Entitled choosing beggars

15 Staggeringly Choosy Beggars Who Demanded All For Naught

There are people on this earth who possess a complete inability to conduct themselves rationally. If they're getting a service performed for a bargain out of goodwill, they're going to want to negotiate a better rate. Even when they're getting handed something for free, they're going to feel as if they're entitled to more. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we're raised to expect more out of our lives than the world can reasonably deliver—but these choosing beggars sure do take tha…
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hotel customer service shuts down a male karen

'Yeah, that's not really respectful': Hotel receptionist expertly shutdowns a male Karen customer throwing a tantrum

“Proof that the customer clearly is not always right. 🙌”
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The Most Jaw-Dropping Tinder Fails This Week (October 25, 2022)

The Most Jaw-Dropping Tinder Fails This Week (October 25, 2022)

Here's to another wild week on Tinder!
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AITA for only inviting some of my sister's children to my wedding?

'I'm sorry but ten kids is a big cost on our wedding budget': Drama ensues when bride invites only some of her religious sister's kids

Does it make you a bridezilla to not invite all 10 of your sister's children?
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Humorous AITA "written" by House of the Dragon's Aemond

Uncle Accidentally Unalives Nephew After Their Pets Fight, Wonders if He's Wrong

This uncle engaged in a bit of a disagreement with his nephew at their family friend's place, which resulted in the “accidental” un-aliving of the nephew when the pair lost control of their pets. Now he's wondering how to handle the situation and trying to figure out if he is the a-hole for how things played out. Now it's important to take a look at the ethical and moral considerations at work here. For instance, why chase after your nephew with your retired ex-military behemoth of a pet if you…
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AITA for not moving from my booked seat for an elderly person?

'I'd booked the seat and wasn't going to move': First class train passenger refuses to move for elderly woman

The failure here is the train system!
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You are not a Jedi Master you are a messy traveler

Guy Tries to Talk His Way Into Unavailable Hotel Room, Won't Take No For an Answer

In contrast to the other interactions we see posted online by customer service persons, this one is pretty innocuous. It does a great job of providing insight into the sheer number of bizarre interactions you have — week in and week out — when you work in a public-facing role. Not all of them are Karens losing their marbles over the slightest inconvenience — but they will still leave you scratching your head and wondering what in gods name you have just witnessed. I used to sell bikes, and some…
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My IT Directors emails look awfully suspicious.

Guy Forced to Endure 2-Hour Phishing Workshop as Punishment, Reports All IT Director's Emails as Phishing Attempts

That'll show 'em.
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Abusive restaurant owner

'I'm ready to fire pretty much all of you': Abusive restaurant owner sends wild, unhinged messages to staff

This restaurant owner is the definition of evil...
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My boss suspended me for his negligence so I ruined his life.

'I ruined his life': Boss suspends employee for injuring themselves, employee ends their business

Manifesting traits and performing actions that squarely fall within a “Chaotic Evil” alignment is not a great business strategy. You're going to open yourself up to all kinds of legal and moral pitfalls that could result in your business being “canceled” or forced to close by authorities. Surprisingly, all too many owners think they're the “big bad” of a Dnd campaign and have become accustomed to feeling immune to consequences within their spheres of influence. Well, the party comes for you eve…
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Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails That Have Us Thinking We’re Better off Alone

Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails That Have Us Thinking We’re Better off Alone

Tinder, OkCupid, Hinge, Bumble... You are the devil, and nobody can convince me otherwise.
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My bf started a new job, sent me this, and turned off his phone

'This means completely turned off': Employer's autocratic cellphone policy goes viral

Just another employer who thinks they own their workers because they pay them the smallest amount that they're legally able…
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Disastrous Design Fails That Only Make Things Worse

Disastrous Design Fails That Only Make Things Worse

Who signed off on these?
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AITA for telling my brother (I was his best man) that his toxic but "love of his life" ex was trying to get in touch with him the night before his wedding?

'Please let him know [...] she'd be his personal bachelor party if he was so inclined': Toxic ex reaches out to groom the night before his wedding

This marriage feels over before it started!
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A collection of workplace memes and funny work images

27 Work Memes For Those Severely Lacking Monday Motivation (October 24th, 2022)

The blaring of an alarm in the early hours of a Monday morning has got to be one of the most brutal experiences—tearing you suddenly from the dream of the weekend back into the harsh, cold, mundane world of the working week. The alarm acts as the equivalent of having a red pill shoved down your throat—you awaken, clammy, gasping for air and life. coming to your senses, you begin to realize that the barren wasteland of reality is all that lies before you… Gone are the aspirations of your Friday…
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antiwork work tech news workplace viral work reform Tech social issues engineer - 18219525

'You're stealing...': Tech CEO fires two engineers caught working two full-time jobs

A tech CEO reported firing two engineers who were caught working a second full-time job in this LinkedIn post that went viral. This topic has been trending across the wider web this week as there have been multiple reports from businesses that claim to be firing employees who are working multiple full-time jobs. Notable stories have emerged from the software company mentioned in this thread and from a multinational credit reporting agency that claims to have caught and fired 24 workers who were…
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