AITA for making a scene of my adult son and sticking my nose in his marriage

'I humiliated him and got myself banned from a bar': Mom explains why she berated her adult son in front of all his friends

This angry mother was totally fine with giving her grown up son an earful in front of all his friends. And after reading her r/AmItheA**hole post about the incident, we totally understand why she'd be so frustrated at her son. U/Classic-Goose-8228 shared this story to determine if she was poking her head into business that wasn't her place to be involved with. She writes that she has a son and daughter in law in their 30s, with three kids under 5. Her DIL seems to work tirelessly to care for th…
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job-searching gamer toxic-manager toxic-hiring toxic-management job-interviewing boomer-boss gamers hiring gamer problems managers boomer-managers toxic-work-environment - 19902213

'What someone does with their free time has no business being discussed or judged in the workplace': Boss refuses to hire qualified employee because she is a gamer, internet is furious

Gamers tends to have a bad reputation. The boomers simply see the kids that would be glued to the video games and procrastinate doing their homework and never go outside. So when they hear an adult say that they are a “gamer," many think that this is a person who is anti-social and will not get any thing done because they will be too busy on their consoles. However, that is simply not the truth when it comes to adult gamers. Sure, adult gamers will also spend a lot of time gaming, but they are…
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work-story kpi workplace-stories in-the-workplace the workplace malicious compliance kpis workplace story break room toxic-workplace Horrible Bosses - 19904773

'We all figured out pretty quickly how to game the KPI system': Boss says "Hit KPIs" employees do... but business suffers

Chasing a singular metric with reckless abandon will never be good for your business and, depending on which singular metric you choose to chase, can have a range of disastrous results. Let's go with an example: Imagine you work for a company that services multiple clients on an ongoing contract basis. The price of each contract is determined based on the time it will take a technician to attend the site and carry out routine checks on scheduled maintenance—with this being estimated based on th…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19864325

'If [you] only want to work 40 hours a week then you should leave': VP makes tone-deaf demands on company call after no one receives a raise

There are ways to inspire people, but this is not it!
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Top Shower Verdicts by Musing Masterminds

Top Shower Verdicts by Musing Masterminds

Ummmm I'm a genius
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customer service malicious compliance server servers waiter customers waiting customer service industry - 19745541

'He smirked [...] we'd have to wait 30 minutes': Smug waiter charges couple for coffee they didn't have and refuses to remove it from their bill, they refuse to leave

Often when we see stories online about customer service people, it's regarding the abuse they receive from customers. But, since service industry workers are people too, it should be expected that there are plenty of examples of the worker themselves being unreasonable or entitled. These stories don't fit the popular narrative, so they often don't get upvoted as frequently, getting shared less overall as a result. It's no surprise to anyone that ‘upscale’ trendy establishments can have a bit of…
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trashy cars driving junk - 19867909

25+ Tricked-out junkyard jalopies that really shouldn't be driving anywhere

Lots of high-end cars in the world are stunningly souped-up… anyway, here are 25+ vehicles that are the exact opposite of that. People take such pride in their cars . After all, lots of us spend hours every week driving to work , stores, friends' houses, and more. Since it's such a source of pride, folks will spend thousands to make their rides as cool as possible. But clearly, as these people below can attest to, it doesn't always go quite right. Check out these bizarre cars. Then, this woman…
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karens toxic-workplace karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19864581

Top 5 Karens of the Week (March 28, 2023)

It's about time we give you a freshly updated ranking of the top 10 Karens this week.
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AITA for being cold towards my birthday guests at a party that I explicitly said I don't want?

