Opening Game Marriage Proposal Goes Horribly Wrong When Dodgers Fan Gets Brutally Tackled When He Gets Down on One Knee

Opening Game Marriage Proposal Goes Horribly Wrong When Dodgers Fan Gets Brutally Tackled Getting Down on One Knee

That security guard must have been a tight end or something back in the day
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bride groom Crazy Brides Memes wedding funny tweets bridezilla funny - 19922693

'It is my turn to be selfish': 20 Wedding and Bridezilla Fails

Weddings seem to be trendy at the moment, which means the bridezillas of the world are emerging. The thing about bridezillas is they come in many shapes, sizes, and personalities. From personal experience, there are the bridezillas that you always knew would be bridezillas, the ones you think will be bridezillas who turn out to be shockingly fine, and the bridezillas who you never would have expected would be bridezillas. The latter, of course, is the most shocking breed of bridezilla. For the…
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"Sure! Call the land owner!'

'I'm calling the land owners!': Furious Karen demands snowboarding teen be 'banned for life,' until she realizes who owns the property

This infuriated woman vowed, "I'm going to get you in sooo much trouble !" to a baffled 13-year-old snowboarder . Some entitled folks just don't understand the concept of sharing. It's one of the most basic rules of humanity, yet some people just want everything for themselves. This woman couldn't bear the thought of sharing land with a snowboarder — she should have known how ridiculous that is! As the OP writes, they just wanted to snowboard on their family's property. However, a Karen decided…
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customer service retail customers entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people ebay - 19919877

'I don't have the patience': Entitled Karen customer sends unhinged messages demanding response from retail store during closed hours

This employee works for a retail store with an online presence on eBay.
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customer service ghost-quitting employee generational millennials i quit quit no-call-no-show gen x gen z workplace workforce quitting retail-jobs - 19947269

'Are they just [THAT] afraid of confrontation': Millennial boss sparks discussion about "ghost quitting" and whether it's a Gen Z thing or a minimum wage job thing

Shockingly, it appears that the Gen X and Millennials finally agree on something...
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supermarket karens retail supermarkets karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 19929093

'He scanned his card at my till': Insanely entitled dude tries to steal guy's supermarket fuel rewards points in daring heist

It's no secret that entitled people consider themself to be immune to the social courtesies and rules that the rest of us follow. They think that an action is just fine as long as it gets them ahead. There are your bulk-standard entitled acts, and then there are extremely petty acts like this. There's such a minor benefit to be had in a “grocery store fuel rewards heist” that it's especially insane to undertake that behavior. Like, bro, you're really going to steal my $0.05/gallon fuel discount…
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opinion Legal Woes legal wifi advice roommates - 19924229

'My roommate is holding our wifi hostage': Woman demands roommate return wifi after feud

This is real pettiness. After a “ big fight, " these two roommates have stepped into new territory.
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work-story antiwork workplace-story coworkers i quit sysadmin quit workplace IT-job quitting employment - 19926277

Update! 'I finally left [nightmare] workplace': Overworked IT employee shares how their final two weeks went at their toxic job after epically quitting

When you are working in a toxic place, nothing is ever easy—that especially includes quitting. You either quit burning all the bridges behind you or you grit your teeth and try to leave in a way that keeps your professional status, even though your toxic managers and coworkers are making it super difficult. One IT employee needed to quit their toxic job, so they did just that. However, their last two week there were worst than heII. This was a long saga (see Part 1 and Part two ) about quitting…
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workplace-stories malicious compliance revenge karen-customer work customers client workplace story - 19928581

Update: 'You should fire us! Ok.': Client suggests ending fifty year relationship with small trucking business, they take their advice and dismantle their client's network

There's a prevalent school of thought that prevails when it comes to client servicing: Do anything (and everything) possible to keep them happy and contracted; having worked in these sectors in the past, upper management never likes seeing a contract cancellation notice pass across their desk, even if that contract was costing the business money. I've seen sales departments signing clients at unserviceable rates—with wildly unfulfillable resource estimates. Why? Because the sales team got a com…
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workplace-stories manager job work Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19921413

'He tried to ruin my chances': Employee poached by new company with double the salary, old boss calls company and tries to sabotage employee

Moral of the story: don't give your boss more information than what's necessary.
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family drama drama relationships in laws mother in law family dramatic - 19148293

'Mum is crying now because of you': Family photo refusal causes major breakdown at family gathering

Everyone knows that mother who is obsessed with getting everyone together for a family photo, insisting that they get that one perfect shot despite persistent refusals and general chaos amongst the group. The thing is, these mothers, like other photo-obsessed people, are actually right about this. It's not something you appreciate until you're older and memories are beginning to fade… but there's a certain satisfaction in being able to glance at a photo and being suddenly flung back in time, as…
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30+ Graffiti goobers who couldn't resist some silly little vandalism

30+ Graffiti goobers who couldn't resist some silly little vandalism

These amateur graffiti artists simply couldn't resist tweaking ordinary signs to be much funnier. Life is boring if you don't infuse art and chaos into it. These people below had a little too much fun doing some mild vandalism . No one is harmed by a few stickers or funny notes , after all! After you scroll through these great sign tweaks, check out this pizza party gone terribly wrong, thanks to a pizza parlor's dumb mistakes.
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FAILS embarrassing askreddit reddit thread Reddit funny crush dating - 19900165

'I accidentally sent her a message about her': 20 cringe embarrassing fails in front of your crush

Life is full of embarrassing moments, but if you've ever embarrassed yourself in front of your crush, you know those memories never leave you!
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OOP gets a situation escalated straight to the head of HR without asking

Update: 'Let's escalate directly to the head of HR': Boss defends tech worker from absurd policy violation

When this employee was wrongly accused, his boss defended him – and uncovered some face-palm inducing incompetence at their company. As the OOP of this post knows all too well, it requires a certain set of skills to excel at people management. But as they wrote in a post to r/talesfromtechsupport, they were not only having an issue with the tech they managed, but with the HR department. HR levied a serious accusation against the tech. They wrote that the dude “massively violated the IT data pol…
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revenge flight plane petty revenge reddit thread Reddit funny airplane - 19918085

'Well played, Petty Crocker': Passenger keeps getting up mid-flight and pulling on back of person's seat every time, cue petty revenge

We all know that person who reclines too much or uses your seat as "leverage" when they are taking the 15th bathroom trip on the flight.
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'I got fired for speaking up': Tyrannical boss fires employee for protesting working conditions, employee reports boss to DOL, boss gets fired and closes shop

'I got fired for speaking up': Tyrannical boss fires employee for protesting working conditions, employee reports boss to DOL, boss gets fired and closes shop

This story is about a fellow advocate of the working class who was working at an automotive repair shop as a tech guy; unfortunately suffering from the shenanigans of his tyrannical boss, who would constantly yap at him and his fellow coworkers for a variety of unfair reasons. Eventually, OP realized that this was not the kind of environment he wanted to work in, so he gave in his two-week notice over the phone. This proved to be a mistake, as his boss had a total meltdown, resulting in him bei…
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