WIBTA for telling my boss that my coworker cut their hair?

'You shouldn't be cutting your own bangs': Receptionist baffled by coworker's baffling behavior at the front desk

This unfortunate receptionist has found themself in a hairy situation with their coworker! You can choose your job, but you can't choose your coworkers . This person is honestly being very kind after witnessing their coworker do something pretty concerning, because they didn't run to their boss (yet). As the OP, using an appropriately named account called u/hairgag, shared this harrowing tale to r/AmItheA**hole. The OP works as an art museum receptionist , greeting guests and selling tickets. T…
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failblog karen-manager epic-manager retail Justice-served karen-karma petty karens in the wild Reddit working retail funny karens-suck karma karen karen-story - 19799557

'I WANT IT FOR THIS PRICE!': Entitled Karen gets epically put in her place after grocery store manager reads word-for-word the definition of a "unit price"

It's not easy working in customer service and don't let anyone trick into thinking it is. The actual work is not hard, anyone can learn it. But dealing with the customers… That takes skill! Especially when it comes to dealing with entitled Karen customers . This is the kind of customer who marches into the place like they are the king or queen or rules over it and then asks for the impossible and throws a tantrum when they can't get it. For example, a person on Reddit shared a story of an entit…
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work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace idontworkherelady employee funny stories coworkers workplace funny employment - 19784709

'I don't work there anymore. Please don't call me': Worker gets phone call from somewhere they haven't worked for 8 years

Getting contacted by an old workplace is a lot like running into an ex-lover. There's all this history of shared trauma and buried emotions of all sorts on either side. You had so much intimate knowledge of them once, but now they're a complete stranger. There might be some longing and regret but, deep down, you know it's better that you went your separate ways. This Redditor, u/AcrolloPeed, shared their story of an experience like this to Reddit's r/IDontWorkHereLady subreddit community. The c…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19762437

‘I’ve emailed people. NOTHING’: Guy with no manager and no work to do has been getting paid for 7 months and counting

This may sound like the beginning of a dystopian film, but this is actually real. This employee was hired back in the fall for a large company and has since found himself with no manager, no oversight, and most importantly, no work to do. He has asked for assignments and has kept a log of emails proving his efforts to get more work, but he is convinced at this point that he’s just lost in the shuffle. The best part of it all, though, is that he has still been getting paid for 7 months and count…
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pettyrevenge | "I placed 5 vehicles in my driveway." | My HOA will learn that I absolutely live by the letter of the law.

HOA Doesn't Want Dude Parking in His Own Driveway, Blocks Street Instead

We'll leave it for you to judge who is in the wrong here, but there ain't no way we're siding with the HOA. Even still, parking cars in front of your neighbor's house and blocking the street in the process is pretty damn entitled behavior… So we're finding it pretty hard to side with the poster either. It's probably the mounting jet lag and utter lack of sleep, but I'm having trouble agreeing with anyone today. Harassing your neighbor with your car collection and making it, so the street is com…
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work memes relatable meme working overtime monday through friday mondays underpaid overworked st patricks day long weekend holiday sunday scaries

20+ Funniest Work Memes for Burnt Out Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (March 20, 2023)

Coming back from a weekend with a drinking holiday is always brutal. Sure, there was a time when St. Patricks day had nothing to do with pinching people, wearing green, or drinking your weight in dip-dyed beers, but that was back when people didn't have to clock in to work on Monday mornings at 8AM. However, some of us have been spiraling in that hungover, Monday-morning moody attitude for decades, wondering when our bonuses are coming and calculating how many more years we have to work until
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reviews review 1-star-review karens karens in the wild karen customer service customers entitled entitled people service industry - 19707653

'Check our hours on Google next time': Karen leaves 1-star review when she tries to order food after close, gets roasted by owner's scathing response

There is no greater horror when working in service and retail than having a customer come bursting through the doors moments before closing—sometimes, as you're literally turning the key to lock them. Some people have no chill and not a lick of common sense; they really don't understand that these workers want nothing more than to go home the moment their shift is done—with every right to feel that way. This post was shared to Reddit's r/quityourbulls**t community by Reddit user u/NarutoCell, w…
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Entitled man baby loses his st in FC

