“You need to be better at timekeeping….” OK then, I will… | TL:DR Boss erodes all goodwill by going for me for being 3 minutes late (despite me staying on late after hours all the time for no pay) then loses his shit when I start only doing the hours I’m contracted to do.

'You need to be better at timekeeping...': Boss reprimands employee for being three minutes late once, they stop staying late

Be careful what you wish for… When you're managing people, you really need to be careful with your choice of words, especially if you're the type of tyrannical manager who expects your instructions to be followed to the letter. If you unintentionally leave room for interpretation in your autocratic tirades, expect it to be interpreted in the most ridiculous (or disadvantageous possible ways.) That's what happened when this boss told their subordinate to “be better at timekeeping” after they wer…
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AITA for walking out of my Birthday dinner after my sister and her boyfriend announced they were getting married ?

'She said it was the perfect time to announce their engagement': Future bridezilla upstages sister on her birthday

You know that feeling when you realize your sister is going to be a bridezilla?
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wedding, destination wedding, fail, fails, love, friends, family, relationships, weddings, wedding inspiration, travel, travel inspiration, tropical, vacation, expensive, money, elite

Angry Wedding Guest Sparks Debate in the Comments, Ending Friendships With People Who Throw Expensive Destination Weddings

$8000 is a lot of money for a vacation I didn't plan for
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AITA for using a spray bottle to train my nephew

'I grabbed the spray bottle I use to keep the cat off the counter': Woman sprays water at nightmare nephew as punishment

Hey, if it works, it works...
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Walked out of an interview | I walked out of an interview for the first time today, I had a shadowing interview today for a job that pays $2/hr more than I make right now. Seems like a great place except I wasn’t getting paid for the 2 hours of shadowing and they told me I wasn’t allowed to have water while I worked

'I wasn't allowed to have water': Employee walks out of working interview because of employer's bizarre rules

I bet this employer can't wait for the android revolution that we've been promised. After all, an android wouldn't need to spend two minutes on the bathroom break that results from being properly hydrated.
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A coworker was apparently sexist against our boss, so I let him drown.

Software engineer stops helping sexist coworker, lets them show their true colors and screw themselves

It's unfortunate that people with really crappy personalities are often allowed to subsist, even thrive, within our workplaces and communities. We're all guilty of and complicit in this happening; all too often, we silently allow these people to exist amongst us and even help them succeed for fear of “rocking the boat” or “causing a scene." Unfortunately, this only enables them in their secretly destructive ways, and by not dealing with the problems when we see them, we let them go on to do har…
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funniest work memes about imposter syndrome

Funniest Memes for People Who Get Imposter Syndrome at Work and Feel Like They Are Truly Just Winging It

Maybe the truth is nobody truly knows what they're doing, at least at first?...
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Funniest Work Memes for People Who Show Up To Their Job for the Paycheck and Stay for the Tea

Funniest Work Memes for People Who Show Up To Their Job for the Paycheck and Stay for the Tea

We ain't paid enough for this
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AITA for refusing to change my Halloween costume after already buying it?

'He told me that I looked like I was trying too hard': Woman gets body shamed by her own fiancé after trying on her Halloween costume

Could a Halloween costume actually break up an engagement?
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Neighbor took delivery of a package that our business purchased, used the contents, and now wants us to pay for the scraps. Dafuq?

Viral Thread: Neighbor steals guy's package and uses the contents, writes guy a note asking him to pay for the leftovers

This insane neighbor seriously wants this guy to pay for the remnants of his own property.
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Fire me because I did my job? Okay. Hope you don't need all of these supplies. | I love taking photos of people. To the point that I have two resumes for applying for jobs and one of them is specifically for photography work.

'The store closed down not two months later': Employee fired over technicality, takes their stuff and leaves company nonfunctional

Unfortunately, not being recognized or appreciated for your contributions in the workplace is a pretty commonplace occurrence. Often your efforts can be taken for granted or just completely fly under the radar. This is the reason why people who are expert communicators, schmooze, or just generally work at self-promotion often find themselves in stations far above those who would rather die than engage in small talk at the office, and often end up in positions that exceed their actual capabiliti…
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McDonald’s drive through Karen tells me to f*** off

Crazy Karen Throws Tantrum Over Free Drink at McDonald's

You'd think this lady would be grateful for a free drink, but Karens are gonna Karen.
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I cost me neighbors over $100,000. | My neighbors have 9 cars total parked in the street. They always park two of those cars in front on my house and won’t move them the whole week.

Neighborhood Parking Dispute Escalates Into $100,000 Extension Removal

There's an age-old adage that goes something along the lines of “Only break one law at a time," with the idea being that the more laws/rules you break simultaneously exponentially increases your chances of being caught and held accountable for each and every one of your offenses.
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funniest memes from this week for cowboys, cowgirls, farmers, ranchers, and anyone else in the wild wild west

The Most Rootinest Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes of This Week for All the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls Out There

Sad cowboy is out. Funny cowboy is in.
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Funniest Tweets About How Annoying Airport Security is for No Reason

Funniest Tweets About How Annoying Airport Security is for No Reason

The joys of TSA
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Top Trending Times Bosses Were Called Out For Failing Their Employees

Top Trending Times Horrible Bosses Were Called Out For Failing Their Employees

As long as there are bosses, there will be times they fail you.
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