mansion trashy trailer park home-styling remodel middle class income poor house design poverty classy low-class high class style booshie home rich home-style - 19844613

'Classy if you're rich, but trashy if you're poor': Home designer exposes 1%ers for stealing low income aesthetic and calling it booshie

Some skills are considered classy if you're rich but trashy when you're poor. But why is that? When you speak a second language in an upper class household, you're highly praised at every cocktail party every time you share a pretty embarrassing, accented sentence of broken French. But if you're from a lower income family and you're completely fluent in a second language (maybe English isn't even your first language) then it's considerably less impressive.
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boss work-story workplace-stories malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses story - 19846405

'You can find someone else? Okay': Crystal shop owner insists their only worker is replaceable, loses business to them after they quit

Many business owners underestimate their worker's contribution to the company's success, instead thinking of themselves as deserving all the credit. After all, it's their company, so they clearly have all the answers—right?.. Wrong. You're not always going to be able to come up with all the right answers yourself, even if it's your business. A leader's strength may simply be that they're skilled at building a strong team and recognizing when an individual has a particular strength or skill that…
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20 Unexplainable mystery images from the weird side of the internet

20 Unexplainable mystery images from the weird side of the internet

The internet has no shortage of strange and mysterious imagery . Some photos make you wonder not just if something is real or Photoshopped, but why it would exist at all! The image of the onion claw machine has really stuck in my mind, haunting me with thoughts of a shopping experience that probably doesn't exist yet, but could in some universe, someday. Only onions in a claw machine? Why stop there? Why not make a shop with claw machines full of as many non-perishable foods as possible? Gamify…
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ftheHOA hoa justice Justice-served petty revenge Horrible-HOA toxic-hoa karma - 19851525

'I realized the HOA rules they were constantly referring to did not exist… Suddenly the pres resigned' : Neighbor joins HOA board just to discover it's a fraud, exposes them

HOAs are loved or hated—there is no in between. That's because, you either live somewhere with an HOA who doesn't fine you for stupid things like your grass is a tad overgrown or your curtains are the wrong color and they use your HOA dues for things like a neighborhood block party and up-keeping the shared areas. However, many HOA boards, instead, get all entitled Karen boomer on their neighborhood and will literally fine you for something petty like talking too loudly in your own home. Recent…
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karens neighbors gardening neighbor-stories neighborhood garden neighborhood-drama petty revenge gardens Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 19846661

'Karens keep stealing from my garden': Garden grabbing karens get served when guy uproots the entire thing

Talk about a scorched earth policy. There's no greater satisfaction than sharing the spoils of a garden or fruit-bearing tree… but reaching your hands through someone else's fence in the dead of night (or when you've carefully watched to make sure they're not home) is just downright dirty—and not in an “I've just been gardening” sort of way. Given this guy has no penchant for gardening, this may not be the case here.
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employee toxic-workplace job mildly infuriating reddit thread Reddit job interview interview toxic-work-environment - 19838981

'I do not schedule interviews for candidates who are currently employed': HR shows true colors with bogus hiring policy, internet reacts

We all know that employers can be ruthless during the hiring process, but this hiring manager made it clear just how ruthless they can be.
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people on the internet debate about a barn cat being near a snake

Video of Barn Cat Intrigued by a Rattlesnake Sparks Debate Between Crazy-Cat People and Farmers

Farmers who have had barn cats all their lives say the cats are expert hunters and snakes don't stand a chance, but cat lovers say that it's irresponsible to let your pet feline near a venomous snake. (P.S. The cat in the video is perfectly fine.)
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deer, attack, deer attack, wild animal, wild, savage, insane, video, crazy, animal attack, attack, wilderness, antlers, elk, hunting, game, prey, dangerous, sketchy, crazy video

Neurotic Woman Smacks a Deer With Her Purse Then Gets Attacked, Sparking Debate in the Comments

Did she handle this right or nah?
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lower-raise toxic-coworkers toxic-management work-review mechanic introverts Reddit unfair-management introvert problems - 19868677

‘Jobs these days [hate] on introverts even when they actually do their job well’ : Mechanic with outstanding workmanship gets poor review due to being an introvert, which causes his raise to be cut

Life is already hard being an introvert. Humans are pack animals, but when you're an introvert you just want to be left alone. You have your few core people that respect your boundaries and those are the only people you want to hang out with. Why do you have to go and be socials with a bunch of strangers all the time? Or for that matter, why do you even have to go and hang with your coworkers? Shouldn't there be a divide between work and play anyways? This is the argument one introvert employee…
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Boss breaks a promise? Welcome to the bare minimum.

'Welcome to the bare minimum': Sneaky supervisor lies about shift change, so employee decides to act their wage

Although this boss thought he was being sly, he actually ended up making a long-time employee “quiet quit” their job.
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hoa malicious compliance petty revenge petty social media reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19840005

'She blushed a color I'd never seen before': Nosy HOA busybody keeps pestering lady about her social media profile, lady gives petty response

This is what you get for being nosy!
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Cheezburger Image 19840773

'AITA for telling my boss I don't trust him anymore?': Boss hits interns car, then gets majorly upset when intern won't park near him anymore

This intern might have ruined their relationship with their boss, with one person scolding them, “This was very immature on your part.”
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boss workplace-stories work stories Horrible Bosses entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19836421

'A week after I left, my boss fell into burnout': Employee quits after doing her boss's job for her, boss can't keep up with her own tasks, gets fired

There's this crazy thing that happens after the employee who basically does your job for you leaves: you are going to have to do your own job.
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'Go ahead and try to file a complaint, I dare you...' : Horrible coworker refuses to contribute a donation for sick boss, attempts to claim credit, leading to petty revenge

'Go ahead and try to file a complaint, I dare you...' : Horrible coworker refuses to contribute a donation for sick boss, attempts to claim credit, leading to petty revenge

Some people are virtuous, generous, adhere to a certain standard of morals. On the other side of the spectrum, you have the stingy, selfish leeches that seize any opportunity they can to take advantage of the first party of people mentioned. An employee was collecting money for their well-liked boss, who was feeling unwell for some time when a woman named 'Linda' decided not to pitch in. Instead of saying she wasn't going to pitch in, she just pretended that she was. OP didn't push it, and Lind…
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories coworkers dickhead co-workers awesome co-workers not workplace coworker - 19859973

'If I see them, I bin them': Coworker brings personal dishes in from home to make coworkers wash them, they end up in the trash

Sometimes an inappropriate action deserves the appropriate response; it's the simple laws of cause and effect acting out their parts. This is how it was when worker u/elena247 's coworker decided to execute the clever ploy of bringing their dirty dishes to work to have others wash them. When u/elena247 discovered what their coworker was up to, they decided the appropriate response was to introduce the dirty dishes to the trash can. Sounds like a reasonable course of action to us. It's hard to i…
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We helped bad boss create his own downfall

'Bad boss create[s] his own downfall': Employees stop helping manager, then tell higher-ups what he actually does all day

This boss thought that all management involved was kicking back, relaxing, and letting everyone around him do 100% of the work. His employees pushed back, and made him regret his laziness with their own form of petty revenge. This guy seems like he was living out every salesperson's ideal career. He claimed that after working hard for years, he finally became the “ top salesman ” at a phone store. And now that he'd moved up to management, he planned on doing next to nothing. This seems like a d…
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