A hilarious misunderstanding regarding a bath bomb makes a complete mess. | Ment say today put chocolate bath bomb bath and got stuck my hair etc took ages wash out quite sticky but thanx luv xxx not bath bomb trish fuck sake ru serious xxX Wasn't

British Lad Mistakes Hot Chocolate Treat For Bath Bomb, Mess Ensues

That's a big oops.
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Parents describe their funniest Zoom call interruptions by their kids. | Dr. Erin Marie Furtak 000 @furtak During one hour zoom call this afternoon, my son interrupted ask is an invasive species is abundant And finally is civilization last one might take while answer

Parents' Funniest Zoom Call Interruptions

Remote life is a strange life.
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creepy earthquake safe bed coffin casket

Company's Earthquake Safe Bed Is Nightmare Fuel

Hard nope on this bed.
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Young Vin Diesel shows off Street Sharks toys collection

Young Vin Diesel's Stoked About Street Sharks Toys

It's Vintastic.
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neighbor breaks down freakout video

Man Mows Flowers In His Yard, Neighbor Loses It

"What kind of names?"
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revenge on package mail thief with glitter bomb on porch

Package Thieves And Porch Pirates Get Defeated By Glitter Bomb

Back at it again.
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entitled neighbor won't pay 15 dollars for internet | Yep times are hard understand, hence needing 10:16 PM 15. M Yeah well didn't use much but get paid if have after take my dog back cuz my dogs little bit more important than internet didn't use don't know why got do this yet but is is get 15 can deleted password 9 View all 10:37 PM know don't understand s guess never will guess need start writing

Entitled Neighbor Throws Tantrum Over 15 Dollars

Stress shouldn't be worth 15 bucks.
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Road rager learns their lesson from a calm driver. | r/pettyrevenge Join u/ValidatedQuail Swerving keep ahead Mkay, have fun at light. So l'm driving major city on road is always bit busy entering onto highway and need merge into lane my area, common sense merging is "Let one front, one behind Like zipper, if makes sense. Nice and efficient, everybody's happy.

Road Rager Tailgates Calm Driver, Calm Driver Baits Them Into Traffic Light

Dude needs to take a deep breath, or 10.
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A collection of extra cringeworthy moments lifted right from Cringetopia. | males who cheats more? boys or girls? multiple times ever cheated before?  | are not here This is cartoon EARTH IS FLAT

Extra Cringe Moments From The Land Of Cringetopia

So much cringe, so little time.
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Images of warped perspective that make people double take | photo taken at the perfect timing Buddha statue holding an airplane | carpet pattern that makes the floor look uneven

Confusing Images to Inspire Some Double Takes

It's like eye exercise!
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Groom does a Borat impression during the wedding vows, and bride loses it. | AITA making my wife cry at our wedding? Title sounds bad but hear out. My (25M) newly wed wife (32F) and both love Borat movies were thrilled new one came out during pandemic. This happened while were re-planning our winter wedding accommodate local COVID guidelines (10 close friends/family all masked My wife's favorite line Borat is he says MY WIIFFEEEE and jokingly said pissed would be if said during our wedding.

Groom Does Borat Impression During Vows, Bride Melts Down

A definite bold move, bro.
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entitled people with ridiculous demands | Share Housing Rooms Rent Hi everyone want buy house. There are 33000 people this group worked out if every person this group sends 15 will reach my goal 500000 15 each isn't much but all adds up. If donate will let come over and look at house once l've bought also thinking cooking some snags on BBQ my future back yard those who donate BYO alcohol If would like send more than $15 s okay. Please PM and will send my bank details. No tyre kickers please

Entitled People and Their Incredible Demands

Wonder if they made their goal?
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Stories of people cheating on tests and getting away with it. | Bill_r_i 183 points 4 days ago Everytime had write book report high school wrote on same book never fully read. Used book at least 4 times

Times People Cheated and Got Away With It

Don't cheat it's wrong.
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Guy flakes on a car sale, so a couple coders decide to take a pro revenge. | recruited an unwitting army annoy an asshole. Back early 90's, my friend call him "Lou because 's his name selling his RX-7 via an ad old print Auto Trader came out every Thursday, so first weekend critical sales very first guy came see on Saturday said he wanted buy after driving course, he had finance, so they couldn't finish sale during weekend. Lou worried about losing all bites new ad, so he asked deposit 500 guy

Guy Flakes On Car Sale, Coders Take Wicked Pro Revenge

Up to 240 calls an hour.
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funny mad lads playing by their own rules | GingerKittyCat @kittycattwitch finally asked my grandpa why so many his books were wrapped duct tape. His response tape covers so looks like bible and can read during church. | scruched This lawnmower cost way too much be only cutting grass finna ride Subway

Mad Lads Who Blazed Their Own Path

They can't be stopped!
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Parent helps daughter's boyfriend get out of crazy parent financial situation | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/HUGO_4815162342 AITA helping my daughter's boyfriend against his parents wishes? Long story short, am asshole giving my daughter's boyfriend his portion money he needed them move into an apartment together, against his parents wishes? His parents are majorly pissed because gave him money, because they didn't want him move with my daughter. He is 22 years

Parents Keep Adult Son's Paycheck and Offer Him an Allowance

Evidently it takes some intervention to get out of that kind of a situation.
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