AITA for tell teens to stop filming?

'Calm down, Karen': Parent defends her toddler from teens filming videos in public

Privacy is important to this mom, but some teens called her out for her decision. So she headed to r/AmItheA**hole to ask the internet: was she really being a Karen? In today's modern world of constant social media access, there's not much privacy to be found. People love to create videos of themselves dancing and participating in trends , while others simply record their daily lives every day. Some folks are so ingrained in the social media world that they forget they can't just go around reco…
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'Welcome to the divorce club': 20 Tinder Conversation Fails That Backfired

Here is yet another reminder that Tinder puts the “hopeless” in “hopeless romantic!"
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'She demanded my manager fire me on the spot' : Entitled customer karen has meltdown and calls corporate following barista's savage confession

'She demanded my manager fire me on the spot' : Entitled customer Karen has meltdown and calls corporate following barista's savage confession

Karens enjoy being given attention (albeit negative), and unfortunately, it tends to come at other people's expense. Especially those who work in customer service, AKA baristas, servers, retail workers, etc. This Karen picked the wrong day to mess with this barista, as it was the employee's last day. Karen had a constant rude, demeaning attitude, making employees and customers hate her alike. So it couldn't have been that much of a surprise that this employee snapped. But of course, we're talki…
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work-story workplace-stories toxic-manager fired toxic-workplace toxic-boss managers workplace story employment toxic-work-environment - 2038279

'[Four] years after they fired me!' Employer threatens to sue worker for their passwords years after firing them

It's amazing the lengths that people will go to place blame on anything but themselves, especially when that person is an old employer seeking to blame you for their own mistakes. It's no secret that, after you leave a toxic workplace, everything will be blamed on you—but this company has taken it to another level. This worker, Redditor u/NimboStratusSuck shared their story to Reddit's popular r/antiwork subreddit, claiming to have been contacted by a previous employer who was seeking to get cr…
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Entitled teen thinks he should get a 6 figure salary to sweep floors.

'Funniest interview I ever conducted': Boss laughs job-seeker out of interview after his hilariously over-the-top request

Minimum wage? No thanks. This teen is ready for a 6-figure job! A boss at one shop shared their experience while hiring for an entry-level position , which ended in hilarity after this teen's highfalutin request. They wrote to r/EntitledPeople to share their tale. The OP was only looking for a teen to clean up around their mechanic shop, adding that teens don't usually stick around for long. It seems like it's a starter job for most teens – but then the OP interviewed this dude, who didn't take…
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‘I couldn't believe she got away with it’ : Unhinged Karen calls police in attempt to avoid paying for services, places false accusations on employee and gets away with it

‘I couldn't believe she got away with it’ : Unhinged Karen calls police in attempt to avoid paying for services, places false accusations on employee and gets away with it

There are people that are willing to go to great lengths in order to avoid paying, such as this Karen, who took advantage of an employee at a nail salon. He was just doing his job when she made an executive decision to make his life unnecessarily harder. She ignored his instructions and purposefully kept moving her hand out of the UV/LED light, so her fingernails wouldn't dry. He gently put her hand back in a couple of times, as it is his job to do so, and she lost it. She called the cops, beca…
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landlord malicious compliance revenge landlords landlord-stories petty revenge story renting - 19823877

'The judge ruled in our favor': New landlord demands existing tenants revert house and garden to original state, tries to sue them when he sees the barren wasteland of his own making

Some people's pursuit of unchecked control and profit causes them to make shortsighted blunders. At least their own greed and stupidity are holding them back because these people's constant manipulation of legal loopholes and leeching off societal virtue means that they otherwise are getting a leg up on the rest of us. Enter stage right: Landlords—a group infamous for their corner-cutting, profit-seeking, and below-the-belt tactics. It should be no surprise that a landlord made such a decidedly…
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customer service tales-from-the-front-desk karens guests hotel reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19802117

Top Tales From the Front Desk This Week (March 22, 2023)

Does anyone have it harder than the front desk agent in this age of horrific Karens, annoying teenagers, and entitled folks?
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You should fire us!" "Ok." | My family runs a small trucking company. Depending on where you are in the world, you might call us a P&D company, a Final Mile company, a White Glove company... basically we handle the kind of stuff that you might buy to have delivered to your home or business,

Trucking Company Takes Clients Own Advice and Fires Them After Calling Their Bluff

“Why don't you just fire us then.” is an empty threat that you should never make, somewhere along the lines of “If you don't do this I quit” or “Why don't you just leave if you don't like it." When one makes such threats they're saying it thinking they're in a position of power. It's a power move and manipulation tactic to force a subordinate (or someone you otherwise have power over) into reluctantly accepting whatever terms you are proposing. By giving them an “out”, the person in power is ps…
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'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (March 21, 2023)

'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (March 21, 2023)

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dating fails funny tinder tinder top-tinder-moments top 10 dating apps top-tinder online dating dating - 19803397

10+ Top Tinder Moments of the Week (March 21, 2023)

There doesn't seem to be a lot of consensus as to what love actually is… Is it a battlefield? A stranger? A losing game?.. That aside, is it really all you need? This general confusion and lack of consensus about love translate over into the world of dating—with no one really being able to agree on what they're after or what they even want. The problem is… if you don't know what you want, how in the heck can anyone possibly give you what you need? Thus, those looking for love often end up in a…
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I'm sick of being screamed at by entitled people that don't get their way.

'They're refusing to seat us!': Crazed customer flips out on waiter after she tries to eat in restaurant that's about to close

Waitstaff have to deal with wild customer interactions constantly, like this woman, who just didn't understand why she had to take her food to go.
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cake FAILS imgur graduation birthday funny memes wedding dessert funny - 19764741

25+ Cake Fails That Ruined Graduations, Birthdays, and Weddings

Who knew that a cake really can make or break a party? Seeing the instructions you made for the order on the final product has got to be infuriating upon delivery. I guess you got exactly what you ordered, though. Then, of course, there's the lazy misspelling (i.e. “congrations” instead of “congratulations”). However, upon further reflection, one has to wonder why we don't just say “congrations” in life. I mean, it sounds better, it's easier to spell, and who has the energy for all those excess…
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AITA for kicking my sister out of my engagement dinner because she wouldn't stop taking photos and made a scene?

'She wouldn't stop taking photos': Self-centered influencer makes herself the focus of sister's engagement dinner

Don't do what this self-obsessed woman did at her sister's engagement party! This sister was way too patient with her entitled influencer sister . As this OP explains, she and her fiance planned a fun party for their upcoming wedding, with the engagement dinner being held at a fancy restaurant. The OP really wanted this to be her special day. So she warned her influencer sister ahead of time to not take a million pictures and interrupt the evening with intrusive photo-taking and posting. As OP…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace malicious compliance workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19763973

'IT for this company are not the brightest': IT ignores print company's problem orders

Problems don't solve themselves!
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viral videos landlord FAIL rent funny tiktok - 2039047

'I'm gonna burn the house down': Tenant refuses TikTok landlord trying to double rent

A landlord turned wannabe-influencer is getting backlash for trying to double his tenants rent, then posting it for views.
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