'I was miserable the whole time': Mom plans birthday party for daughter, but her daughter is determined to make the guests uncomfortable

This woman's been living with her mother for her whole life, yet her mom still managed to get under her skin with this birthday party. U/LowHold1634 wrote to r/AmItheA**hole about an incident between her and her mother. The issue is that while living with her mother, she feel indebted to her, and goes along with her mother's “incredibly controlling” plans. It came to a head on the OP's birthday, when the OP planned a party with friends. She requested that her mom not invite guests over to the h…
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'I feel like a court jester': Humiliated waitress refuses to sing 'Happy Birthday' to customers, gets scolded by management then required to sing in Italian instead

'I feel like a court jester': Humiliated waitress refuses to sing 'Happy Birthday' to customers, gets scolded by management then required to sing in Italian instead

There's nothing more cringey than that sinking feeling in your gut when you hear restaurant waitstaff emerging from the kitchen with a sparkling dessert in hand and a birthday song on their lips. For some, even when it's not even their birthday, this public hooplah sends them into a fight-or-flight response.
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workplace-stories work stories job work reddit thread Reddit job interview interview college - 19863301

‘She accused me of lying’: Job applicant has to prove he went to Brown because his degree is written in Latin

Clearly, not all recruiters are born great.
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Top Unpopular Opinions of the Week for Feisty Firecrackers

Top Unpopular Opinions of the Week for Feisty Firecrackers

Some people's brains are hardwired to be a tiny bit stranger than most, and before you say 'well everyone is entitled to their own opinion', I absolutely agree, the two don't necessarily contradict one another. Along with the right to free speech comes the right to judge . And if you're looking for opinions, simply look up 'Reddit', or more specifically, r/unpopularopinions. There you will find brave souls who take an anonymous stand. If you take things personally, you might not want to pay thi…
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parking-drama karens neighbors entitled parents neighbor-stories neighborhood neighborhood-drama karens in the wild entitled Bad Neighbor karen parents entitled people - 19884805

'I live here!': Karen parks in family's driveway and tries to pretend it's her house

Look at me… I am the homeowner now. When someone is caught in a lie, it's always surprising to see how far they will take it. You might expect the liar to give it up, admit defeat—and admit to their deceit. And yet, most liars have been lying for so long that they don't know how to turn it off. They'll continue building up the fabrication—even after their lie has been substantially disproven. Reddit user u/Top-Studio8028 posted this thread to Reddit's r/entitledparents, sharing a story that he…
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AITA for owning 3 dogs, against my hoas 2 dog rule?

'Did the HOA find your dog?': Dog owner defends her plan to hide three pups from neighbors and HOA

After moving to a new neighborhood, this person found a sneaky and pretty genius way to get around a HOA rule. U/ohohbo posted their idea to r/AmItheA**hole to get some opinions on her feud with neighbors . As she tells it, she had to move to a new neighborhood for work and to care for her parents. The sudden change meant that her three dogs came along with her. But a problem arose – only two pups are allowed to live at the residence. The OP actually had a pretty good unethical life hack here,…
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‘I checked the HR manual; I realized quickly Karen was lying’: Karen manager served malicious compliance on a plate by hungry employee

‘I checked the HR manual; I realized quickly Karen was lying’: Karen manager served malicious compliance on a plate by hungry employee

Managerial roles are not meant for everyone, yet somehow the most unfit people seem to land them anyway. It quickly becomes apparent when somebody is not a good fit to manage people, and in this case, it was more than apparent. In this instance, u/According-Air5665 explained there was a woman at her previous job that became a total Karen after she got promoted. Prior to her promotion, she'd gotten along with the team. But afterward, it was a whole different story. She made it her mission to cut…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories toxic-workplace work coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses toxic-work-environment i quit quitting - 19884293

'I resigned': Boss shocked when worker quits after having their hours halved

Workplaces seem to have this idea that younger workers will be just fine being underpaid for their work. They're young! They have no mortgage and have “relatively little” expenses compared to us mature adults! But when you're living in a city where the rent and cost of living are well outside of the wage that you're earning, trying to make a start on the career you've waited so long to begin, it feels like anything, but like you have the "no expenses" your older coworkers are expecting—especial…
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