20 Wickedly weird memes from the deep depths of the internet

20 Wickedly weird memes from the deep depths of the internet

Marketing Class Group Project

'It was evident who was a contributor and who was a leech': Teacher doesn't let slackers get off scot-free in college group project fail

What's a secret you'll never tell your partner but are willing to tell strangers on Reddit?

'Our cat didn't break the towel rack. I did': 20+ Secrets so outrageous people could never tell their significant other about it

Guy asks date to pay for meal then gets mad at the one treating him for using a discount

'Dodged a bullet': Guy calls woman cheap for using a discount to pay for their meal on the first date

'I'm not feeling safe in my own apartment': Cheapskate landlord gets fined $10,000 for jerry-rigging electrical instead of replacing a faulty stove after endangered tenant reported it to the fire department

'I'm not feeling safe in my own apartment': Cheapskate landlord gets fined $10,000 for jerry-rigging electrical instead of replacing a faulty stove after endangered tenant reported it to the fire department

terrible coworkers work-story workplace-stories manager dickhead co-workers awesome co-workers not managers workplace coworker - 19987205

'She hired him': Legendary manager sticks up for scapegoated black sheep employee, helps them leave for major promotion

AITA for telling my boyfriend's friends I make twice what he does, when they called me a gold digger and he didn't defend me?

'I'm not a gold digger': Party bros make sexist jokes about woman, she embarrasses everyone by revealing her finances

AITA: 'I evicted them': Landlord evicts young couple with baby following noise complaints from neighbors, gives them 30 days to move

AITA: 'I evicted them': Landlord evicts young couple with baby following noise complaints from neighbors, gives them 30 days to move

workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs work stories toxic-workplace bad jobs true story time-to-take-a-break workplace Horrible Bosses story break room employment toxic-work-environment - 20038661

'I just quit my job': Boss confiscates worker's lunch break as punishment, they quit

My boss watches me on the video cameras even on her days off so I’m quitting

'My boss watches me on the video cameras': Employee learns her boss is watching her every move

cowgirl-memes ranchers funny-western-memes cowboy memes tennessee-memes funny memes funny-southern-memes Memes texas memes farmers blue collar american memes - 20033541

26 YeeHaw-est Memes of the Week for Funny Cowboys and Cowgirls Who Need a Good Laugh

relatable memes list random memes fresh memes funny memes new meme viral meme Memes funny tweets tweet random tweets meme list - 20041733

40+ Fresh Memes and Tweets For Your Viewing Pleasure (April 7th 2023)

Guy tips big to impress date but returns afterwards to take money back

'The man was staring daggers': Big tipper tries to take back $100, so waitress humiliates him in front of his date

boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager askreddit Horrible Bosses Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20014085

'He was always slacking off': 10+ stories of how folks got their bosses fired

AITA for telling my fiancé's stepmother I am not his boss and am not tell him what he will do at our wedding?

'She called me a drama queen': Bride-to-be faces off with her step-MIL over fiancé's wedding plans

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace manager malicious compliance reddit thread Reddit store toxic-work-environment - 20001541

'I'm changing back into my shorts': Employee forced to go home for 'violating' uniform, gets back at toxic boss using the employee handbook