toxic-workplace job work reddit thread Reddit job interview interview toxic-work-environment - 19863557

‘Thank you for your application for my labor’: Dude gives hiring managers a taste of their own medicine, drafts mass emails rejecting offers

Sometimes, giving someone a taste of their own medicine is the only way to deliver your message
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Upper class Karen disrespected my family, then tried to attack me when I retaliated

Entitled Karen Goes Into Full Rage Mode at Movie Theater, Guy Dumps His Water Bottle on Her

This Karen had the audacity to harass this guy's Mom and then try to start a fight with him.
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"You there! Stop right there." : 2 Karens throw fit of rage after failed attempt to leave store without paying on account of watchful employee

"You! Stop right there." : 2 Karens throw fit of rage after failed attempt to leave store without paying on account of watchful employee

To work in retail, you've got to have thick elephant skin because boy are you gonna meet some pretty tough customers. Your patience will be continuously tested, and the levels of dumb you'll encounter in a day will surpass anything you could have possibly imagined. These two Karens thought they could outsmart a quick-witted employee who caught on quickly to what they were doing. Using the self-checkout counter, they attempted to walk out with half of the things they had in their cart before act…
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Cheezburger Image 18989829

'My dumb idiot brother was getting blackmailed': Brothers beat blackmailing catfish at their own game

We're all pretending to be someone we're not. Whether it's putting on our “business persona” during office hours to conform to corporate life or trying to fit in with a new friend group—we all do some level of managing how we want to be perceived by others. Catfishes take this to another level, building an entirely new identity online to experience the thrill of being someone they're not or escape from their own reality—sometimes getting so deeply lost in it that there's no turning back. Usuall…
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'Just call me chef': 25 Funny and frightful food fails from people who are banned from the kitchen for life

'Just call me chef': 25 Funny and frightful food fails from people who are banned from the kitchen for life

Have you heard about the aspiring chef who made cheese out a mint milkshake?
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jokes list dad jokes Memes dad funny Father - 19856133

Top 20 Dad Jokes of the Week (March 27, 2023)

It's time for a new batch of cheesy Dad jokes for your enjoyment.
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[Serious]People who work in the film industry; what is a set like when everyone there knows you're making a terrible movie?

B Movie Catastrophes: 20+ Actors and film crew share the secrets behind the making of a "bad movie"

Sneak a peek into the behind the scenes world of these doomed-from-the-start film shoots , where you'll find small budgets and big egos. Film sets are not really fun to be on, unlike the way they're so often portrayed in media. If you're an A-list actor, you're going to have an amazing time. But for everyone else, you're going to be stressed out and crying by hour three. You need to have a thick skin and a tolerance for big personalities, and then you'll have to get used to working incredibly l…
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karens amusement park karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19855109

'My grandma says I can': Waterpark Karen and entitled teen throw temper tantrum at lifeguard

It is surprisingly unsurprising that water parks attract the Karens of this world.
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Work memes job manager boss Mondays 9-to-5 work-sucks terrible the worst best of the week lol coffee Monday through Friday clocking in cubicle anarchy

Funniest Work Memes for Burnt Out Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (March 27, 2023)

Are you already on your fifth cup of coffee and it's only 10am? After what always feels like a short weekend, that sweet bean juice is all that can boost your spirits. Although there are some days, despite coffee's best efforts, that you're still dragging.Although there are some days, despite coffee's best efforts, that you're still dragging. It's probably because your work is futile and even though they promised you a "fast paced environment", time comes to a standstill the moment you clock in.
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories coworkers i quit quit workplace workers quitting employment - 19884549

'I am not demanding': Demanding manager demands worker cover shift on their day off, demands their cooperation after they quit

If you have to claim that you are or aren't something, it's incredibly likely that you aren't or are that thing. It's like having that one friend who tells you that they hate drama, yet whenever drama happens, they're right there in the thick of it. So, when your boss tells you that they aren't demanding while they're in the middle of being demanding, it's likely their ego is just deflecting. This discussion came to the forefront when an employee received a text from their boss asking them to c…
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AITA/am I entitled for wanting to be reimbursed?

'Good luck getting her to pay': Couple asks if MIL should pay them back after she suddenly changed her mind

You think you know a person… This woman and her husband got the surprise of a life time when his mother changed her mind about their living situation. U/AdventurousIdea1210 shared that she and her husband have been living with his mother for months. It was a strategic plan — the MIL said she would sell her house to them in the future. She kept the mortgage in her name, but at the same time, she encouraged her son and daughter-in-law to make some pricey additions to the home. Since the OP was un…
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'I unloaded all the rubbish right back on to his driveway' : Customer refuses to pay full amount for rubbish collection, cue petty revenge

'I unloaded all the rubbish right back on to his driveway' : Contractor takes petty revenge on entitled customer in breach of price agreement

As someone offering your services to a customer, you give a price, and the customer tries to bargain said price… that's just how it goes. It's a frustrating, but necessary, part of the job. However, when a customer attempts bargaining AFTER you've completed the work… well, that's a whole different story. After settling on a price, you shouldn't have to deal with someone who refuses to pay that cost. That is what happened to a contractor who collected rubbish for a customer who decided after the…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story i quit workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 2038535

'Boss told me I'm stealing': Worker accused of wage theft for clocking in for meetings on their days off

Expecting your workers to attend hour-long meetings on their day off without receiving any compensation, let alone acknowledgment, is effectively a theft of wages. So to turn around and accuse those same workers of theft for claiming that time is quite outrageous.
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workplace-stories employee work stories manager lunch workplace reddit thread Reddit - 19851269

'If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it': Manager creates mandatory lunch break schedule, employee finds loophole to get paid overtime

This guy managed to find a way to get paid during an unpaid lunch break.
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AITA for not knowing the chocolate was spoiled?

'That's karma': Niece demands $50 from aunt after eating 'spoiled' food

This aunt is so confused why her niece Sarah is demanding so much money from her. This aunt took to r/AmItheA**hole to ask the internet if she was in the wrong. As she explained, while she was at a family event, she had been gifted a box of chocolates. While the chocolates looked expensive, they also looked a little off to the OP, but she figured that might just be how the candy looked. However, she writes that she “didn't really do anything about it,” and gave some to her niece when she asked.…
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FAILS introvert memes social anxiety socializing Memes mental health introverts funny - 19843077

'Go away': The life of an introvert as told by 25+ memes and fails

Being an introvert is a constant negotiation between your desire for "me time" and literally everything else in the universe.
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