A collection of the funniest posts from people using the Nextdoor app | Thanksgiving is over is now acceptable put up Christmas decor. On my command, open flood gates.

Hilarious Holiday Posts From Neighbors On Nextdoor

Tis the season.
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A Tumblr story about a terribly misunderstood toy named Evil Chancellor Traytor. | avian-american probablyjustamagpie Follow themanslayer Follow love fantasy its like king galamir mighty golden eagle and his most trusted advisor who would never betray him, gruelworm bloodeye treacherous

Tumblr Story: The Terribly Misunderstood Evil Chancellor Traytor

Poor guy got misjudged left and right.
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toys and products from the 90s | Today's kids will never know struggle lose one pieces on these mechanical pen | NOTHING LIKE BEING STARTLED AWAKE BY ONE THESE FALLING ON HEAD MIDDLE NIGHT glow in the dark stars

90s Nostalgia to Dip Back Into Those Core Memories

Those were the days.
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nice wholesome memes | My daughter went my husband and said Dad, have ever heard Pokemon and have never seen him so happy lol. He busted out all his old cards and is full education mode | This morning received Facebook message pet owner living over 100km away. She looking spot her dog see snow one more time, as she is "on last legs life let her know there is snow area, and she got driving right away. Two hours later she shared these pictures with us. They found snow at Dungannon Recreation

Wholesome Memes to Keep That Head Up

Nice things still happen.
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A collection of loopholes that people were able to successfully exploit for years | BarnabyMoose 1d 8 4 Awards high school, our p.e. grade based on improvement took skills test at beginning and another at end and grade based on much improved. So, once learned always sucked at first test and then did miraculously better at second, so had massive "improvement" and thus better grade.

Loopholes People Were Able To Exploit For Years

That teacher must've known.
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pranking neighbors after snowstorm

Rascal Pranks Neighbors After Snowstorm

Oh, that's too clever.
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low budget remaking the dune trailer cracked movies

Cracked Recreates "Dune" With $20, Hilarity Ensues

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Karen in store refuses to leave, gets picked up and removed.

Karen Gets Lifted Out of Store

Karen did not want to move, but move she did.
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A funny Tumblr post about kids' hilarious misunderstandings when it comes to recognizing faces. | anexperimentallife Follow Brian Wecht O @bwecht Audrey (6yo Daddy! Did know after Michael left my school, he came back and now people call him David Does he look and sound totally different too? Audrey: Yes

Tumblr Post: Kids Don't Understand How Faces Work

Kids get all kinds of confused.
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funny memes about history | think people 14th :08 Century would be mind blown by: ONEPLUS they'd Spices really be mind blown by: | Hapsburgs they see their cousins at family reunion He is 3.5 metric tons raw, sexual aggression.

History Memes to Become One with Time

Become learned through memery.
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A plumber accidentally ends up creating a metal snake monster. | my grandfather young he owned roadside motel, and my mother used do work around motel family building old and they had bad pipes, so visits plumber were fairly regular occurrence over there. At one point they had clogged toilet after guest checked out, so they called plumber come and clean out plumber came with his bag gear and set work, but clog stubborn. After few tries, he decided he needed get snake.

Tumblr Story: Plumber Accidentally Creates Metal Snake Ghost

Genuinely terrifying.
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A collection of times that people struggled with languages. | Sophuckingoode @SophieRachael95 German man just came into pub and tried ask cutlery but ended up saying need some food weapons" and will now be referring them by nothing else

Funny Language Memes For All The Language Nerds

Good old food weapons.
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Woman moves to the same neighborhood as her ex, and then a whole drama ensues. | AITA moving into same neighbourhood as my ex and his wife? Not hole My engagement Matt" ended after found out he cheating on with "Claire He ended up marrying Claire after broke up with him. During our engagement were looking move into new house. Everything ready us move just had sign paperwork. Matt ended up moving into house with Claire.

Woman Moves To Same Neighborhood As Ex, Drama Ensues

Sounds like there are still feelings lingering.
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A ridiculous Tumblr thread about forging a longsword from the blood of one's enemies. | Ethan Details K So calculated And eould only take about 400 people get enough iron forge steel longsword U know fantasy books talk about swords "forged with blood enemies"

Tumblr User Does The Math On Forging Literal Blood Sword

Tumblr's wandering minds at it again.
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funny achievements people don't tell anyone | _dontjimthecamera 39.3k points 12 hours ago 3 8 12 3 15 5 my public speaking class had give speech on procrastination wrote speech an hour before class my feedback notes told had great preparation.

People's Biggest Flexes They Tell No One

The skill.
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Call center won't give an employee a raise, so they go for the malicious compliance. | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/ikarosswings0 1d Give raise or replace XL Almost decade ago worked call center doing over phone tech support worked there almost 7 years until fired because desk phone they issues malfunctioned 6 weeks straight (despite my continued twice week complaints They didn't even try appeal my unemployment either

Call Center Won't Give Employee Raise, Malicious Compliance Ensues

All kinds of shady behavior from the company.
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