AITA for making my younger sisters fly home early after they followed my husband?

'I told them they had to leave immediately': Woman sends younger sisters home after they spied on her husband

Sure, teenagers will be teenagers, but all actions have consequences!
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Cringey DIY Home Renovation Fails That Are So Bad They'll Make Your Eye Twitch

Cringey DIY Home Renovation Fails That Are So Bad They'll Make Your Eye Twitch

Move that bus!
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AITA for kicking a server out of my wedding? | "The server(19-ish f) had on clearly too much eyeliner. she also had diamond studs in her ears a flashy ring, and one of those ugly nose studs. The staff's uniform was a black long-sleeved shirt but on her, it was too low cut and her pants were far too tight."

Bridezilla Kicks Server Out of Her Wedding For Outshining Her

No one's going to fault you for being a little on edge on your wedding day… but nothing is an excuse to be rude to wait staff; this bride's apparent insecurities led her to act in a way that jumps clear over the line of acceptable behavior. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) subreddit by the bride, Reddit user u/Present-Ad-3934, who shared her story to the popular sub in order to see whether or not she was in the wrong for how she reacted towards the server at her wedd…
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AITA for not making my son remove a social media post disparaging my wife?

Son Disparages Mom in Social Media Post, Dad Undermines Wife and Refuses to Make Him Take it Down

What this family needs is therapy. And a lot of it at that!
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WIBTA if I cancelled my vacation ticket because my family wants me to share a room with my nieces? | I (F23) have been planning a family vacation with my older brother (M30) and his wife, my two nieces (F4 and F2) and my parents. Everyone is paying for their own tickets.

'My brother said I'm a whiny a**hole': Aunt backs out of family vacation after family makes her the de facto babysitter

This aunt chose to back out of a family vacation after her parents and brother revealed their plans to make her into a babysitter for nieces, forcing her to share a room with the two toddlers.
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New, fresh and funny tweets, twitter, fails

An Epic Hodge-Podge of Fresh Tweets Calling Out Everyday Fails (October 18, 2022)

Free your mind with funny Tweets and fails that'll probably leave your brain blissfully mushy.
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Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We Saw This Past Week

Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We Saw This Past Week

There's gotta be someone out there for everyone... Right?
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AITA for reporting my professor

Entitled Student Reports Professor for Drawing Boundaries at Work

I swear teachers are the most disrespected people...
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FAILS FAIL woosh idiots missed the joke missed-joke joke funny fails funny - 18175749

20 Idiots Who Completely Missed the Joke and Failed to Behave Rationally

We've all been there—looking around the room, watching everyone else laugh, wondering what on earth we just missed. Even though we've all experienced this, how we deal with this situation differentiates us. Some might choose to laugh with the rest of the crowd to fit in, others might instead maintain their confused silence, and others still will belligerently verbally accost the speaker in order to protect their stupid ego from the idea that they just don't understand something. This list is br…
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AITA for not paying for my neighbors child's medical bills? | We bought our new house last year. When we first viewed the house, we noticed bikes and children's toys in the driveway and on the side yard. At our final walkthrough before we signed the final documents and got the keys, we noticed kids in the driveway coloring with sidewalk chalk and riding scooters and bikes. We introduced ourselves to the kids and asked where they lived, they pointed at the house next door.

'The neighbor came out screaming at me': Insane neighbor insists guy pays children's medical bills after kids play in his driveway despite repeated warnings

When "Get off my lawn!" is a rational request—rather than a disgruntled outcry from an aging croquet enthusiast.
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AITA for asking questions about my co worker's daughter

Employee Asks Cringy Questions to Coworker About His Famous Daughter

Where is HR when you need it?
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I can't work out if this is a joke? I just want to clear something up ahead of the quarterly launch retro on Monday. I understand you're entitled to your lunch break and that's not the issue here.

'Show a little more dedication': Bewildering viral email asks workers to eat their lunch at their desk in case CEO drops by unannounced

Nothing says dedication to your job like timidly eating lunch at your desk, nervously checking the door every few minutes to see if today is the day your overlords have decided to grace you with their presence. Let's be real here—it sounds like this manager is a little bit out of their depth. They're the kind of person who only ended up in a position of authority because they knew precisely which (two) cheek(s) to kiss—knowledge they applied regularly and with vigor. This email is a testament t…
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Funniest Memes About Halloween Couple Costume Fails That Are So Bad They’re Actually Good

Funniest Memes About Halloween Couple Costume Fails That Are So Bad They’re Actually Good

Some are actually genius
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Simple but funny DMV story

Customer Walks Into Empty Local DMV Office, Still Takes an Eternity

There's nothing like a trip to your local purgatory - I mean, DMV office
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antiwork toxic-workplace great resignation quit workplace Horrible Bosses interview - 1750279

'I got fed up': Worker quits after being refused raise to match wage of new hires

This grocery store cashier was the workhorse of their manager's dwindling team; When their employer began running a promotion offering higher wages to fill vacant roles, the cashier asked for a raise which they were denied. They then found themselves training the new hires, who were making more than they were.
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You want us at the office twice a week, and you're going to pull keycard reports to validate? Sure, I'll show up on these reports.

'They're going to be pulling the office keycard data to see who actually does go in': Employee comes up with grand scheme to avoid in person work

The lengths people will go to avoid time in the office are truly inspiring.
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