family drama amitheahole aita drama ahole family cousins cousin family story - 19845637

'I [had] had enough': Jealous cousin confronts nepo-privilage relative over her promotion

Sometimes the fact that you have “privilege”—an edge over the competition, if you will… is an undeniable fact and you need to acknowledge that fact . If (or when) you do that, you might find that you gain back a little bit of respect.
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 AITA or a Karen for complaining about children in my bowling lane?

'Parents gave zero F's': Kids repeatedly interrupt woman's bowling game while parents ignore their children

This bowler struck out when they found their lane swarmed with little kids . As the OP tells it, she was trying to figure out if she was the a**hole in this scenario, because her friends think she is. The OP writes that while she was bowling with some friends on a weekend, she was in a lane near lots of kids. The weekends definitely are a time for parties, but the OP was annoyed that the kids kept going into her lane. Aside from the safety issues, the kids' parents wouldn't lift a finger to hel…
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hoa neighbors neighborhood entitled reddit thread Reddit parents entitled people - 19815685

'They were trying to scam us into paying': Entitled dude mows neighbor's lawn without permission then charges them for it

Dude, no one asked you to mow my lawn!
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flight pilot airline airplane entitled - 19815173

'He instructed his daughter to kick my seat': Flight attendants share the most entitled behaviors they've ever witnessed on planes

The stress of flying really seems to bring out the worst in people. If you're a flight attendant, you have to deal with stressed out and riled-up passengers every single day! As these flight attendants will tell you, flying seems to give people a license to act like toddlers — screaming, throwing tantrums , and demanding things. Although flight attendants are in charge of seating passengers in the right section, distributing drinks and snacks, and providing information during the flight… but th…
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malicious compliance customers engineering technician entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19814405

'JUST DO THE TEST': Entitled customer gets into fight with technician and goes against advice, fiery compliance ensues

Whoever came up with the saying "the customer is always right" should be seriously questioned. In this instance, we have an intense conflict between a technician and a so-called “engineer” customer. This guy went against the technician's advice several times and insisted that the technician perform what he knew would be a destructive test. The technician shared his story via this thread on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit. He tried to explain to the customer that this was a mistake, eve…
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'My boss snubbed me after I saved the company $45,000' : Boss refuses to promote burnt out employee despite increased profit margins, leads to malicious compliance, boss gets made redundant

'My boss snubbed me after I saved the company $45,000' : Boss refuses to promote burnt out employee despite increased profit margins, leads to malicious compliance, boss gets made redundant

Managers often have the tendency of getting employees to jump through hoops in hopes of getting promoted, then don't end up delivering. This employee did so much extra work that she actually saved the company $45,000, but alas, she was told she was still not ‘deserving’ of a promotion. In other words, even if you do a good job, it's not good enough. Fed up, OP decided enough was enough, because if the company was saving $45,000 but still couldn't ‘afford to give OP a raise’, then why bother put…
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customer support customer service work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace malicious compliance retail workers retail karen-customer customers customer workplace karen employment - 19823621

'It's wasteful': Dillydallying customer demands one—and only one—bag from retail associate, gets their wish

We've said it once, and we'll say it a thousand times: When making a demand from an underpaid retail worker who would probably rather be somewhere—no, anywhere else than standing here listening to you, you'd better choose your words wisely. You might end up with exactly what you wished for—just… not quite how you pictured it. (The monkey's paw curls .) That's what happened in this classic case of malicious compliance, which was shared to the popular Reddit sub of the same name by Redditor u/Lai…
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'Ravioli on a clothesline': 30 Foods served up on the most outrageous and random objects ever

'Ravioli on a clothesline': 30 Foods served up on the most outrageous and random objects ever

