it.
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A fun and informative Twitter thread on bathroom breaks in outer space. | Mary Robinette Kowal MaryRobinette Let's talk about peeing space. Several people response my NY Times essay, have said women couldn't go into space because lacked technology them pee space. 11:00 AM Jul 19, 2019 73.9K 31.2K people are Tweeting ab..

Fun Informative Twitter Thread On Bathroom Breaks In Space

Don't eat the milk duds.
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A man shares a Twitter thread about his observations on his first proper Christmas. | Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHussain Growing up, my Muslim family never celebrated Christmas. This year am not going home, because pandemic, so my roommates are teaching have my first proper Christmas am approaching this with anthropological precision. Here are few observations.

Twitter Thread: A Man's Observations On First Proper Christmas

Happy holidays to all.
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funny video guy enters wrong car mistaken for uber

Uber Passenger Gets in Wrong Car, Hilarity Ensues

You're the app.
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A collection of times that tech support people faced unimaginably dumb situations. | My nana said her laptop hasn't charged over month, and looked see problem saw she had plugged an iPhone 4 charger into SD card slot. | bent computer that got kicked in

Times Tech Support Faced Waking Nightmares

The files are "in" the computer.
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Dad plays prank on kid, police misinterpret prank, fail ensues. | TIFU by embarrassing my kid and involving police L An actual TIFU, this happened this morning. Key preliminary backstory: on thanksgiving, my youngest played smashy smash with my phone, damaging sound chip connected microphone, rendering phone calls impossible on my phone. Can't hear people, people can't hear just doesn't work unless connected Bluetooth. Does LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE except phone calls.

Dad Pulls Innocent Prank On Kid, Police Misinterpret Prank, Fail Ensues

Poor dad was just kidding around.
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Man's fiancée's parents accuse him of buying a cheap engagement ring. | AITA not buying 10% engagement ring? Not hole My partner and have been talking about getting engaged last year or so have quite good job so could easily afford an expensive engagement ring and if following 10% rule then should spend around 10-15k on ring. However, my parents, sister and nephew have all had covid this year so financially supporting all them while, my sister has lost her job so l'm still supporting her bit

Man's Fiancée's Parents Accuse Him Of Buying Cheap Ring

That's just plain old nasty.
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funny news woman finds raccoon in christmas tree video

Woman Woken Up At 4AM To Raccoon Chillin In Christmas Tree

Happy holidays.
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A collection of tweets about people's biggest decoration fails. |Jamez 00 @JamezMagic Replying jimmyfallon #Decoration Disaster my family brought home our Christmas tree put up and turns out there spider's nest Hundred spiders crawled out have had an artificial tree ever since

People's Funniest Holiday Decoration Disasters

Gotta check those trees for bugs.
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stories of people whos parents were bad cooks | Posted by u/KnowNothingOfJavert 14 hours ago 5 3 e S is most horrifying thing parents did food? Every time my dad grills hamburgers, he doesn't season patties at all, squeezes all juice out them, and then wayyyyyy overcooks them end result is weird, dry, falling apart, dark gray hockey puck love him but his burgers are something else!

Children Of Horrible Cooks Share Their Pain

It went on for years.
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People that were fools online and got served an extra does of reality | Adrian Adriviix 1h Replying CyberpunkGame Fun fact game is gonna die lest then year if don't bring multiplayer 242 2721 65 Witcher O @witchergame ·52m Ok. Q 42 27 102 1,611

Clueless People That Got Extra Large Servings Of Reality

No coming back from that.
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An entitled Karen demands that another lady sell her her service dog | saw service dog on page. He's soooo cute. Hi, thank very much! O much him think might be confusing someone else, my dog is not sale

Entitled Karen Wants Lady's Service Dog, Reality Check Ensues

The dog is not for sale, Karen.
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Incompetent manager forbids overtime just as a big rush comes in | sorry revoked my overtime privileges yesterday" oc s This several years ago worked at redacted big name] coffee shop. My shift 5am-1:30pm, and often around 1pm giant groups kids on school field trips would come through area (this coffee shop located major CA city, very close bunch museums had been working lot overtime because help my coworkers through rush.

Incompetent Manager Forbids Overtime, Totally Backfires

Leave immediately? If you say so.
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People describe the weirdest things they noticed about foreign countries. | Elbatcho 17h wasn't prepared hot water would smell Iceland. Because comes being heated geothermically smells like sulfur. Showering first time little bit shock.

Weirdest Things Tourists Noticed About Foreign Countries

The world's an endlessly strange place.
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A snoopy husband uses his Christmas gift early, and his wife catches him | WIBTA returning my husbands Christmas present after he snooped, opened and started using Not hole Just as start up would like say he literally went digging find gift hid our attic tote summer clothing, which he literally never gets into. He never steps foot attic because he is terrified spiders.

Husband Uses Christmas Gift Early, Wife Catches Him

Dude's on the naughty list now.
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Bad and funny DIY solutions | Tugboat sandbox boat person floating in a small boat | shower head attached to a water container hanging on the wall

Bad But Impressive Budget Engineering Solutions

People are resourceful.
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