'That's justice — dad style': Neighborhood thief steals kids' dolls, until their dad intervenes

'That's justice — dad style': Neighborhood thief steals kids' dolls, until their dad intervenes

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20+ Bad Breakup Memes and Fails for Those Who Have Been Disastrously Dumped

'Got berated by a Karen for the first time': Entitled diner freaks out over butter, calls server evil for ruining her birthday

'Got berated by a Karen for the first time': Entitled diner freaks out over butter, calls server evil for ruining her birthday

Try to steal my legally rented parking spot? Enjoy being unemployed.

'It bit him in his career': Dude steals driver's paid for parking spot, driver gets epic revenge and gets him fired

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'Imma get fired LOL [worth it]' : Shady management tries to pull a fast one, law student employee hits them with legal knowledge that epically shuts it down

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'I WILL do your project': Worst project partner ever tries to get student to do the whole thing, she does but ensures he fails

'[I] hit send...everyone in the room and on the call started laughing': Husband tries to write apology to his wife the lazy way, humiliates himself in front of coworkers

'[I] hit send...everyone in the room and on the call started laughing': Husband tries to write apology to his wife the lazy way, humiliates himself in front of coworkers

'Be careful what you wish for': Snarky mother pulls an uno reverse on her picky-eater 8 year old, feeding her the same meal for a week to teach her a lesson

'Be careful what you wish for': Snarky mother pulls an uno reverse on her picky-eater 8 year old, feeding her the same meal for a week to teach her a lesson

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'CAN YOU.. READ..?': Merchandizer shuts down annoying dumbfounded customer

A Karen attacked me over Headphones and a DVD Player while I was camping because I was watching Talespin, claiming her child needed something to entertain themself with

'Check it out! We've got a bona fide Karen here': Camping Karen tries to steal stranger's portable DVD player for her kid

Nature Wins | Epic Failures

16 Times Humans Epically Failed and Nature Gloriously Triumphed

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'I pointedly told her that I AM a millennial and...': Boomer MIL thinks millennials don't want to work, hardworking millennial son-in-law puts her in her place

‘I’m literally throwing up at work': Millennial employee gets accused of faking sickness to get out of work, boss threatens to fire them if they don't finish their shift

‘I’m literally throwing up at work': Millennial employee gets accused of faking sickness to get out of work, boss threatens to fire them if they don't finish their shift

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'My home, my rules': Grown millennial daughter uses malicious compliance to get her boomer mom, a 40+ year smoker, to quit smoking

'I suspect workers are sabotaging equipment just to meet the quota': Bizzare safety procedures at work cause cobra effect, corporate bit by malicious compliance

'I suspect workers are sabotaging equipment just to meet the quota': Bizzare safety procedures at work cause cobra effect, corporate bit by malicious compliance

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20 Distracting Work From Home Memes for Pajamafied Employees With ADHD