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'I want extra pay for extra responsibilities': Employee turns down a ‘promotion’ then gets punished when he tells a stuck-up newbie manager he wants more pay for more work

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'Her jaw actually dropped': Serviceman gets one over on gym that was refusing to cancel his membership

'Karen has left her car overnight on... 585 separate occasions': College dorm employee who thinks they're 'above the rules' made to issue themself a $70 fine

'Karen has left her car overnight on... 585 separate occasions': College dorm employee who thinks they're 'above the rules' forced to issue themself a $70 fine, gets expensive pay back on colleague

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'My tenant did over $50,000 in damages': Guy gives an atrocious tenant a good referral after her future landlord gets snarky on the phone with him

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'He had 400 hogs delivered to what, at this point, was one of the busiest roads in town': Farmer gets revenge on developer and city government who won't pay him a fair price for his land

'[He said] you are all replaceable, so we all said ok': 10+ work stories where everyone quit together

'[He said] you are all replaceable, so we all said ok': 10+ work stories where everyone quit together

‘We bottle the same wine blends, under different brand names’: 20+ industry secrets employees come clean about

‘We bottle the same wine blends, under different brand names’: 20+ industry secrets employees come clean about

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'I only held this job for the paycheck': Car wash worker written-up for not being "enthusiastic" enough after they turned down a "promotion" without a pay rise

'He announced to the office that unhealthy snacks were banned': Office employee tells of their always-late coworker who 'failed upward' into management

'He announced to the office that unhealthy snacks were banned': Office employee shares tales of their always-late coworker who 'failed upward' into management

'The look on her face when I told her': Woman discovers her roommate has been stealing her washcloths, gets even by planting a dirty one

'The look on her face when I told her': Woman discovers her roommate has been stealing her washcloths, gets even by planting a dirty one

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'Non action and stop excitement': 20 Garbled signs that almost make sense

'The entire wedding party got food poisoning': 20 weddings that completely fell apart

'The entire wedding party got food poisoning': 20 weddings that completely fell apart

‘This is all your fault’: HOA fines residents $63,000 after fire sprinkler goes off, despite building staff's incompetence

‘This is all your fault’: HOA fines residents $63,000 after fire sprinkler goes off, despite building staff's incompetence

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'She took credit for all my work': 10 Workers share stories about the worst bosses they ever worked for

'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor delivers HOA repeated email requests after HOA says their yard is 'out of compliance'

'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor bombards HOA with requests after HOA says they're 'out of compliance'

'Someone is drinking it without shame:' Coworker comes up with perfect concoction to catch the office iced tea thief

'Someone is drinking it without shame:' Coworker comes up with perfect concoction to catch the office iced tea thief