AITA for calling the police on my fiance?

Man Calls Police on Fiancé For Not Returning Home, We Suspect Cheating

How does a half-hour drive turn into a whole night gone? Hmm...
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FAILS cringey FAIL cringe sad cringe cringe pics funny fails cringeworthy fail-photo - 18153733

30+ Moments of Mind-Melting Cringe From People Who Failed to Exercise Proper Judgement

What a horrible day to have eyes. It's no secret that we, as human beings, are all very different from one another and that individuality and identity defines the true beauty of mankind. Our ability to innovate and try new things makes us unique in this world and has ensured our success as a species, but it has also put us squarely on a path toward our own destruction. For every brilliant idea the human race puts forth, dozens should have never existed. For every amazing place we have ventured…
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try to make fake rules against me ? let me play your game my way | ell during weekends and holidays me , my cousins and friends of us will set up a net and play volleyball like we would in a normal game .

'The [two] girls had no idea that I even play': Friendly volleyball game gets turned on its head when newcomers take things too far

There's nothing worse than when someone takes a friendly competition way too far and ruins it by being overly competitive. I say this as someone who used to be toxically over-competitive. I cringe thinking about the nights of family bowling and board games I ruined in my teens with my toxic attitude. But, never fear, there is someone out there who never outgrew this behavior and is in their mid-thirties but still determined to beat their grandmother into the dirt during a family game of Croquet…
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'Bonjour homies': Boomers fail to entice young people with most ridiculous job posting

'Bonjour homies': Boomers fail to entice young people with most ridiculous job posting

I guess boomers really are desperate to find people who are willing to work for them.
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Neighbors used my property as their own. Paid for new fence. | I recently bought a house and have been having some work done before I move in. It was empty on the market for about 6 or 8 months before I bought it.  One morning I got a call from my contractor, asking me about moving the cars in the driveway, and of course I had no idea what he was talking about. I hadn't moved in yet.

'Good riddance': Trashy neighbors refuse to stop using driveway, get towed, arrested, and fined

When this Redditor purchased a new house that had been sitting vacant for some time, they unwittingly placed themself in uncomfortably close proximity to trashy neighbors who refused to respect their property and space. They had apparently spread out like an amoeba into the empty lot and had been using the property as their own for some time. Despite repeated requests not to park their cars in the driveway that were blocking contractors from accessing the property, the family refused to comply.…
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Timely Memes for People Well Into Their Thirties

Timely Memes for People Well Into Their Thirties

Our golden years
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AITA for exposing a friend's lie to his parents

'He saw my score and asked if we could swap tests': Bad friend exposes lie after student fails a test

This is not the cheating scandal this Redditor clearly thinks it is!
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Fresh Memes for People Who Fail Themselves On a Regular Basis

Fresh Memes for People Who Fail Themselves On a Regular Basis

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.
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Had a guy try walk out on his bill, and when we blocked the exits and threatened to call the cops he tried to pay with Big 5 Sporting Goods receipts

Customer Does Everything to Avoid Paying His Bill At Restaurant, Even Trying to Use Sporting Goods Store Credit

This guy thought of everything under the sun to get out of paying his bill, but his server was not having it.
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Top Tinder Moments and Fails |

10 Top Trending Tinder Moments and Fails From the Wild World of Online Dating (October 12, 2022)

Love is a battlefield… Or so we've been told. It's hard to imagine ever coming out on top of the heaving pile made up of masses of people who are desperate to take their pound of flesh from each and every stranger they come across. But don't despair, one day you'll get whatever it is you're looking for from the wild world of online dating. Keep reading for this week's collection of trending Tinder moments and fails from the arena of the wider web. For more, give last week's edition a browse.
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customer service reddit stories car used car reddit story Car Dealership customer talesfromthecustomer reddit thread Reddit - 1730311

'I told them I wasn’t interested': Customer flees after shady car dealership tries to trap them and force them into paying a higher price

Buying a used car can be a mixed bag of experiences…
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Sick shaming twice yesterday. Older generations should back off.

'We are not going to suffer [...] for our jobs like you boomers': Sick receptionist shamed by HR and guilted into coming to work

When will boomers realize that going to work sick does not make you brave?
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I was told this belongs here. They got what they asked for lol | I had a trophy-wife-client who had a frozen yoghurt business paid for by her husband. They contacted me and asked me to design and build a new website for her business. I gave them a quote and they asked if they could pay in three instalments. After we all agreed to the terms, I had written approval and I received my 33% deposit, I got cracking.

'Here’s 33% of your website. You’re welcome': Client wants to pay developer 33% of agreed price, gets 33% of a website

In this world, you get what you pay for.
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Top Trending Work Fails That Prove How Out of Touch Employers Are

Top Trending Work Fails That Prove How Out of Touch Employers Are

If your boss thinks improving work culture means mandating more in-person time, then these work fails are for you!
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You better open this dang door

'You want me to open the door? I'll open it': Thief tries to steal beer from convenience store, cue malicious compliance

Nothing like doing exactly what someone tells you to do and having it backfire!
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twitter tweets funny tweets tweet funny twitter random tweets - 18131461

20+ Fresh Tweet Treats For Your Eyes to Consume

After all these years, Twitter has never lost that chaotic element that has always made it so uniquely horrifying to me. I've never been a huge contributor to the platform myself - partly owing to the fact that my 0 followers would have me throwing thoughts into a void, but I've never quite found a way to establish any sense of a community on the platform. Everything is outwards flowing due to the very nature of a ‘tweet’, and in a world where zingy one-liners, drama, and persecution are king,…
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