'Too bad, I don't care, you HAVE to come in': Burnt out employee falls asleep at the wheel OTW to work after begging for a mental health day, tyrannical boss gets snubbed when he ends up needing 4 weeks medical leave

'Too bad, I don't care, you HAVE to come in': Burnt out employee falls asleep at the wheel OTW to work after begging for a mental health day, tyrannical boss at fault gets snubbed

Driving when you're tired is pretty much as dangerous as driving under the influence. If you topple anxiety, stress, and a work burnout on top of your sleepy drive, you might be in for a sketchy journey. One exhausted employee found out the hard way just how dangerous it is to drive when you're not in the best mental state. After dealing with a serious mental health crisis and weeks of prolonged sleep deprivation, u/pinkfairykm an Australian native
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terrible coworkers karens work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired hr toxic-workplace toxic coworkers i quit human resources coworker karen toxic-work-environment - 19859205

'I quit.' Manager quits after lazy Karen subordinate reports him to HR

It's incredibly frustrating when someone in your workplace gets away with downright obscene behavior, and no one is doing a thing about it. You might think that that's what the HR department is for, but in a lot of organizations, they're content to sit on their hands and let the worst offenders get away with anything but murder—just as long as they don't have to deal with any conflict or rocking boats. As a manager, this can present an incredibly difficult problem; you can be as accommodating a…
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boss work-story workplace-stories manager workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit - 19834373

'Expect surprise visits from me': Boss enforces strict no phone policy filled with ridiculous typos

It's hard to be taken seriously as a manager when your messages are overflowing with typos and misspellings.
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farming country-folk cowgirl-memes cowboy memes funny memes rodeo the-country Memes farmers yeehaw cowboy cowgirls blue collar the south funny - 19852549

30 YeeHaw-ing Memes for Funny Cowboys and Cowgirls Who Need a Good Laugh This Week

Let us be the yee to your haw. You having a hard week, partner? Well don't you fret! The cows are coming home! This isn't our first rodeo lassoing up memes for you good folks on there . We want every hard working cowboy and cowgirl to get a good ‘ole hardy laugh in. Memes are soup for the soul. They give you an instantly humorous break when you need it the most. We reckon maybe it’s time you take a quick meme break? Don't worry, the crops ain't going nowhere. You deserve this break! Heck, us co…
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FAILS design fail fresh-fail FAIL fail-images design fails car fail fail-collection fresh-fails fail-photo - 19860229

30 Fresh Design Fails and Things That People Didn't Quite Get Right (March 24, 2023)

Whenever you're presented with a problem, you have three options: Research the tried and true solution Hire or ask someone who has the correct experience. Improvise. It's always tempting to go for the third option, and you might find yourself going this route more often than you care to admit. Sometimes this will work out for you… sometimes your creation will end up in a collection of images like this one. But—hey, there's no harm in trying! These individuals gave it their best shot and in a lo…
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AITA for telling my coworker I don't like his attitude and he can take it up with our boss?

'I don't like this attitude you're giving me': Exhausted worker blasts micro-managing coworker

This coworker was being such a micro-manager that this person was ready to start yelling at him.
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FAILS customer service pizza pizza delivery customers Memes food funny - 19819525

'I bought a pizza so I could talk to the delivery guy': 15+ Cringe Pizza Delivery Fails

Why does it feel like there's nothing more anxiety-inducing than navigating my interaction with the pizza delivery guy? As it turns out, I can be a fully grown adult with a full-time job and plenty of responsibilities, but I still can't wrap my brain around what to say to the dude in the Dominos cap when he knocks on my door. For starters, there's the impulse to apologize for making him deliver my pizza. Then there's the impulse to pretend like there's someone else home so it doesn't look like…
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I won over $5,000 for in court after a car accident that I caused?

