'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

There's nothing worse than being stuck next to a crying baby on a plane. Obviously, being an adult, you're supposed to apparently just turn your ears off for however long your flight is, enduring the screeching screams of the wailing infant next to you– they're the one that's uncomfortable, okay? Of course, they can't help it, they're just a baby and without a doubt, their sleep-deprived parent is counting down the seconds until the end of the flight just as much as you are.
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karens karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit store karen kevin entitled people - 20382469

'I'm going to sue you': Male Karen claims he slipped in the store the night before, story doesn't add up, he vows to sue anyway

Some people just want to make a scene.
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‘Next time, say please': Couple posts neighbors' sawhorses on Craigslist as ‘free’ after parking debacle

‘Next time, say please': Couple posts neighbors' sawhorses on Craigslist as ‘free’ after parking debacle

New neighbors can bring about a carnival of chaos, simultaneously disrespecting you and your property, feeling entitled to your parking space, etc. Put simply, it's a hit or a miss. You're either very fond of them, find them tolerable, or despise their very presence. In this case, OP took to r/pettyrevenge, explaining how they got even with their (frankly, normal) neighbors. OP got upset over a ‘rude note’ that their neighbors left on the windshield of their car after OP had parked on their pro…
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karens idontworkherelady entertaining-stories karen-customer customers story entitled funny karen entitled people - 20401413

'You should fire them!' Karen demands fellow customer is fired from a place she doesn't work

There are a lot of challenging things about working retail, but by far, the most challenging is dealing with entitled customers. It never ceases to amaze, the types of people you encounter when working these jobs. The very idea of receiving the most base levels of “service” gets some people foaming at the mouth as they rabidly seek to wield the most assuredly strained semblance of power. This lust is blinding, and soon they turn to
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Manager "missed" my 70$ write in tip while processing my money bag and closing my shift. Is there anything we can do?

Update: 'Manager "missed" my $70 write in tip': Delivery driver asks how to get huge tip back from management

Receiving a huge tip turned into rollercoaster of emotions for this delivery driver. When you're working in food service, the wages are not great. Many people make either minimum wage or just above that, and they really rely on tips to make their working hours count. So it's unfortunate to see that this delivery driver , who works for a sandwich shop, got stiffed out of $70, equivalent to more than 4 hours of work at a $15 minimum wage. This person explained the whole story below. They later ad…
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'I stopped working overtime. Then I quit’: Employee hands in resignation after boss says he's ‘slacking off’ despite working unpaid overtime

'I stopped working overtime. Then I quit’: Employee hands in resignation after boss says he's ‘slacking off’ despite working unpaid overtime

Working overtime often goes unappreciated in companies whose only concern is that you follow strict guidelines that were put in place for the sole reason of creating obedient little soldiers who march to their intended tune. In other words, you're a worker bee, working tirelessly within a system, who cannot physically retaliate to these unfair work conditions because stinging would result in an early grave. In this case, an employee, OP, decided to maliciously comply with his boss, who kept cal…
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quit your bullshit promotion workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story work coworkers i quit workplace quitting employment - 20366597

'I showed myself out': Worker makes themselves irreplaceable, bosses refuse to promote them

We often like to think that, through sheer grinding, grit, and determination, our efforts will be rewarded with greater compensation and career progression. After all, that's what we've always been led to believe by schooling and popular culture. But what if you make yourself so irreplaceable that your bosses refuse—or simply can't afford—to promote you? Being too high of a performing productive worker lends itself to some complications. To replace you, the company may have to hire two or three…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job toxic-boss job posting Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit funny toxic-work-environment - 20376325

'You look like a tattoo parlor experiment gone wrong': Tone-deaf job posting includes long list of demands, internet reacts

Needless to say, you should probably not apply to this one!
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Why yes, I'd love to convert a ten minute task into a three day project!

'It only needs to be, what, half a page? Can't be that hard': Horrible boss assumes employee's work will take no time to summarize

We love a condescending boss getting the rude awakening he deserves!
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insane artists text message choosing beggars instagram artist dms entitled karen choosing beggar - 1837063

'That is an insane amount for a f-ing blanket': Choosing beggar wants a hand-made blanket but is outraged at the cost

Dealing with people is the worst part of any job. Even those who have somehow escaped a 9 to 5 existence and have managed to make a living or side hustle — doing gig or contract work — still have to deal with this.
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Let’s shame people for using their medical benefits

'It was a slap in the face': Pregnant employee's boss shames her at the company meeting for having to go to the emergency room

This garbage CEO should really think before he speaks...
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21 Parental LOLs in the Form of Tweets from the Trenches of Parenthood

21 Parental LOLs in the Form of Tweets from the Trenches of Parenthood

Parents are superheroes
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family drama marraige in laws parents relationships family feud family drama aita family-drama-stories - 20402437

'AITA for adjusting the thermostat at my in-law's house and not letting them adjust it at mine?': Family's thermostat battle heats up

Few family arguments get more—well… heated than the arguments that emerge over the thermostat and its setting. With different groups and subgroups of people fiercely insisting on wildly different settings that agree with their specific preferences—things can get cold-blooded. Speaking of cold-blooded: That's exactly what this guy's lizard-person relatives are. Who in their right mind chooses to exist in 80 ° F heat when you could just as easily not? These in-laws must spend most of their time b…
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'I had to explain to a girl that penguins were not fish': 20+ People who were incorrect about basic information

'I had to explain to a girl that penguins were not fish': 20+ People who shared their impressively dumb ideas out loud

Truly, how did these people ever make it through school without knowing such basic information? In this incredible post to r/AskReddit, one person asked people to tell them all about the dumbest people i n their lives. And thousands of comments rolled in, sharing hilarious stories of people who made all kinds of goofy mistakes. While some of the people in these stories were children, a decent amount were adults or teenagers. It's really surprising how someone tells you an incorrect random fact…
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job adulting work adult friends askreddit relationships Reddit funny - 20378117

'The price of rugs': 20 adulting realities that caught folks completely off guard

The reality of adulthood is full of disillusionment, existential crises, and expenses you never thought existed. Here is a compilation of reactions to adulting realities from this r/AskReddit thread. When you're finished, check out these top Karens of the week!
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'She's one of those customers': Barista's clever way of letting customers know they need to tip

'She's one of those customers': Barista shares clever way of letting customers know they need to tip

To tip or not to tip, that is the question for this coffee shop regular . And according to her barista, who posted about the experience on r/pettyrevenge, leaving a tip makes a big difference in how you get your drink. Tipping is very normal in the US, and it seems like more businesses than ever are relying on tip money to get by. But one place that tips have traditionally always been expected is coffee shops . Especially if you go to the same place every day or a few times a week, you definite…
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