'GM [threw] his keys in the deep fryer': 10+ work stories where coworkers completely lost it

'GM [threw] his keys in the deep fryer': 10+ work stories where coworkers completely lost it

'Congratalations on your weeding': 25+ Freshly baked cake mistakes

'Congratalations on your weeding': 25+ Freshly baked cake mistakes

'I had earplugs in and could hear you screaming the entire time': Karen and Kevin get called out by passenger for shouting during the whole flight

'I had earplugs in and could hear you screaming the entire time': Karen and Kevin get called out by passenger for shouting during the whole flight

employee fired sick quit quitting sick-leave leave company raise salary wrongful-termination boss money paycheck payday work reddit antiwork reddit-thread

'Not for less than $45/hour': Irreplaceable employee gets fired after falling sick; two years later, the company begs him to return; he refuses unless he gets a 40% raise

workplace-stories-reddit workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace tales-from-the-workplace workplace-discussion employment-issues workplace reddit thread employment-concerns - 21313285

'I have another job during the weekends': Boss changes employees schedule with two days notice, forcing them to choose between this or abandoning their second job

'Projects started running behind': HR micromanager asks everyone to start work at the same time

'Projects started running behind': HR micromanager demands everyone starts work at the same time, cue "mass malicious compliance"

‘HR quashed the employee’s raise': HR override manager who approves employee's request for 8% raise, employee quits, company crumbles

‘HR quashed the employee’s raise': HR override manager who approves employee's request for 8% raise, employee quits, company crumbles

'They were planning to fire him': Employee has manager fire them before the manager themself is fired

'They were planning to fire him': Employee has manager fire them before the manager themself is fired

'I took [my] coworker's parking spot': Coworker complains about employee's lateness, employee gets back at him by taking his precious parking spot

'I took [my] coworker's parking spot': Coworker complains about employee's lateness, employee gets back at him by taking his precious parking spot

relatable work memes workplace coworkers employee bills broke money salary paycheck pay payday jobs boss company employer meme work-memes

25 Relatable Work Memes for Weary Workers Who Would Quit Tomorrow If They Had No More Bills to Pay

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'We weren't even talking loud': Passenger confronts loud-talking Karen on a flight, becomes target of her wrath

'Why are you dressed like that?': COO shows up to work in a prom dress

'The CEO was immediately fuming': COO shows up to work in a prom dress after CEO mocks her fashion choices

Top Food Deliveries Gone Wrong This Week (July 12, 2023)

Top Food Deliveries Gone Wrong This Week (July 12, 2023)

'Everyone on the call was just sitting in confused silence': 15 Bosses who brought "The Office" energy to their workplaces

'Everyone on the call was just sitting in confused silence': 15 Bosses who brought "The Office" energy to their workplaces

gift-card retirement retired retiree job work corporate unfair fast-food fast-food-chain franchise company loyalty pension worker part-time employee reward gift celebration

'[They] gave him a gift card for 30+ years of loyalty': Fast food employee celebrates retirement; gets 'rewarded' by corporate with a pathetic gift card

'Boss wants me to work more hours': Part-time student takes former coworker's work with extra hours but no extra pay

'Boss wants me to work more hours': Part-time student takes on former coworker's work with extra hours but no extra pay