You'd rather have your food served on some random wooden plank than a boring old plate, correct? No? Well too bad, that's what you're getting at our fancy dining establishment. No, we actually can't totally disinfect that unfinished wood board that 300 people before you have already eaten off of. Try not to think about it too hard. We're going to sling your greasy burger right on the wood board, and then we're going to dump a bunch of fries on there. The fries are going to spill onto the table…
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management customer service toxic-manager store-manager retail retail worker general manager bad-management employees retail-employee Reddit assistant manager toxic-work-environment - 19822341

'My manager is too lazy... AITA for snapping [at him]?': Retail assistant manager lays down the law with store manager, gets praised by Redditors for standing up for herself and her employees

There's nothing like working a really demanding job and not getting support from your manager. It really just puts the salt directly to the wound, doesn't it? If you have ever worked retail, then you know exactly how demanding it is. The actual work you do for the store, like restock, organizing, etc. isn't the hard part. The most difficult part is dealing with the customers and, let's be honest, your coworkers. If you don't have a team that can work together, then you are going to fail. That b…
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work-story workplace-stories toxic-workplace tales-from-the-workplace workplace Horrible Bosses workers break room employment - 19845381

'I am watching CCVT': Backpacker shares power-tripping phone policy poster from the place they worked while traveling in Australia

Backpacking through a foreign country while working on a holiday visa puts you in some strange situations in some strange places with some still stranger people. That's part of the joy of the experience; reflecting back on these situations with slightly rose-tinted glasses and wondering just how the heck you managed to get through it gives you a kind of “second-degree enjoyment.” Plus, you'll have
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neighbors gardening neighborhood garden revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit - 19798533

'This pettiness was mint to bee': Neighbor gets petty gardening revenge on lying Karen next door

There's nothing like planting mint and attracting bees to get some much-needed petty revenge on your Karen neighbor!
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AITA for doing a cop photo shoot because of what my ex did?

Woman's Ex-Boyfriend Calls the Cops When He Moves Out, She Mocks Him With a Cop Photo Shoot

Nothing like a bottle of wine and two Party City cop costumes to get proper revenge on your ex.
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20+ Memes of the Week for Work Wardens Who Roast Their Coworkers (March 22, 2023)

20+ Memes of the Week for Work Wardens Who Roast Their Coworkers (March 22, 2023)

When in doubt, don't ask your Karen coworker, or so I've been told. In fact, stay as far away from her (or him, we don't discriminate against Karens around here) as you can. Sure, your team may be severely understaffed, but it's the rule of thumb, so no cheating. On top of the fact that you're overworked because of said lack of employees, you also aren't making close enough to what you should be making. Why? Because companies are greedy, bosses don't like promoting good workers, and all in all,…
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amitheahole aita reddit story story entitled ahole Reddit karen entitled people - 19824133

'AITA for making an insurance claim': Internet torn over guy's decision to press charges against good samaritan who broke a window on his vehicle

Is this guy in the wrong for charging the kid for “breaking” a part of his vehicle? Should the kid not have touched the car—and is he automatically in the wrong for that? Either way, probably a good (painful) lesson for this young lad to not touch other people's things under any circumstances; you don't know what kind of a-holes there are out there looking to profit off of your good deed. It's this same kind of thing that caused a lot of places to put protections in place to protect first-aid g…
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aita employee retail customers cashier business karen - 19801093

'AITA for being Karen-ish with retail workers?': Customer flips out on retail workers after they ignore him for a half hour

After being ignored for over a half hour while shopping, this dude had a complete meltdown! While sharing his story to r/AmItheA**hole, this dude made sure to preface his story. He wrote that he's been around service workers his whole life, and worked service industry roles before, so he apparently knows what it's like to be in that line of work. However, he clearly forgot that when he went to a store and got ignored. The first red flag is that the OP thought he'd get great service inside a dea…
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boyfriend milk relationships girlfriend breakup reddit thread Reddit couple - 19800069

'You disrespected me by consuming my almond milk': Woman gets on a plane and leaves boyfriend because of milk, leaves dramatic letter

Every so often on the Internet, you come across a crazy story and scroll through the comments, realizing that no one is acknowledging the behavior of the storyteller.
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