Man tries to pay a swindler for car accident damages, ends up getting professional-level revenge with the help of a lawyer

One guy tried to do the right thing in the aftermath of a car crash, but he ended up catching a shady dude in a legal trap. As u/bigcapper69 shared to r/ProRevenge, he got in a bit of a fender bender one night, and hit the mirror and door of another man's vehicle. This dude, Brent, seemed cool about the accident at first. Brent suggested they avoid insurance , which the OP agreed to. However, the OP was no dope. After not hearing any word from Brent, suddenly he demands about $2,400! The OP did…
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family drama aita marriage wedding family reddit thread Reddit reception - 19817989

'Only water will be provided': Bridezilla only wants water at her wedding, gets roasted in the comments

This bride and groom might as well just elope at this point. There's already too much drama about this ceremony. For starters, of course, we want to acknowledge that there is absolutely nothing wrong with a dry wedding. We understand and are sympathetic to those wishes. But to choose to cut wedding costs by refusing to provide any other beverages is simply too far. You might as well tattoo the words “My Wedding is Boring” to your forehead. As many folks in the comments pointed out, there are nu…
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‘Welcome to the Loonies Playground’ : Top Tone-Deaf LinkedIn Lunatics

‘Welcome to the Loonies Playground’ : Top Tone-Deaf LinkedIn Lunatics

Bla bla bla
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AITA: 'He found out when he was served an eviction notice': Immature brother expects family freebies after avoiding paying rent to his brother for months, older sibling sells the house in retaliation, family drama ensues

AITA: 'He found out when he was served an eviction notice': Immature brother expects family freebies after avoiding paying rent to his brother for months, older sibling sells the house in retaliation, family drama ensues

There's a reason that people wear stupid masks to cover their identity when they accept lottery winnings on public broadcast. It's simple– they don't want their family knowing that they're overnight billionaires. For some reason, people think that they're entitled to a portion of any family member's financial success just because you're related.
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customer service malicious compliance retail revenge retail worker customers customer talesfromthecustomer - 19846149

'Ma'am these knives are high-end...': Customer gets sharp revenge on rude store clerk when he makes an incorrect assumption about her knife knowledge

A hasty and rude retail worker quickly corrected this woman when she pointed out a pricing error on a chef's knife she was interested in. She relented in revealing the mistake to the worker and ended up with a deal on a great knife. This story was shared to the r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/TIL_eulenspiegel , the woman in the story, where it earned 19k upvotes as of the writing of this post. When she went to the department store, she was greeted by an "older man" who was extremely helpfu…
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What is the most ridiculous thing you have ever seen a tourist get upset over?

'How do you get the whales in the lake?': 20+ Silly sightseers and tacky travelers who were completely unprepared to go abroad

These tourists had no clue how to act while traveling abroad, so they directed their silliest questions at their tour guides.
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text-messaging-fail cringe-texts texting fail funny-mess-ups cringe-fails funny responses funny cringe horrible-texts Reddit funny fails text fail - 19844357

Texting Fails: The Worst Texts People Have Ever Accidentally Sent to the Wrong Person

Nothing is more mortifying than sending a text to someone that was actually meant for someone else. If you've never done this, consider yourself lucky. Even if it isn't a risky text that ends up in the wrong person's hands, it's slightly embarrassing. But now imagine if it was an intimate, spicy, or personal text that was sent to the wrong person. Or worse—what if you accidentally send a text talking badly about someone to that person you're talking about?! Lordy lord, it's giving us the agita…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs now hiring manager job-seeking candidates hiring the-break-room workplace workers job interview - 19784197

'Imagine my surprise': Worker receives call from first job 16 years later asking them to come back

A lot can happen in 16 years. It's likely that in this time you would gain a wealth of knowledge, insight, and experiences. Heck, if this worker had had a child, they would be in high school. Still, you gotta love a trier—although it's a shame that this employer is probably one of the one's running around telling anyone who will listen that “nobody wants to work”
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entitled parents parking space mother entitled reddit thread Reddit parking entitled people - 19823109

'Fainting doesn't look like that': Entitled Karen gets caught using accessible parking space, lies about condition and faints in front of police

As horrible as she is, you have to admire Karen's commitment to the bit. I mean, this lady tried to steal the Redditor's accessible parking space without a placard, then when the police came by to interrogate the situation, she tried to steal the Redditor's disability. And to top it all off, she tried to act light-headed and fake faint. I mean, you can't make all this up. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/entitledparents subreddit by u/little_acacia , who unfortunately suffers from an invisi…
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