funniest memes for people who hate TikTok

A Classic Scroll of Anti-TikTok Memes for People Who Always Downvote the Dumb Clock App

Just giving the people what they want...
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Funniest Tweets About Your Therapist This Week (October 19, 2022)

Funniest Tweets About Your Therapy Fails This Week (October 19, 2022)

My therapist told me not to write this but here we are.
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bear, bear attack, black bear, attack, animal attack, animal encounter, wild animals, wild, crazy video, fist fight, climb, climber, mountain, mountaineering, manly

Climber Gets Attacked by a Bear and Nearly Falls Off a Cliff in an Epic, Unbelievable Fist Fight

His friends would never believe this without video proof
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AITA for sticking to the late policy in my class even though the student has ADHD?

Student With ADHD Keeps Turning Work in Late and Teacher Docks Grade, Causes Split Reactions

This one's a tough call...
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Pay me to be my live in nanny | Furnished, Clean, Safe Basement Apartment in Family Home | Sharing rooms & shares $500 Family looking for kind human to live in basement apartment and part time nanny for $500/month + 16 hours of nanny care per week + two date nights per month. Hoping to find the perfect housemate who enjoys kids and kindness.

Weird Choosing Beggar Wants Roommate Who Pays to Be a Live-In Nanny

There are a lot of similarities between a roommate and a domestic worker. For one, both live in your house—which is probably the most obvious. Both are also responsible (partly or wholly) for doing chores and keeping the place neat and tidy. (They probably also spend more time than they want to cleaning up after your lazy buns.) They restock common items, may help care for your pets and may provide you with a source of companionship. But, for as many similarities as they might share there are s…
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"About 6 months into our marriage she told me she had been having car trouble and needed about $2K for the repair. This struck me as a bit odd… [...]  One evening after she went to sleep I went and had a look at the part of the car she had said was faulty. No issue. This set off alarms."

Guy Turns the Tables After Financing His Cheating Wife and Her Grifting Boyfriend

This is just the marriage/grifter plot of Scorsese's Casino, right? Like, tell me this isn't some adaptive creative writing piece that has just repacked the movie into a Reddit thread. The story was shared to Reddit's r/ProRevenge subreddit by Reddit user u/OfPearlsandSwine, who shared their story to the popular sub in a thread titled “Topsy Turvy". The thread, which earned nearly 3k upvotes, makes for an entertaining read but drew a lot of criticism from suspicious commenters. “I'm a lawyer bu…
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"It was then that a woman water walked over to us with a little girl in tow, demanding to know where the boy's mother was and why he was using me like a jungle gym.  Before I could reply the little guy rolled his eyes at the woman and said the following, at max volume. 'Ms. Karen Mommy asked Mr. OP to watch me...'"

'Are you really going to ruin that for her too?': Kid humiliates entitled pool Karen with uncomfortable truth "bombs"

Kids say the darnedest things, don't they? That complete lack of filter can simultaneously be the most hilarious, embarrassing, and cutting thing on this planet. There's nothing worse than being on the receiving end of an incredibly perspective comment from a child. There's something about the truth that a child perceives that leaves you utterly defenseless and without any recourse or response. After all, it's not as if you can respond with an insult back… Then you'd just be the adult that was…
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Funniest And Most Compelling Shower Thoughts This Week On Reddit

Funniest And Most Compelling Shower Thoughts That Have Blessed Our Reddit Feed This Week

Deep down, we're all just Ravenclaw's
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Entitled ex husband gets what he deserves

'I reported the phone as stolen and it is now flagged and shut off': Woman punishes ex-husband for refusing to pay phone bill

He had it coming!
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 Funniest Memes for People Who Are Always on the Verge of Giving Their 2 Weeks Notice

Funniest Memes for People Who Are Always on the Verge of Giving Their 2 Weeks Notice

Maintaining a work-life balance can feel nearly impossible
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The Boldest Pickup Lines We've Seen On Tinder This Week (October 18, 2022)

The Boldest Pickup Lines We've Seen On Tinder This Week (October 18, 2022)

From the looks of it, people are just getting bolder and bolder on Tinder.
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Mrs. Spike, the entitled teacher who thought she would never get caught abusing her students.

'She ended her reign of terror': Evil Karen PE teacher finally gets what she deserves after years of bullying

Mrs. Spike sounds like a real-life Roald Dahl villain...
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Coworkers didn't like that I leave 3 hours early. Say goodbye to your sleep in.

Infuriating Coworkers Complain About Flexible Working Arrangement, Makes Everything Worse For Everyone

Why would you argue against your own working freedoms? Pre-pandemic flexible arrangements were hard enough to come, and post-pandemic corporate life is already quickly forgetting them—we see more and more posts every day about the evaporation of remote work. This workplace is a perfect example of the recently-trending term “Crab Mentality”—which basically boils down to “If I can't have it neither can you.” The term originates from the (alleged) behavior of crabs who, when trapped in a bucket, w…
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AITA for letting my 4 year old use all of his money to buy everybody else meals and gifts while we were at Disneyland? | I took my kids to Disneyland Paris for a week with two of my friends and their kids. My oldest is 4 but he gets a monthly allowance from his dad that he can, in theory, spend on whatever he wants.

Mother wonders if she's wrong for letting her 4-year-old son spend his entire life savings on her friends (and there's a lot to unpack here.)

Well… at least he hasn't been saving for very long! Plenty of time for him to recoup from this devastating loss. If his allowance (which appears to be larger than my paycheck) doesn't cut it, then the trust fund should certainly help out. There's a lot going on and a lot to unpack with this one.
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HR is NOT your friend

'HR is NOT your friend': Fresh out of college employee confides in HR and ends up getting fired

No matter how nice they are, do not trust HR...
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AITA for labeling my food as having hot sauce to deter food thieves at work? | Simple as that. My lunches were being taken while I was working. So I photocopied the label from one of my husband's hot sauce bottles and put it on my food.

Lunch-Stealing Coworker Ironically Self-Reports When They Try to Report Their Victim to HR For Hot Sauce Deception

Reporting someone to HR for some overly-hot sauce is a hot take when you've been remorselessly pilfering their lunch. You can't help but wonder how these lunch thieves manage to live their lives so perilously perched on the edge of vagueness. What do they do if they're not the biggest fan of the coworker-crowdsourced menu for that day? Ethical and moral arguments aside, I don't think I could handle the uncertainty; I need much more stability and consistency in my life than that to make it throu…
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