'Man-baby throws screaming fit after stealing my seat': First-class passenger erupts in profanity-filled rant — until this guy brings his ego down a notch

As if flying wasn't already a huge annoyance, this guy got seated next to a fired-up fool. While on a flight from Minnesota to California, this traveller expected to board their first-class seat. However, they immediately came across an issue. As the OP, u/SatisfactionDull, wrote, they boarded the plane and planned to chill out. However, they couldn't even sit down. There was already a guy in the OP's seat, and he wasn't leaving without a fight. He got a “weird confused smile” on his face befor…
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students revenge petty revenge psycho roommate reddit thread Reddit roommates college - 19762181

‘I cut her power’: College student gets fiery revenge on roommate by cutting the cord to her lamp, gets roasted in the comments

Some forms of petty revenge are so savage that even the Internet will call you out on it. I
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'I will not be lowballed or insulted': Wedding vendor pestered by client with rude cost-cutting ideas

'I will not be lowballed or insulted': Wedding vendor pestered by client with rude cost-cutting ideas

This groomzilla had a mouthful to say to one of his wedding vendors. But luckily, this vendor is not new to the scene — or to cranky clients being totally demanding and insane.
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tales-from-the-front-desk guests hotel customers karens in the wild reddit thread Reddit karen - 19752709

'I don't tolerate liars': Local Karen and Kevin denied a room at hotel, front desk worker stands ground

There are some people you just don't want to mess with, and front desk workers at hotels are definitely among those people.
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Tragic Cringe-fest of 20+ Infuriating Fails

Tragic Cringe-fest of 20+ Infuriating Fails

People suck, what else is new? Whether people were born jerks or ended up so as a product of their environment is a mystery, but the evidence is right in front of us, and it is indisputable. The world we live in holds many types of Karens, and this listicle is a great example of the entitled ones. They can mildly inconvenience us or totally ruin our day. Not everyone was born with a sunshiney attitude, and it shows. From Karens who believe that fast food employees work for them, to Karens on ai…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace work i quit workplace unemployment employment - 19759365

'Is she being duped?': Boss tries to trick coworker into resigning to avoid paying unemployment [UPDATE]

Getting fired from a job is never a fun experience; it can be a major blow to your self-esteem, and the often sudden disruption to your daily routine, along with a sudden loss of income, can cause significant undue stress. Almost always, it feels like a major step backward, like someone has plucked you up out of your life and placed you down somewhere else entirely. What's more, there's this sense of failure and embarrassment that you feel follows you into each ensuing job interview, hampering…
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monday thru friday boss work memes coworkers Memes workplace Horrible Bosses funny - 19755781

20 Ridiculously relatable workplace memes for world-weary employees

Don't start your Monday without this pack of memes from people who are also dragging themselves to work once more. Every workplace has its' ups and downs. Maybe you hate your boss but love your coworkers, or perhaps you have a great team, but super annoying clients are breathing down your neck. When you all have to be crammed into the same workplace for 40 whole hours every single week, it's easy to get fed up with it all. Below are a collection of relatable memes regardless of which industry y…
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‘I took my first chance at revenge’ : Entitled boss applies for new job, ex-employee sabotages his efforts following tyrannical reign

‘I took my first chance at revenge’ : Entitled boss applies for new job, ex-employee sabotages his efforts following tyrannical reign

One might be less inclined to leave a good review about your work skills if they are close to non-existent, or if you acted horribly towards them. Some will take it even further, and make sure to ruin a hypothetical future you might have at a new company. The point is, if you're managing people, be a good person. Otherwise, you might end up like this guy, who lost an incredible job opportunity because of an ex-employee's grudge. After a long, tyrannical reign, this disrespectful human being of…
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work-story workplace-stories workplace-story work customers client petty revenge liars petty workplace employment - 19758341

'I knew he was lying': Scamming client claims locksmith broke their car defroster, locksmith gets drawn-out revenge

It's incredibly frustrating to be blamed for something you didn't do, especially when the person blaming you knows fully well that you didn't do it and is taking advantage of your inability to prove otherwise. It's often said that “There are two sides to every story, and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.” but that's just blatantly untrue on account of a little thing called lying . That entire adage relies on the fact that both people are honest about their experiences and perspectives. Im…
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